Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 278 Zephyr Is Seriously Injured And Dying, Kizaru Sweeps The Audience

Although Kizaru told Dauberman and others about the grudge between Ron and the Storm Pirates, the Black Thunder Pirates and the Demon Moon Pirates.

But it also tells them about Ron's quest to seize the Ochoku treasure.

Because of this, they are only worried that Ron will be carried away by hatred at the moment, but they do not know the inevitability of this matter.

If they knew that it was about the Ochoku treasure, they would not be so relaxed.

Ron didn't explain anything about that.

After all, the less people know about the Ochoku treasure, the better.

At that time, if he succeeds, then everything in it will belong to him.

Under such circumstances, time flies.

After about an hour or so, Enel also ended the fight.

Although he also paid a lot of price, he still slaughtered the pirate opposite him.

After doing all this, Enel did not stay in the base, but flew directly to Ron and his party.

Under such circumstances, Ron and the others ate and drank on the warship and watched the battle in the field area.

As time passed, it soon became noon.

At this moment, Zephyr is already at the end of a strong crossbow, and the whole person is close to the point of running out of oil.

On the contrary, the pirates opposite him were getting more and more excited at the moment.

But the reality is also cruel.

With Zephyr completely unable to hold on, Kizaru finally made a move.

For a time, the entire base was shining golden.

The power of Sparkling fruit was brought to Ultimate under Kizaru's control.

The death of a sea thief is even the kind that has no resistance at all.

With the passage of time, the Heavenly Pirates were all defeated and died.

And with their death, Dauberman stood up and said, "Let's go, we should go back and finish the end."

Immediately afterwards, the warship returned.

After entering the base, Ron and the others directly entered the battlefield.

Without any hesitation, the pirates that existed in the base were wiped out in a short time.

"Teacher Zephyr!" 150

“ Zephyr Instructor!”

As Ron and the others wiped out all the pirates, a cry followed.

Following the prestige, you can see that Zephyr has fallen to the ground with serious injuries at this moment, and the surrounding area has been stained red with blood.

Many doctors gathered around him to help Zephyr heal his injuries, and it seemed that his situation was absolutely bad.

But Kizaru beside him looked indifferent.

After just glancing at Zephyr on the ground, he directly turned around and said, "Commander Govel, the matter here will be handed over to you."

"We still have the rest of the tasks and things to be done, so we won't delay here.

As soon as these words came out, Govel nodded suddenly.

He's not an idiot either, so he couldn't see that Kizaru was targeting Zephyr.

Although he didn't know what the situation was, he also knew that he couldn't refuse at this time.

Thinking of this, Govel directly said: "Kizaru Admiral don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter properly."

"Although Instructor Zephyr's injury is serious, the level of medical care in the base should allow him to recover quickly."

Nodding, Kizaru did not linger, turned around and left the place.

In the next second, Kizaru's figure came to Ron and the others: "Go, get out of here."



Hearing this, Ron and the others did not dare to slack off, and should immediately follow Kizaru and leave.

Soon, a group of people landed on the warship and left under the gaze of countless Marines.

With the departure of Ron and his party, the marines in the base did not have much cheering and joy at the moment.

At this moment, they all understood that this was done by Kizaru on purpose.

Although I don't know what grudge exists between them and Zephyr.

But first there is Ron, then there is Kizaru.

Under such circumstances, anyone who is not an idiot can see that what Zephyr is doing must be extremely unacceptable.

Otherwise, how could it have caused such an end?

So, in a situation like this.

Aside from new trainees and medical staff such as Ain, the rest of the Marine had no intention of visiting Zephyr at all.

On the other end, Ron and his party began to leave sharply on the warship.

After leaving the base range, Kizaru suddenly burst out laughing: "Haha...."

This scene directly attracted the eyes of the people around.

Immediately after, Dauberman and others also smiled.

Including Ron and others, are exceptions.

This time, everyone was extremely happy, even happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially Kizaru.

The resentment that has been suppressed in my heart for so many years is completely vented this time.

After half a ring, Kizaru then looked at Dauberman; "Dauberman, how is the situation now?"

"It's been solved."

In this regard, Dauberman immediately spoke: "The Storm Pirates are in the Wind Thunder Island.

"I told Ron just now that I will destroy it as quickly as possible.

Hearing this, Kizaru nodded.

Immediately after, his gaze followed Ron Dao; "Ron this matter you deal with."

"Before your matter is dealt with, even if my aunt comes, I will block it for you."

"Thank you Kizaru Admiral."

Hearing this, Ron's eyes lit up, and he immediately bowed and saluted.

He knew that Kizaru's words were not referring to this, but more importantly, to give Ron enough time to seize the clues of Ochoku's treasure.

Thinking of this, Ron immediately said: "But Kizaru Admiral, do the other two pirate groups have information?"

As soon as these words came out, Kizaru also looked at the Dauberman Road in the side area; "Do the other two pirate groups have any information?"


Faced with the inquiry, Dauberman shook his head wryly.

"The Demon Moon Pirate Group has not heard anything so far."

"The Black Thunder Pirates do have some information, but it is also the information that they were hunted down by Red Hair Pirates before.

"After that incident, the Black Thunder Pirates hid in Wanokuni, where Beasts Pirates is located."

"(babj) Now that the Red Hair Pirates people are still wandering outside Wanokuni, they clearly aren't going to give up.


Beasts Pirates!

Hearing this, Kizaru and Ron both frowned.

If that's the case, then this matter is in trouble.

If Red Hair Pirates and Beasts Pirates are pitted against each other, it means that the possibility of this matter being leaked is extremely large.

At that time, if they can't take the rest of the keys in their hands as soon as possible, then...


Almost instantly, Kizaru then decided, "Pass on the order immediately."

"Let the people of the intelligence department go all out to find the Demon Moon Pirate Group for me."

"We must do it as soon as possible, and we must not give the rest of the pirate group any chance.


Hearing this, Dauberman agreed.

Although it is not known why Kizaru gave such an order.

But under such circumstances, he also vaguely felt that something was wrong.

After all, one of Ron's enemies is the Black Thunder Pirates.

Now this small pirate group has actually been hunted by Red Hair Pirates.

And it's clear to everyone what Red Hair Pirates is for.

In this way, does that mean that the Black Thunder Pirates may be related to the Ochoku treasure?

If so, what about the Storm Pirates and the Demon Moon Pirates? What about Ron himself?

When he thought of this, Dauberman only felt short of breath.

Although he didn't say it, he was extremely excited at the moment.

If that's what he thinks, it means that Ron and Kizaru want to get their hands on the Ochoku treasure.

And they had no intention of giving it to Marine, which meant it was their own actions.

In this way, if you and others are also with you, can you also get a piece of the pie at that time?

Not only Dauberman.

Including an area of Xie Erqi and the others, they also want this place at this moment.

The wealth hidden within Ochoku's treasure is enormous.

Although some things are untouchable, once those treasures are taken out, they can all get great benefits.

Under such circumstances, a group of people are not saying anything.

While eating, drinking, singing, and began to hurry towards Wind Thunder Island.


"Kizaru, this guy is just too much."

At the same time, Sengoku in the Naval Headquarters slammed his fist on the table at this moment, and the whole person stood up angrily, his face extremely ugly.

"What's going on!?"

Seeing this, the crane Vice Admiral and Momousagi on the side subconsciously looked at Sengoku and didn't know what was happening.

Sengoku's anger is even related to Kizaru, which has to be taken seriously.


Sighing, Sengoku looked at Tsuru Vice Admiral and Momousagi; "Traitors have appeared within our Naval Headquarters, and word has spread that Zephyr has entered the New World."

But the man didn't know that Zephyr was going with Kizaru, which directly led to the siege of the G1 base by nine pirates.

Although everything was solved by Kizaru in the end, the yellow ape also began to take revenge on the law.

"He directly paddled the whole way, and even let Dauberman and the others under his command leave the base and not interfere."

"This also led to Zephyr being besieged by eight emperor-level pirates alone."

Although the pirates have now been killed by Kizaru, Zephyr has also been seriously injured.

"According to the doctor, it is impossible to recover without a month or two."

"In addition, even if Zephyr recovers as before, it will fall into weakness itself, and I am afraid that its own strength will decline significantly..."

As Sengoku speaks, Tsuru Vice Admiral and Momousagi both widen their eyes.

I never expected that this matter would become like this.

If that's the case, then it's a really big picture.

Kizaru retaliated against Zephyr, and even directly made him almost retire early, which is simply ...

"Kizaru is also too extreme."

Subconsciously, Crane Vice Admiral spoke.

Although they know what is going on between the two, Zephyr is their contemporary, and they still support the law.

Including Sengoku is no exception.

"I don't think it's anything~"

On the contrary, Momousagi on the side quietly said at this moment: "Brother Zephyr is indeed time to retire."

"And Kizaru didn't watch him die, which is already a good result."

"Especially in the current situation, I have heard that under the operation of Brother Zephyr, many recruits are quite critical of us Marine, even..."

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