Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 283 Ron's Plan To Find The Reef Group

Hearing this, Enel's face improved a little.


Although Raiden was restrained, he could still unleash the rest of his abilities.

At this moment, Enel completely understood the importance of Devil Fruit's diversity.

Seeing that Aunt's ship in the distance began to approach rapidly, Enel spoke; "So, wouldn't our attacks be able to stop them?"

As soon as these words came out, Kizaru and the others frowned.

To be honest, such a situation was not expected by them.

Especially Kizaru.

He never expected that his Sparkling fruit ability would be restrained by a Paramecia mirror fruit.

Although it cannot be said to be all-round restraint, at least in this case, all his long-range attack methods are ineffective.

In this way, it is extremely difficult to prevent the approach of the Aunt Pirate Group, and it is almost impossible.

Subconsciously, Kizaru then said, "In that case, then we can only fight with it."

As soon as these words came out, Dauberman and the others all looked solemn.

Fighting it head-to-head is definitely not a simple matter.

Even if they are not careful, the end that awaits them is a complete defeat.

After all, the aunt led her children to follow this time, and if you fight with it under such circumstances, even Dauberman and others are not much sure.

The main thing is that they do not yet have any possibility of retreating.

And in such a situation, many things are honestly a little desperate.

"Let me try it!"

In this case, Ron quietly spoke.


Hearing this, Kizaru, Enel, and Dauberman all looked at Ron.

Especially Dauberman and others are full of confusion at the moment; "Ron, is there anything you can do to stop him?"

Your Devil Fruit is repulsive, gravity and gravity, but it is completely unable to stop the Big Mama Pirates.

As soon as this word 083 came out, everyone nodded.

After all, they all know Ron's Devil Fruit abilities.

There is no long-range attack at all.

"Could it be........"

Only Kizaru looked at Ron thoughtfully at the moment.

The scenery inside Gaya Island then came to mind.

At that time, he was also surprised, but he didn't care too much.

After all, the ball had no resistance to him at all.

But in the current situation, Ron is so confident, can it be said that there is a situation that he does not know?

" Enel。”

At this time, Ron didn't talk nonsense, and directly said: "You help me find out if there are any reefs all around!"


Hearsay, Enel brand.

Immediately after, he directly released his heart and began to search.

Not only him, but also Kizaru and others also released their own sights at this moment.

Under such circumstances, the warship was still moving rapidly, and the pirate ship of the big mother pirate group was getting closer and closer to where they were.


In the distance, the aunt saw the situation of the warship, and the whole person laughed loudly: "Kizaru, if you want to take my mother's things, it is impossible."

"If you don't hand over my things today, none of you will be able to leave."

Although she said this, her aunt's face was also extremely solemn.

After all, Kizaru is a Sparkling fruit master.

If he abandoned the Marine on the warship to declare war and escape, then even Aunt would not be able to stop anything.

It is precisely because of this that the aunt did not rashly attack the warship.

Otherwise, with the help of Hakoku, he would be able to easily destroy the warship.

"Mom, do you want the general to destroy?"

At this moment, Mo Siji on the side subconsciously asked (baeg).

At the current distance, he was absolutely sure that he would be able to destroy the warships in the distance.

As soon as these words came out, Katakuri, Cracker and others also looked curiously at where the aunt was.

"No need."

Waving her hand, the aunt said with a cold expression: "The warship must not be destroyed."

"Otherwise, if Kizaru completely abandons those Marine and escapes, who of you will be able to stop him?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people present changed greatly.


If that's the case, then who can stop a Marine Admiral that Isshin is trying to escape?

"Mom, I know I'm wrong."

Quickly lowering his head, Mo Siji hurriedly apologized.

If nothing else, under such circumstances, they are well aware that it is absolutely impossible for them to accomplish this.

Nodding, the aunt didn't talk nonsense or anything, and directly said: "Continue to pursue."

"Give me a complete encirclement of where the warship is so that Kizaru can be stopped from escaping and let him hand over what his mother needs."



Agreeing, Cracker and the others did not dare to slacken, and quickly stood in place and waited patiently.

With the passage of time, the distance between the pirate ship and the warship became closer and closer.

"Found it."

At this moment, Enel's spirit lifted and he opened his eyes; "Ron, I've found the reef you mentioned.

"In the area over there, there is a huge group of reefs."


Hearing this, the corners of Ron's mouth immediately rose and he said, "In that case, Kizaru Admiral also asked to transfer the warship to the location of the reef group."


Agreeing, Kizaru waved his hand and said, "Enel, you go and give directions to the sailor."


Agreeing, Enel did not hesitate and hurried towards the cabin.

“ Kizaru Admiral。”

And with Enel's departure, Dauberman and others on the side said with complicated expressions: "We haven't found what we have seen."

"Yes, I didn't find the existence of the reef group either."

"What's going on? And Enel's sight is above us?"

Hearing this, the corners of Kizaru's mouth twitched.

To be honest, he didn't find the so-called reef group.

But Enel is so committed that it can't be fake.

Subconsciously, Kizaru then looked at Ron and said, "Ron, do you know what's going on?"


Smiling indifferently, Ron did not hesitate and said, "Kizaru Admiral, Enel's color is special.

In addition, he also combined his own experience with Thunder Fruit.

"This also makes the scope of Enel's vision and color huge, far beyond our understanding.

Special sights!

Infused with the power of Thunder Fruit.

Hearing this, Kizaru and the others suddenly realized.

After understanding what was going on, the expressions of a group of people at the moment also became complicated.

Although knowledge is knowledge, understanding is understanding.

But being surpassed so much by Enel still made them all feel stunned and surprised.

After a short silence, Huang Yuan then spoke, "Is this special sight good for cultivation?"

As soon as these words came out, Dauberman and the others also looked at Ron curiously.

After all, they didn't have any special abilities to cultivate what they saw and heard.

If you directly cultivate such a special color as Enel, is it.........

"It can be."

Seeing this, Ron glanced at Kizaru and the others and said, "I learned."

"After learning it, the detection range of my sights and smells has increased by about three times."

But if you want to learn this color of seeing and hearing, you must abolish the color of seeing and hearing that you have learned before, which is only afraid............."


Hearing this, Kizaru and the others immediately shook their heads.


Abolishing what you have seen and heard, it is simply worse than killing them.

As Marine Admiral, Marine Vice Admiral, their sights and smells are definitely at an advanced level.

If it is abolished now, not to mention whether they can complete that special cultivation, at least in a short period of time, their strength will drop significantly.

In addition, even if you learn the special Observation Haki, it is extremely difficult to reach such a level.

"Forget it."

Waving his hand, Kizaru said, "I'd better think about the rest!"

"After all, special seeing and hearing colors are not unawakening, with our advanced ability to see and hear colors, maybe when we can awaken special abilities."

"For example, the Katakuri of the Great Aunt Pirate Group is only the strength of the emperor level, but with the insight and hearing of the future, it is not inferior to Admiral at all.

As soon as this remark came out, it directly attracted the recognition of Dauberman and others present.

Instead of abolishing the color of seeing and hearing to cultivate the mental program, they are more willing to give themselves more expectations.

The main thing is that they simply don't have enough time to cultivate again.


"There really are reefs."

Suddenly, Jia Huan's face changed.

After more than ten minutes of sailing, he also touched the existence of the reef group.

For a while, Kizaru's eyes became even hotter.

Is this the power of special sighting?

Even if it is a Rear Admiral-level existence, but now the appearance is above itself.

After another three minutes, Dauberman and the others also noticed the existence of the reef.

For a while, their gazes in the direction of the cabin were also hot.

"Dauberman Vice Admiral."

At this time, Ron quietly said, "I need you to help the warship avoid the reef."

"We went straight into the reef and moved on, leaving the area before the Big Mama Pirates.

Hearing this, Dauberman and Sher Zhao and others did not know what Ron was going to do.

But in such a situation, they did not refuse anything.


After agreeing, several people turned directly and walked towards the cabin.

"You have several layers of certainty!"

Watching Dauberman and the others leave, Kizaru looked at Ron and asked.

"Ten percent!"

Smiling indifferently, Ron spoke; "As long as I launch that move, even my aunt can't stop it."

"There is no possibility that they are trapped in it in a short period of time and are not hunting us."

"In this way, we can take this opportunity to completely escape the pursuit of the big aunt pirates."


Hearing this, the Kizaru race nodded.

Although he doesn't know why Ron is so confident, he still chooses to believe in Ron.

Under such circumstances, the warship began to move rapidly towards the area where the reef group was located.

"Mom, it's not good.

At the same time, Katakuri in the rear pirate ship also raised his eyebrows and said directly; "There are reefs ahead."

"Those guys from Marine are going to get in and want to stop us with the power of the reef."

What the!

Reef group!

Hearing this, the faces of Aunt and the others also became a little difficult to look at.

Without him!

The bottom of the warship was made of seastone, and the reef posed no threat to it.

But their pirate ship does not have the blessing of Seastone, and if it touches the reef at that time, then.......

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