Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 290 Arrived At Wanokuni Range, Silly Enel

"Isn't Zizi, Ron, Marine righteous?"

"Why are people here so afraid of us?"

Seeing this, Enel asked with a somewhat stunned expression.

As soon as these words came out, Ron had not yet spoken.

But Dauberman and the others on the side also looked dumbfounded.

Why are you afraid of yourself and others?

Isn't that obvious?

Because this group of people all survives in the sphere of influence of Beasts Pirates.

Marine stands for justice.

But within the New World, Marine's justice is minimal.

Except for the areas now occupied by Marine, the rest of the people within the pirate range do not have any good feelings for Marine.

Although pirates will also exploit them, under the Four Emperors pirate group, as long as they complete the assigned tasks on time or pay enough finances, they are free and safe.

On the contrary, Marine is the real intruder in the eyes of this group.

After all, when Marine enters this place, it will cause a fight, and they risk death.

In addition, Marine's forces will not be able to defeat the Four Emperors, even if they take down those pirates in the island, and then pat their asses and leave.

On the contrary, after they stay, they need to bear the burden, and may even become the object of anger.

"All right, Enel.

Looking at the change in the expressions of Dauberman and the others, Luo "two one-three" En immediately spoke: "This group of people is not within the scope of Marine's protection and protection."

"Just like the area you used to live in, we are now outsiders."

Hearing this, Enel nodded thoughtfully.

As an outsider, it is natural to be treated as an intruder at the first time.

For a while, Enel also understood how the situation was.

Immediately afterwards, he did not hesitate to directly start to launch his heart to see and start to probe the intelligence.

"Okay, you guys go collect intelligence!"

At this point, Kizaru also spoke: "Meet here in an hour, and then I hope to get the information we want."



With a promise, Dauberman and the others immediately scattered.

Ron and Enel left the place at this moment.

After arriving at a tavern, the two entered it directly.

Because it was Marine recruit, Ron and Enel did not wear Marine's service, and the people in the tavern did not know that they were Marine.

As they enter it, you can see quite a few pirates and people gathered in it.

Some pirates were even more excited: "Have you heard?"

"Lord Kaido summoned all the elites to Wanokuni."

"I heard that this time I want to fight the people of Red Hair Pirates!"

"Red Hair Pirates, which new Four Emperors previously lost his arm at East Blue?"

"To be honest, I can't believe that such a strong man could lose an arm within East Blue."

"Who says it's not, East Blue, that's the weakest sea, it's a big joke to let Four Emperors lose an arm and almost didn't escape."

Listening to the talk of the pirates, Ron was thinking at the moment.

Kaido gathered the elite Beasts Pirates to gather at Wanokuni.

No wonder they came all the way without encountering any obstacles.

There haven't even been any powerful pirates, and co-authors Kaido and Shalks are planning to go all the way.

"What do the two guests want to drink?"

Just then, a voice woke Ron up.

Looking up, I can see a woman looking at Ron and Enel with a smile on her face.


Without nonsense, Ron sat down and said, "Here's something to eat."

"Okay, picture!"

Agreeing, the woman did not hesitate and directly turned around and began to get busy.

“ Ron~"

At this time, Enel stepped forward; "Already figured it out."

"According to the information I received, the pirates have all gone to Wanokuni.

"In addition, it is said that the people of the Big Aunt Pirate Group and the Whitebeard Pirate Group also went to Wanokuni."

"The purpose of the Mama Pirates going to Wanokuni is probably because of us, but why is Whitebeard also going?"

"Didn't you say that this guy is the strongest in the world? Is he also interested in that so-called treasure?"

There is a mental presence, Enel has detected a large range.

Because of this, he found out more information than Ron had ever heard.

"The Big Aunt Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates also went?"

His brows furrowed slightly, and Ron's face became a little serious and solemn at the moment.

The Whitebeard Pirates are just that.

The latter made up the fun, and Ron didn't really care.

But the Aunt Pirates are different.

He had only launched the super · Planetary Devastation destroyed Auntie's ship, even leaving her children dead in it.

Under such circumstances, Inma absolutely hated herself to the bone.

Once they meet again, in addition to being the enemy of Red Hair Pirates, they will also be the target of the Aunt Pirates.

When he offended the two Four Emperors pirates at once, Ron was also a little panicked in his heart.

Heavy on his heart, Ron hurriedly ate something and left with Enel to find Kizaru.

After arriving at the gathering place, Kizaru and the others gradually walked out.

Without lingering, the group quickly returned to the warship and continued to Wanokuni.

As the warship moved up, Dauberman and the others stepped forward; "Kizaru Admiral, things are not good.

"The Whitebeard Pirates, the people of the Aunt Pirates are here."

"If the Whitebeard guy also had to keep a foot in the line, their success rate would be even lower."

"Besides, we fought with the Aunt Pirates before, and that guy knew we had the key.

"Once she gets the news out, we'll be in the crosshairs very quickly."

Hearing this, the ape's face also sank.

As Dauberman and others said, in the current situation, things are indeed somewhat serious and difficult.

But now, he can't choose to give up and go back.

After all, under such circumstances, if you really choose to give up, then what is Marine's face?

The main thing is that once this matter is completely leaked out, the possibility of wanting to touch the straight treasure will be even lower.

At that time, once the pirates know that part of the key is in their hands, they are afraid that they will deal with Marine with the same hatred.

Once the Four Emperors join forces, then the key in Ron's hand will not be saved, even...

"Let me contact Marshal Sengoku!"

Taking a deep breath, Kizaru took out the phone worm in his arms and spoke.

Hearing this, Dauberman and the others were relieved.

As Kizaru says.

The situation is now beyond their control.

In this case, it is best to contact Sengoku.

Toot toot

However, before Kizaru could speak, the phone bug was the first to ring.

"What's the situation?"

Frowning, Ron and the others all looked at the phone worm in amazement.

After casually connecting it, Kizaru spoke; "Moxi Moxi, I'm Kizaru!"

"Kizaru boy!"

At this time, Garp's voice followed: "Old Immortal is about to arrive in Wanokuni, and you should come here as soon as possible." w

"I'll give you the coordinates now, and we'll be moving 0° when you, Trapped Dog and Aokiji arrive."

Vice Admiral Garp!

Hearing this, Kizaru and the others were stunned.

Immediately after, the faces of Kizaru and the others directly relaxed.

Garp arrived.

This is definitely good news.

And Akainu and Aokiji will also come here to support, which means that the three Admiral plus Garp exist, they still have a certain initiative.

"I see."

Agreeing, Kizaru directly said: "I'll speed up now, and invite Vice Admiral Garp!"


Agreeing, Garp said indifferently, "Then I'll send you the coordinates now."

After doing all this, Garp hung up the phone worm directly.

And after getting the coordinates, Kizaru also immediately said: "Dauberman, leave the acceleration to the coordinates where Vice Admiral Garp is."



Agreeing, Dauberman quickly began to act.

As the warship began to advance rapidly, Ron and his party also hurried to Wanokuni.

Soon, more than a day passed.

At noon on the third day, Ron and his party arrived on an island outside Wanokuni on a warship.

Then the warship docked, and you could clearly see that on the island in the distance, Garp was sitting there barbecue.

The smell of meat rushed to the face, so that Ron, Enel and others couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

"That's Vice Admiral Garp?"

"Marine heroes?"

Enel subconsciously spoke, looking at Garp's eyes full of doubt.

After all, from Ron's previous conversation, the latter is definitely one of the strongest beings within Marine.

It can even be compared to the strongest Whitebeard in the world.

But now it seems that Garp is an ordinary old man, and he really can't see any difference, anything different.


After taking a look at Enel, Ron knew what this guy was thinking, and immediately said, "You can go and try it."

"Vice Admiral Garp's iron fist is very strong, you have to be mentally prepared!"

As soon as these words came out, Kizaru, Dauberman and others all raised the corners of their mouths.

Garp's Iron Fist!

It was really ferocious, and none of them had not been beaten.

"Try it 5.0!"

However, Enel did not have the consciousness of this and subconsciously agreed.

Immediately after, his figure shook and turned into lightning and rushed out of place.

In just an instant, Enel arrived in the area where Garp was located.

Looking condescendingly at Garp, he said, "You're the hero Garp?

"Old man, look at the tricks."

With that, Enel raised his fist and headed towards Garp.


"This unlucky child, why choose close combat!"

Seeing this situation, the corners of Ron's mouth twitched, and he helplessly covered his forehead and complained.

He said to be careful with the iron fist, what about your Thunder Fruit's various abilities?

Where do you get the courage to go head-to-head with Garp in hand-to-hand combat.

"It seems that this Enel's brain is really not good."

The corners of Kizaru's mouth twitched, and then said: "Dauberman, read him more books when you go back."

"If you don't even have the most basic combat wisdom, it will be difficult to shoulder great responsibilities in the future.


Agreeing, Dauberman also said rather speechlessly.

Not only him.

Including Xie Erzhao and the others on the side, they looked at Enel at this moment as if they had seen two fools.

"Where did the lightning imps come from!"

Inside the island, Garp frowned slightly, looked at Enel who was close at hand, and punched out without hesitation.

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