Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 297 Thunder Is So Powerful, Quinn Compromises?


Hearing this, the faces of Quinn and the others suddenly turned difficult to see Ultimate.

Unexpectedly, Ron actually has this hand.

However, thinking that the latter fell from the sky before, his ability to fly is also reasonable.

But as Ron said, once he was going to escape, they really couldn't stop anything.


"This guy is too arrogant."

"You must kill him, otherwise this guy will continue to harass our existence."

For a while, the eight pirates in the area behind Quinn gritted their teeth.

But they all know that in such a situation, they can't fly, which means they can't be stopped.

Even Quinn is also as cold as frost.

Such an outcome is definitely something he does not want to see.

But in the current situation, he seems to have no choice.

Seeing Ron's figure floating in mid-air, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Bastard, what do you want to do."

By now, Quinn had seen it.

As things stand, there's no chance he's going to kill Ron.

In that case, the only way is to figure out what this guy is for.

Only then will they be able to look for opportunities to take it out, or even...


Smiling indifferently, Ron's gaze looked at Quinn, and then he spoke; "My purpose is very simple, naturally it is to take away the people of my Yue family."

"I got news that someone from my Shimotsuki family is still being held in the Tudon prison, and if you ask me to take them away, then this matter will end there."

"On the contrary, if you don't want to, in the current situation, Kaido and Ember are fighting against Red Hair Pirates, and it is impossible to come here to help you."

"Even if I really come, I just have to hide and they won't have any way to deal with me."

"On the contrary, unless you always guard this place, . . .

At this point, Ron is not going on.

But the meaning of the words was already understood by everyone present.

"People from the Shimotsuki family!"

This guy actually came to save people.

Inside a house, Buggy and the others looked a little strange.

Although Quinn was sure of Ron's identity before, Buggy and others did not think that what he said was true.

If nothing else, they had known about Ron for a long time.

At that time, he was Marine, not a homecomer.

Even they suspected that the latter's identity was fake, but now?

Does the fact that Ron actually wants to save the Shimotsuki family mean that he really could be from Wanokuni?

Buggy was fine when he thought of this, but the faces of the Red Hair Pirates members behind him had begun to change.

After all, Ron in front of him is the enemy of Red Hair Pirates.

Only since his last escape from East Blue, Shalks has declared that Ron is the enemy of the entire Red Hair Pirates.

It is precisely because of this that at this moment, seeing Ron's such a show of power, they are also quite entangled and hesitant in their hearts.

After all, in such a situation, if they also make a move, there is still a chance to leave Ron completely.

But in that case, their identities will inevitably be exposed, when the time comes

"The Shimotsuki family is really a descendant of the Shimotsuki family." "

"Oh my God, is there anyone still alive in Shimotsuki?"

"Didn't you say that they were all killed? There are still samurai from the Shimotsuki family in the Rabbit Don Prison?"

At the same time, the samurai in the surrounding caves were also talking.

At this moment, everyone recognized Ron's identity.

After all, the previous Shimotsuki swordsmanship may be fake, but the latter's current words are also impossible to fake.

The only surprise they were was that there were also samurai from the Shimotsuki family who were being held in this Kudon prison.

But they are almost all familiar, and they have never seen it at all.


On the ground, Quinn looked up at Ron and growled.

He didn't even know that there were still samurai from the Shimotsuki family in the prison.

But so what.

This is his station, and it is the area that Kaido has given him to guard.

Now it would be a great shame to let Ron take away the samurai of the Shimotsuki family.

For a while, Quinn directly launched the orc form transformation.

After doing all this, his eyes locked on Ron Dao in mid-air; "If you want to take someone away from me, you don't have the qualifications and abilities yet.

"Rabbit Don Prison is Laozi's territory, but you little devil can not be unscrupulous."

Hearing this, Ron smiled indifferently.

He knew Quinn couldn't compromise so quickly.

And his purpose is not to make them compromise, but more to lure the other party away.

Thinking of this, Ron directly raised his hand; "In that case, I'll see how long you can hold out."

"Enel, target me at those residences."

As soon as these words came out, thunder roared in the sky.



Countless thunder and lightning converged, and then, you can see the thunder and lightning turning into a thunder dragon.

With a roar, those Fulong directly attacked those houses in the distance.

In an instant, the thunder light shone on the entire Rabbit Don Prison.

As Rayleigh fell, countless stone houses exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a short time, the pirates in those stone houses died tragically.


The heart-wrenching screams continued to flow, and countless pirates died tragically under the attack of the thunder dragon.

"Damn it!"

"And people!"

Seeing this, Quinn's face changed drastically.

Not only him.

Including the black thunder beside him and the eight pirates are no exception.

I thought that there was only Ron alone, but I didn't expect that the latter actually had reinforcements.

And such a large-scale lightning attack is undoubtedly the owner of Thunder Fruit.

I thought it was all because of the weather, but now it seems that I completely underestimate each other.

The latter dared to come here alone, and naturally made preparations.

The Thunder Fruit ability is hiding in the dark area waiting for an opportunity.

Even in the current situation, they have no resistance at all.

Seeing more and more subordinates dying in battle, Quinn's face became extremely ugly.

By now, he can be 100% sure that the guy in front of him is really difficult.

One Ron is hard enough, and now there's a Thunder Fruit ability.

"Lord Quinn, help."

"Lord Quinn, save me!"

For a time, countless shouts followed.

Under such circumstances, Quinn's inner emotions were extremely irritable.

The death of more and more subordinates made him a little unbearable.

Once everyone dies, then there will really be no one to help guard the Rabbit Don Prison.

In this way, if something unexpected happens,


Taking a deep breath, Quinn resisted the urge to unload Ron in eight pieces, and directly said: "We're discussing!"

Hearing this, Ron smiled.

He felt Quinn's resignation, but it was all within his calculations.

Thinking of this, Ron raised his hand and waved, "Stop it, Enel."

In the next second, the thunder and lightning in the sky came to an abrupt end.

Although there are still countless thunderbolts rolling in the sky, they have not continued to fall.

Seeing this, Ron looked condescendingly at Quinn on the ground and said, "How, have you figured it out now?"

Hearing this, Quinn felt aggrieved in his heart.

But under such circumstances, he is still quite unwilling.

After taking a deep breath, Quinn said, "Get your Shimotsuki family out of here."

Hearing this, Ron smiled.

He could see that Quinn wanted to compromise, but he also knew better that Quinn couldn't stop there.

The main thing is that he does not know if there are Shimotsuki samurai.

And once those people really come out and say that they are from the Shimotsuki family, what will happen when Quinn intervenes to stop it?

Thinking of this, Ron smiled indifferently and said, "Very good."

"In that case, let all the slaves gather!"

"I will take the samurai of the Shimotsuki family, but you people will keep me away."


Hearing this, Quinn cursed in his heart and couldn't wait to cut Ron a thousand times.

But in such a situation, he must also compromise.

And those samurai of the Shimotsuki family are also his best chance to turn over, when the time comes.....

"Come on."

Almost instantly, the fallen heavens spoke: "Summon all the people in the prison to me."



Hearing this, everyone around Beasts Pirates breathed a sigh of relief.

In their view, Quinn was already about to compromise.

That being the case, it means that they are safe.

At this thought, the living Beasts Pirates quickly began to enter the cave and bring the prisoners out.

In a moment, the huge square was full of dense figures.

At this moment, the samurai present also focused their eyes on Ron's body.

Such a young descendant of Shimotsuki, and being able to force Quinn to compromise, is definitely recognized and admired by countless people.

"Lord Quinn."

At this time, several pirates came forward and said, "All the people have gathered (King Qian) to get up."

"There are also several important prisoners, but none of them belong to the Shimotsuki family."

Nodding, Quinn knew who the important prisoners in the group were.

However, he didn't insist on anything, and looked directly at Ron in mid-air and said, "Little devil, everyone has arrived."

"Take your Shimotsuki family away and get me out of the confines of the Yudon prison at once."

Saying that, Quinn looked angry.

But Ron can also see that this guy has not given up, and even has a heart ready to move.

But that's nothing to Ron.

I saw the seven-star sword in his hand waving and a huge slash falling from the sky.

Boom - rain -


Shot down, the square was directly split in two by Ron.

After doing all this, Ron looked at Quinn and the others, "Let your people go to the other end for me."

"And get the keys out of their seastone collars, otherwise this won't end there."

As soon as these words came out, Quinn's face was even more ugly.

Ron's move is clearly jealous that he will make a move at this time.

And he actually knows the role of the seastone collar, which is absolutely difficult for Quinn to accept, and even doubts whether there is a treacherous existence in the prison.

After all, the Seastone collar was made not long ago.

Even the vast majority of people in Beasts Pirates are unaware of the explosives contained in the collar itself.

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