Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 381 The Island Of The Future, The First Sight Of Vegapunk - Sakyamuni

The island of the future.

Ron and his party arrived on a warship.

As far as the eye can see, it is clear that this is an extremely futuristic building.

As you enter it, there are cpD and mechanical music all around.

However, because Kizaru led the way, it directly led to this group of people without any obstacles.

As they entered it more and more, the faces of Ron and the others became more and more serious.

Without him.

Because after entering it, Enel couldn't help but sigh.

"The buildings here are very similar to some of the murals we have somewhere.

"Good fellow, shouldn't this be a holy place that exists within the moon? How can it be here. ”


And Enel's words directly moved Kizaru and Ron.

The former is because Enel seems to have seen murals of buildings similar to the island of the future.

You know, this island of the future was made by Vegapunk.

And as Kizaru knows, Vegapunk is something based on a blank hundred years of history.

This means that Enel's hometown probably has similar information.

This is absolutely appalling.

You know, once this thing is true, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

Even to say something unpleasant, if something bad happens in the current situation, then...

It's Ron, on the contrary.

His expression was extremely indifferent.

Because he knew very well that the murals inside Sky Island also represented a blank history from eight hundred years ago.

It's just that the blank history of the two is different.

Sky Island is a record of civilization within the moon.

But a hundred years blank is about the history of the Kingdom of the Giant 10.

Therefore, in such a situation, if nothing else, the two are complementary existences.

The Lunaria are the bloodline of the lunar civilization, a race with extremely powerful vitality and long wings that can control fire.

Enel is also a member of the Lunaria clan, but his impure bloodline has led to his lack of ability to awaken wings and manipulate fire.

But lunar civilization is also a high-tech mechanical civilization.

And Thunder Fruit is an important presence to activate it completely.

The Kingdom of Giants also has a huge mechanical existence, and it is extremely strong Yamato terrifying.

Because of this, the two seem different, but in fact they also have similarities.

Therefore, Enel only felt such a feeling after seeing the situation of the future island in front of him.

"Something is wrong."

"It's not going to be that simple."

At this time, Ron seemed to sense something and looked to the side; "Kizaru Admiral, why are there so many cp0s these four weeks?"

According to Ron's information, Vegapunk was working for the World Government.

But its own strength is also unquestionable.

And the future Vegapunk has made such a terrifying existence as the Blazing Angel.

Logically, under the current circumstances, Vegapunk would not have allowed 10 to even interfere with his own research here.

"It's simple."

In this regard, Kizaru smiled indifferently and said, "Because of the turmoil in New World some time ago."

"To ensure the safety of Vegapunk, the World government sends so much CO into the area.

"But you don't need to worry, those guys can only defend in the outer area, and they can't enter the core land."

"Those are not the beings they can touch, and anyone who dares to enter rashly is only death."

Hearing this, Ron nodded suddenly.

If that's the case, then everything makes sense.

No wonder cp0 gathered here, but did not rashly stop them from anything.

The co-authors are now guard-like beings, not spying on Vegapunk.

According to the information he got from crossing over.

The Vegapunk has six doppelgangers.

Because of this, Vegapunk is able to make countless things.

All because he divided himself into six, and even from some possibility, this guy may well still have the existence of ontology.

It's just that under the current situation, I am afraid that it will be extremely difficult to meet Vegapunk's body.

Like Payne of the Hokage world.

If it weren't for the defeated look, the ontology Nagato would not be known.

And because of this, Vegapunk will definitely keep its body in an absolutely safe area for its own safety.

Maybe even the World government, Marine doesn't know about it.

"Okay, we're coming."

At this moment, Kizaru suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Ron et al. paused.

Subconsciously looking up, you can see that there is a gate in the area ahead.

As Kizaru walked in, an instrument fell down the door for scanning.

After just a few breaths, a mechanical voice sounded: "Verification passed, welcome Kizaru Admiral."

The next second, the mechanical door opened.

"Follow me.

Without hesitation, the ape dropped a word and walked directly towards it.

Seeing this, Ron did not hesitate to follow directly with Enel.

As they got deeper and deeper, Ron and Enel's faces also showed shock.

Along the way, countless research crops can be seen in it.

Even many things are difficult to see and even difficult to accept in the outside world.

As he gets inside, Ron is likely drawn to a knife that is placed inside a petri dish.

The knife field was three feet and nine inches, and the whole body was pitch black, but there was also a faint silver brilliance in the area of its blade.

Of course, this is not a famous knife.

Nor is it in the sequence of any famous knife.

But just by seeing it, Ron could clearly feel that there were extremely strong fluctuations transmitted from within the famous knife.

That fluctuation is not the breath of a famous knife, but the breath of Devil Fruit.

Suddenly, the knife seemed to feel Ron's gaze.

It can be seen that an eye suddenly appeared on the blade of his knife.

With three eyes facing each other, Ron's pupils shrank: "Devil Fruit knife!"

As soon as this remark came out, Kizaru and Enel were also attracted to attention.

Subconsciously looking at the knife not far away, Jia Huan said in shock: "It's terrible."

"It really worked."

"Last year Vegapunk said he was trying to combine the power of the item with the power of Devil Fruit."

"I thought he was joking, but I didn't expect it to be done."

"I just don't know how much Devil Fruit power this knife can inherit, and whether it can exert its due power."

Speaking of this, a glimmer of longing flashed under Kizaru's eyes.

After all, if there is such a powerful knife, it is definitely good news for him.

Kizaru is a great swordman, there is no doubt about that.

Although he has always used the power of his Sparkling fruit to cooperate with Haki to condense the blade, it is still quite difficult.

Even in the face of those powerful beings, the blade condensed by Sparkling fruit and Armament Haki is indeed not much of a danger.

It can even be said that so far, the current situation is absolutely fatal.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes flashed with complicated and uneasy emotions at this moment.

After all, under such circumstances, if something unexpected happens, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

But under the current circumstances, he is not yet sure that he can improve all this.

After all, if something happens, the reality is extremely cruel.

"It's just a defective product."

At this moment, a voice quietly sounded.

Following the prestige, a figure could be seen appearing in the area of the field.

This person is tall and slender, wearing a technological helmet with the word 01 written on it.

Shockingly, this person is one of Vegapunk's doppelgangers: 01 Shakya.

"Dr. Vegapunk."

Seeing the comer, Kizaru immediately smiled indifferently: "This is just a defective product, what is the difference?"

Hearing this, Shakya nodded indifferently, and then said; "Although I let the power of Devil Fruit inherit within that blade."

"But it only makes you a living being, without the blessing of the power of Devil Fruit itself."

"It can be said that unless this knife awakens the power it should have| it is now a decoration.

Hearing this, Ron and Enel nodded in realization.

Successfully inherited the vitality of Devil Fruit.

The 810 did not inherit Devil Fruit.

This also means that the knife in front of you is at most similar to the homiz made by Auntie: Napoleon.

It may have life in itself, and it is extremely strong, but it does not have much characteristics.

"He's Vegapunk?"

"Boss, how does this guy look weird."

At this time, Enel seemed to think of something and walked over to Ron's side and whispered.

The Shakya in front of him is a doppelganger.

Although it seems that there is not much difference from real people, it still can't hide Enel's heart.

Because of this, Enel was able to understand the magnitude of this matter.

Even so far, they have felt a strong fluctuation in their hearts.

"Don't worry."

Seeing this, Ron immediately opened his mouth to stop and said, "This is someone else's business, so let's not explore it."

"And there are some things that you see and listen to more [learn more but don't say more.] [012111510193573011]

As soon as these words came out, Enel nodded thoughtfully.

He understood what Ron meant.

Although you can see that something is wrong with Shakya in front of you, you can't tell it about it.

Let the rest of the people know the clues of this.

As soon as he thought of this, Enel immediately put away his inner doubts.

"These two are?"

At this time, Shakya seemed to look at Ron and Enel with some feeling.

For the two, Shakya seemed to have sensed something.

But he didn't tell it, after all, as the smartest being in the world, he knew very well that the two in front of him would not talk nonsense.

"They're Marine recruit."

In this regard, Kizaru did not know, and thought that the guy in front of him was the real Vegapunk Road; "I came here this time, hoping to make an S-class genetic potion for each of them."

"After all, their physique is extremely strong, but they have not yet reached the truly developed Ultimate."

"If there is an S-grade gene agent, it can be completely perfected in a short time!"

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