Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 63 Convince Doralon, Marine's New Plan

"What a righteous boy!"

"I hope you can make the right choice!"

Watching Ron leave, Smoker muttered thoughtfully.

If it was what happened to Shimotsuki Island before that made him recognize the existence of Ron and Zoro.

That time Ron dared to come to the Flame Demon Island with his own strength and actions, which aroused his strong affection.

As he said before.

If Ron agreed to join Marine, he would recommend it without hesitation, even if he was young.

And Smoker believes that if teacher Zephyr knew about this, he would have recognized the boy too!

Soon, Smoker came to his senses.

Now is not the time to sigh, there are still a large number of pirates that have not been eliminated.

Thinking of what Ron said just now, Smoker clenched his hands and said, "Pirates, these are all damn smashed.

"Today they must destroy them all. Detention is too cheap for them."

After making up his mind, Smoker jumped up, turning into smoke and galloping towards the distant area.

At the other end, Ron quickly returned to the canyon bay area after galloping all the way.

It can be seen that the people of the revolutionary army have carried the boxes containing gold and silver jewelry to the ship.

After seeing Ron coming, they waved.

Immediately afterwards, the group stepped onto the boat and hurriedly left the area of ​​the Flame Demon Island.


As the ship left the range of Balrog Island, Doralon walked out of the cabin.

After reaching Ron's side, he said, "Where have you been before?"


Hearing this, Ron did not dare to neglect, and immediately told the story of his trip to the top of the mountain.

After speaking, Ron looked at Doralon and said, "Sir, Smoker said he would recommend me to join the Marine."1

"And without the age limit, I think it's a good opportunity.



Hearing this, Doralon raised his brows, looked at Ron and said, "How do you say it!"1

At this moment, he also began to think about the pros and cons of this matter.

"Because the risk of exposure is lower."

Without further ado, Ron directly stated his concept: "After all, my information in Shimotsuki Village Marine is bound to be aware of.

"In this case, if I am given the status of a Marine general's relative, it is bound to encounter stricter scrutiny."

"Conversely, if I was recommended to Marine by Smoker for my own sake, Marine's investigation of me would also stop within Shimotsuki Island."

"The main thing is that I join Marine without the status of a general's relative, which reduces the risk of being noticed.

"With my strengths, I believe I will soon be able to emerge from the Marine Academy as well."

Hearing this, Doralon's brows furrowed even deeper.

Although it was a bit different from the plan, there was no doubt that what Ron said made sense.

No matter how they cover up, and even make countless reasonable and reasonable materials, they are all fabricated, and there is indeed a risk of being seen through.

Conversely, let Ron join Marine as a free agent.

While the early stage may be a bit of a hindrance, the latter is quite different.

The Revolutionary Army's undercover inside Marine could help his meteoric rise, even...


After about five minutes, Doralon raised his head and said.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Ron and said, "Follow me to West Blue."

"In the next period of time, I will let people speed up and teach you some things you should have.

"When the time is up, you call Smoker directly and ask him to recommend you to join Marine.

"At that time, I will let the people in Marine cooperate with you and let you enter the elite training camp (cjbi) as quickly as possible."


Hearing this, Ron was overjoyed.

Although they are all undercover, this way he will be more secure.

Most importantly, he also doesn't like being brainwashed.

Although Doralon said he was going to study within the revolutionary army.

But in addition to learning, the more I am afraid is to teach myself the meaning and will of the revolutionary army.

But these things make absolutely no sense to Ron.

As a young man who grew up under the red flag in the past, his ideas far surpassed those of the revolutionary army who had made a rough start in this period.

Compared with learning the concept of the world revolutionary army, he prefers to pass on the will that he experienced in his previous life to the revolutionary army after he is strong.

To be honest, he was still looking forward to seeing the red flags filled with the scenery of Otherworld.

"Yes, Master!

With a promise, Ron didn't refuse anything.

Then Doralon was pulled into the boat.

Without any hesitation, Doralon directly began to tell Ron more information about the Revolutionary Army.

In the same way, the firm will of the revolutionary army was constantly instilled in Ron.

In this regard, although Ron felt that there were still many loopholes, he did not rashly open his mouth.

After all, he is only twelve or thirteen years old now. If he speaks too much, it will definitely have the opposite effect.

Crucially, Ron's next goal is to head to Marine.

If he says too many things to attract Doralon's approval and attention, the latter is likely to tie him to the revolutionary army.

Like Sabo.

This man, who was deeply troubled by the aristocratic system, had an extremely firm revolutionary will.

At a young age, he took up the position of Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, which seemed to be infinitely beautiful.

But in fact, it also made Sabo directly take on more responsibilities.

It can be seen from the original work that Sabo's revolutionary will is unquestionable, but in many cases, he is more cautious than the blood of young people.

At the other end, Smoker led Marine and quickly wiped out all the pirates in the Balrog Island.

After all the pirates were eliminated, he didn't stay any longer, and directly led the team back to Logue town.

First, Marine's team was dispersed to allow them to rest and heal.

Smoker hurried to Hina's ward.


After entering it, Smoker saw Zephyr's existence immediately, and said quickly; "The pirates in the Flame Demon Island have been wiped out.

"The Balrog has also been slaughtered, he ate the Mera-mera Fruit, and the disciple could not bring it back safely.

Mera-mera Fruit?

Hearing this, Zephyr frowned, then said, "I didn't expect that Devil Fruit from the former Flame Pirates would actually appear in East Blue.

"But Smoker, you did a great job this time.

"Logia Mera-mera Fruit, itself is an extremely dangerous existence.

"In addition, the pirate is also a ruthless person. If he is given time to grow up, the consequences will be unimaginable."1

Hearing this, Smoker breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the current Zephyr still doesn't kill Admiral, and doesn't like to kill all the pirates.

But this time Smoker's actions were appreciated by him, showing how strong Zephyr's anger was.

Immediately afterwards, Smoker looked at the hospital bed and said, "Teacher, how is Hina?"

"Or not!

Shaking his head, Zephyr glanced at Hina and said; "The medicine in her body is extremely overbearing, and the ship doctor I brought couldn't remove it.

"However, Hina's injury has stabilized, and I will bring her back to Naval Headquarters for treatment tomorrow."

"That's good!

Hearing this, Smoker breathed a sigh of relief.

Hina and him were students of the first class, and they were the best of Zephyr's disciples.

If the latter happened like this, it would be extremely difficult for Smoker to accept it.

Thinking of this, Smoker seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, teacher, this time I met the boy from before..."

Immediately afterwards, Smoker told the information about Ron directly.

The key point is to tell the story of how he rescued Hina and ventured into the Flame Devil Island alone.

"Good good~"

After listening to Smoker's story, Zephyr suddenly became interested.

The 12- or 13-year-old boy who has advanced to the level not only possesses great strength, but also has a righteous heart and a strong courage.

Such a young man is truly a genius.

The main thing is that the latter seems to have the intention of joining Marine, but it is just an age limit.

"The Smoker!"

Almost instantly, Zephyr said, "You did a great job.

"Such a talented young man is very important to us at Marine.

"In recent years, with the opening of the era of the great pirates, countless talented young thieves have formed the camp."1

"Over the years, the legacy of the Marines' younger generation has begun to decline, and even some of them have been left behind."

"It is precisely because of this that Naval Headquarters made a decision some time ago to focus on cultivating the new generation of Marines and generals."

"You are absolutely right to invite Ron this time, it is extremely important to let him join Marine and receive justice before he is attracted by the pirate thought.

"In a month's time, Naval Headquarters' recruiting will open, I hope you will keep in touch with them during this time.

"As long as he agrees to join now, I will help him level the rest of the issues, and no one can stop the young genius from joining."


Hearing this, Smoker is overjoyed.

Zephyr's words completely dispelled all his worries.

And he also recognized Ron very much. Now that he had Zephyr's orders, he naturally didn't dare to neglect him.

Thinking of this, Smoker immediately said: "Teacher, what is the situation of this new generation of Marine and general training?"

As someone who has just graduated, Smoker is also quite curious and looking forward to Zephyr's training plan.


Seeing this, Zephyr shook his head with a smile.

But he did not refuse his students' inquiry, but sat down patiently and explained; "The training plan for this new generation is divided into three parts."

"The first part is Marine recruit. Naval Headquarters decided to recruit and cultivate the talented Marine before the age of sixteen."1

"The second part is for the training of lieutenant-level officers. You are also in this group, as long as you perform well, you can get the resources in Naval Headquarters.

"The third part is for the training of general-level members, and a group of elites must be selected from the competition to form a new special department for cultivation."

Smoker was fascinated and excited as Zephyr spoke.

After all, according to Zephyr, he might also be heavily nurtured and cared for.

Nobody doesn't want to go a step further, and Smoker is no exception.

As a Logia capable person, he does not say that his heart is higher than the sky, but at least his target is the current Admiral.

After all, Kizaru, Akainu and Aokiji are also Logia.

Both are Logia, why can others not be me?.

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