Voyage: Stealing Zoro's Talent at the Start

Chapter 71 Entering the Grand Line for the first time, arriving at the Seven Waters

Smoker remembered seeing Ron before, who was wearing a saber.

So I am quite curious at the moment.

After all, with his skills, combined with his own Ron strength and Devil Fruit, his future prospects are truly limitless.


Glancing at Smoker, Ron nodded with a flash of light in his eyes.

He didn't plan to say anything about his major in Physique.

After all, he is now an intermediate swordsman. Although he is not very strong, he is already considered to be very talented.

Most importantly, the taijutsu he practiced was based on Garp's manual.

If according to his previous speculation in the revolutionary army base.

Those manuals were clearly given to Doralon by Garp.

In this way, once he exposes his body technique, it is bound to attract Garp's attention.

And once Garp sees his physique, it is very likely that he will think of something.

Although Garp won't break through or arrest him directly, it will be difficult or even impossible for him to take the top position in the future.


After receiving Ron's reply, Smoker's eyes became even more delighted, and he quickly asked, "What's your level of swordsmanship?"

"Intermediate Swordsman!

Glancing at Smoker, Ron replied nonchalantly.

Immediately afterwards, Ron's voice changed: "Is there any important thing for Colonel Smoker to ask?

Intermediate Swordsman!


After receiving Ron's reply, Smoker was thoroughly excited at the moment.

Without any hesitation, Smoker said directly; "Indeed!"

"Ron, this time you and I have a chance to flourish.

"My teacher told me not long ago that Marine will focus on training recruits, captains and generals."29

"Under such circumstances, among recruits, captains, and general-level officers, a group of outstanding people will be selected for key training.

"Your strength is enough, your talent is strong, and you have Devil Fruit, the possibility of standing out is huge."

"As long as you can successfully stand out and become the target of key cultivation, then if you don't mention other things in the future, the promotion to general level officer will definitely be smooth sailing without any obstacles..."

Listening to Smoker's remarks, Ron suddenly realized.

No wonder this guy asks, co-authored because of a brand new policy from Naval Headquarters.

In this way, the latter hopes to be selected successfully.

Similarly, Smoker's return to Naval Headquarters this time is probably also to participate in the assessment of the lieutenant-level officer.

If they can all succeed, they will be partners fighting side by side in the future.

It's no wonder that Smoker, despite being Colonel Marine, doesn't have the arrogance of the original.

The co-author recognized himself quite a bit from the very beginning, and even thought he could succeed.

If the two become colleagues in the future, it would be foolish for Smoker to show pride now.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ron's mouth rose, and he looked at Smoker and said, "Sure enough, there is no good for no reason in this world.

"Only when you truly have value can you be truly friendly."

But Ron didn't show any discomfort.

After all, this is the way of the world, and it is also a fact.

Even he himself is not a saint, and it is even more impossible to dig out the heart and lungs of an unfamiliar and worthless person just by meeting the other party two or three times.

With that in mind, Ron looked at Smoker and said, "Colonel Smoker, are you sure about this matter?"

Hearing this, Smoker's face sank.

He didn't answer directly, but he didn't have a confident look either.

After a brief silence, Smoker raised his head and said; "There is no absolute certainty.

"But I'm fifty percent sure."

"This time the selection and assessment staff are too extensive.

"And the teacher didn't tell me how to conduct the competition."

"However, with my strength, few of the lieutenant-level officers are my opponents."

Speaking of which, Smoker looked proud, obviously determined to win the spot for the key cultivation.

"Then congratulations in advance to Colonel Smoker.

With a slight smile, Ron said.

However, he had some doubts in his heart at the moment.

Smoker is obviously not cultivated in the original book.

He remembered that Marine did have a secret army back then.

Drake, one of the supernovae.

This guy is from Marine's secret force, himself a Rear Admiral rank, and ends up undercover in the Beasts Pirates.

The rest of the information about the secret force was not leaked either.

But there is no doubt that the selected existence will be kept secret.

In the original book, Smoker guards Logue town, which obviously does not meet this point.

Therefore, it is very likely that he was not selected, but it can be considered within the scope.

But now because of his participation, Smoker has got the opportunity to enter the Naval Headquarters assessment. It is hard to say whether he can succeed or not.

Next, Ron and Smoker chatted for a while before coming out of the cabin.

After returning to the deck area, Ron found a no-man's land and started practicing swordsmanship.

Now that he has made up his mind to focus on swordsmanship within Marine.

Then he must make his own kendo become stronger as soon as possible.

Not to mention becoming a swordsman directly, but at the very least, you must first reach the level of Zoro's top swordsman.

For three days in a row, the warship that Ron and his party took had entered the Grand Line.

Although bad weather was encountered on the way, it did not pose a threat to the warship.

As for pirates.

When he saw the warship, he chose to run away, not even giving Ron any chance to fight with it.


On this day, Ron was practicing his swordsmanship on the deck when Smoker came from the rear area.

After arriving at Ron's side, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "We are about to arrive at the Capital of Seven Waters.

"Go to the Seven Waters for a rest today, and continue to Naval Headquarters tomorrow morning.

City of Seven Waters?

Raising his brows, Ron's mind subconsciously came up with the figure of Franky.

As a member of the future Straw Hat Pirates, Franky is also in the Seven Waters at the moment.

Not only that, but this guy made himself a transformative person.

The design drawing that recorded the Ancient Weapon Pluton was even hidden in his stomach.

"Pluton blueprint!"

"Should I get my hands on it and see?"

Pluton design drawing!

That's a blueprint for making ancient Plutons.

Once it is mastered and produced, the revolutionary army can even directly have the qualification to challenge the World government.

But soon, Ron gave up on the idea.

without him!

What is recorded in the Pluton design is ancient writing.

This also means that you need to find Robin to be able to translate it.

But Robin has yet to appear under Crocodile.

At least Crocodile hasn't gone to Alabasta to become a hero.

This also means that even if he now gets the Pluton design, it is just a piece of waste paper.

In addition, he can remember that the people of CP9 should have been lurking in the Seven Waters.

If he were to contact Franky at this time, he would probably be targeted by cp9, and that would be the real gain.

With that in mind, Ron looked at Smoker in the side area and said, "Okay, I also want to see the Seven Waters."

"It is said that the capital of seven waters is the most powerful place in the world for shipbuilding."

"Good good!"

Hearing this, Smoker laughed.

Now that Ron has agreed, this matter is much easier for him.

Thinking of this, Smoker said immediately; "So, then prepare yourself!"

"After entering the Seven Waters, I will introduce a few people to you."

After speaking, Smoker didn't linger any longer, turned around and hurried away.

"Introduce someone to meet me?"

Raising his brows, Ron was a little weird at the moment.

After all, he remembered that in the original book, Smoker didn't know many people.

Except that Hina is a classmate with him, it seems that not many people have a good relationship with him.

But looking at his impatient appearance, it is obvious that there are people he knows well, and the relationship is not bad.


"Is it a character that did not appear in the original book, or is it an unexpected existence.

Muttering inwardly, Ron quickly restrained himself.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and walked towards the cabin.

After returning to his residence, he washed and changed into a set of clean clothes.

After all this is done, it will come out of the cabin, and the warship has already approached the capital of seven waters.

From a distance, you can see 397 to the bustling port of the seven waters.

In addition to warships, ships, there are even pirate ships docked.

Of course, the most shocking thing is the sea train.

Although it has not yet developed to the level of the original book, there is indeed a sea train on the sea outside the Seven Waters at this moment.

"How, let's be prosperous!"

At this time, Smoker came to Ron and said, "But this is just normal. The real bustling area is the Sabaody Archipelago."1

"Unfortunately, this time we are heading directly to Naval Headquarters and cannot stop within the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Otherwise, I will show you the prosperity of Sabaody Archipelago.

Hearing this, Ron nodded in approval.

But he couldn't help but complain in his heart: This is not the Smoker I know!

You know, in the original, Smoker's character is extremely cold and conceited.

Before that, Ron also agreed that so.

But after getting along during this period of time, he also felt that this guy was not cold.

If you are not familiar with it, you will definitely feel Smoker's cold and arrogant personality.

But after getting acquainted with him and even getting his approval, this person doesn't have so many problems.

Even the latter felt a little overzealous to Ron, as if he had been suppressed for too long and couldn't wait to release his instincts.

Soon, the warship docked.

Immediately afterwards, Smoker announced that Marine under his command would rest.

And he led Ron towards the Seven Waters.

As he went further, Ron soon came to a tavern under the leadership of Smoker.

But unlike the rest of the taverns.

This tavern is called Marine Tavern.

As the name suggests, the one who drinks and eats here is Marine, and it's not open to the public.

As he entered it, before Ron had time to look around, a gust of fragrance came to his face.

In the next second, Ron only felt a flower in front of him, a soft white mass buried in his face.

Immediately afterwards, a voice came from Ron's ear: "Brother Ron, I finally see you, Hina misses you.".

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