money number

"Is this Moonlight Moria? So high!!"

"Our bathtub won't fit at all"

"What to do now? ?"

After Liszt brought Moonlight Moria back, the girls encountered a problem.

Moonlight Moria was nearly seven meters tall.

The bathtub on their ship couldn't fit at all.

The girls were all scratching their heads anxiously.

"Since there is no suitable bathtub, just use wooden boards to make a circle on the deck and carry out fruit burial!"Liszt said

"Hi!!"The girls' eyes lit up, and they all responded.

Then they went back to the warehouse and found a wooden board.

In a corner of the deck, they made a large circle.

However, they put a piece of stronger fruit underneath.

Because with the moonlight The tonnage of Moria. The pavement was juicy and soft, and could be easily crushed.

After Liszt put the Moonlight Moria into the circle, he killed it directly.

After that, the girls laid another layer on it. Fruit, completely submerge it

"Lord Moria!!!"Perona was very sad when she saw the complete death of Moonlight Moria.

Although she did not have the courage to die for Moria, nor did she have any thoughts of being buried for him, she was really sad.

The girls gave Moonlight their front feet Moria finished the fruit burial.

Nami came back with Perona's body on her hind legs!

Liszt released Perona's soul body from the glass bottle.

Perona's soul body quickly returned to her own body

"Finally out of that damn bottle!"Perona moved her body and couldn't help but uttered something.

However, at this moment, the three girls, Chitong, Hill, and Shizuka, came around with ill intentions.

"What do you want to do? ?"

Perona instantly recalled what happened before.

She was so frightened that she turned pale and backed away again and again!!

"What to do? ? Of course I'll beat you up!"Chitong laughed and then punched Perona in the eye socket. It directly blackened Perona's eye socket.

Then, Hill and Shizuka also took action!!


"Captain Lister, help me!! I'm going to be beaten to death!!"Perona screamed and asked Liszt for help.

Liszt turned a deaf ear and drank the tea made by Keya.

While chatting with Keya, Nami, Nokigao and Robin.

Chitong, Xi Well, Shizuka and the three of them beat each other for almost twenty minutes. After letting out the bad breath in their hearts, they stopped.

After all, from this moment on,

Perona is also a member of their Money Pirates.

They can't directly put her down. Perona was beaten to death.

It was impossible to beat Perona until she couldn't take care of herself. They were still very measured in their attacks. Don't look at it that Perona has been beaten to a pig's head by the three women.

But in fact, they are just skin injuries.

There are no The bones and internal organs were injured.

The whole situation will be recovered after two or three days of rest.

Liszt did not let Perona hold this pig head in front of his eyes for two or three days. The idea was too disturbing to his appetite. He said to Xiao Lian beside him:"Xiao Lian, go and treat her."


Xiao Lian responded.

She walked to Perona and started repairing and caring for her.

"Ah, so comfortable!!!"

Two minutes later, all the bruises on Perona's face and body dissipated.

Everything returned to the same state as before.

But she was still immersed in Xiao Lian's massage care.

"alright!!"Xiao Lian stopped what she was doing, stood up and said to Perona

"Well? ? alright? ? So fast? ? I feel like I'm not completely healed yet. Why don't you give me some more pressure?!"Perona didn't want to stop so soon and wanted to enjoy it for a while longer, so she pretended to be pitiful and said to Xiao Lian.

"I am a doctor. I know your situation clearly. If I say yes, you will be fine! So be it!!"Xiao Lian glanced at Perona, turned around and left.

She wouldn't encounter too many manipulations like Perona's.

If she didn't refuse them outright, she would be so busy that she died of exhaustion.

""Perona stuck out her sweet tongue at Xiao Lian's back.


"Perona, from today on, you are a member of my Money Pirates!"Liszt said to Perona

"Hi hi hi hi!!"Perona responded in a perfunctory tone.

She didn't have much identification with Liszt and the Money Pirates.

However, now she is a knife-sitter and I am a fish.

She can only commit herself to the Money Pirates at the moment.

Take one step forward. Take a look.

Liszt doesn't care about this.

Anyway, he has plenty of time to train this little loli.

After a while, she will integrate into this pirate group and be obedient.

"Youlan, during this period, it’s up to you to take care of Perona!!"Liszt said to Youlan

"Hi, Captain!! Youlan responded.

Then she smiled friendly at Perona and said,"My name is Youlan. Please give me your advice in the future.""

"Hello!!"Perona didn't act too domineering and responded politely.

"You’re not familiar with our Money Pirates, so why don’t I introduce them to you first!!"Youlan smiled.


Perona nodded and said

"Captain, I guess you already know this without my introduction!!"

"No, no, no, how could I not recognize Captain Lister?"Perona said quickly.

Youlan smiled softly and began to introduce other people on the ship to Perona.

"This is Nami-sama, the eldest sister of our Money Pirates!!"

"Hello Sister Nami!"Perona knew that she might stay on the Money No. for a long time in the future.

Therefore, she took the initiative to build a good relationship with everyone.


"This is Sister Robin!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This is Sister Nuoqi Gao"

"This is Sister Keya"

"This is my sister, Shizuka!"

"snort!!"Jingxiang glanced at Perona angrily.

"snort!"Perona didn't have a good look towards Shizuka who just beat her up.

"This is Chitong!!"


"This is Hill!"


"This is Xiao Lian!!!"

"Sister Lian, please take good care of me in the future!!"

"This is Xiaofu, this is Xiaoxun, this is Xiaotao, this is Ma Yin, and this is Xiaohui." Under Youlan's introduction,

Perot quickly got to know the girls on the boat.

"It’s almost time! Check to see if any transparent fruits have been cut off!"At this time Liszt said[]

"Hi!!"The girl responded excitedly.

"Youlan, you'd better lift the curtain, you're in better luck!"

"All right!"Youlan saw that everyone agreed that she should lift the cloth.

She had no choice but to obey everyone's opinions!

Youlan quickly opened the canvas covering the bathtub!!

The girls looked around one after another.

Unfortunately, they did not see the devil fruit.!!

"Let’s look for it together!!"Jingxiang shouted quickly


The girls who had not eaten Devil Fruits responded.

Then they walked towards the bathtub and began to search in the bathtub.

After a while, no one found it yet.

Just when everyone thought that this time it might be... When the bamboo basket was looking for water in vain,

Xiao Hui, a girl who usually didn't have much sense of existence, suddenly caught a special fruit.

"I found it!!!"

Xiao Hui raised the devil fruit in her hand with a look of surprise!

"It's true!!!"

"Xiaohui, you are so lucky!!"

The other girls looked at the devil fruit in Xiao Hui's hand.

They all showed envious expressions!!

"Just a little better than before, 993 points!!"Xiao Hui smiled happily.

Then, Xiao Hui walked up to Liszt and others holding the transparent devil fruit.

"Captain, I found the devil fruit!!"Xiao Hui looked at Liszt expectantly and said

"Since you found it, it's yours!!"Liszt glanced at Xiao Hui and said with a smile.

The girl in front of him did not have a high sense of presence among the twelve girls.

However, he had a deep impression on this girl.

The night when the bayonet saw blood.

The seal she gave him She seemed very moist and wild!

He really didn't notice it.

She was calm and had no sense of existence, but when there were only two of them, she was so charming.

"Hi, thanks Captain!"

Xiao Hui happily responded and ate the transparent fruit directly.

Then, like others, she passed a few delicious fruits through her mouth.

After diluting the taste of the devil fruit, she closed her eyes and felt the transparent fruit. existence.

After a while,

I just opened my eyes!

"Xiaohui, how do you feel? ?"Youlan asked with a smile.

"feels good!!"Xiao Hui said with a smile.

"How about showing it to everyone? ?"


The moment Xiaohui finished speaking, the whole person quickly became transparent and finally disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Wow, it’s really gone!"

"Xiaohui, where are you? ?"

"Guess!!"After saying that, Xiaohui moved his position.

"Chitong, can you sense Xiaohui's existence? ?"

"Let me try!!"Chitong turned on the domineering power of seeing and hearing.

The first time, she couldn't find it. The second time, she still couldn't find it. It wasn't until the fifth time that she faintly sensed Xiaohui's location.

"Over there!"

Please review, please review, please review!!!

The picture above is Xiaohui!.

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