Voyage: The Age Of Speed ​​Begins With The Robbery Of Nami!

Chapter 12: Should Good People Be Held At Gunpoint?

Liszt saw all the slave catchers put down their weapons and chose to surrender. He said to Rocky next to him: "Take them aside!"

"Hi!" Rocky responded.

The pirates who led the second team took all the surrendered traffickers aside.

"Let's harvest our spoils!"

Liszt said to Johnson.


Johnson led a team of people and rushed into the cabin to launch a large-scale search.

At this time, Nami also walked over and said with some expectation: "I wonder how much money is on this slave ship?"

"There should be quite a few of them. Traffickers are actually quite wealthy." Liszt said with a smile.

"I'll go in and look for it too!!" Nami felt itchy after hearing this, and wanted to take action herself to enjoy the fun.

"Go if you want! However, if you find Bailey, you must leave it to me!" Liszt said nonchalantly.

"Got it!" Nami knew Liszt's situation, so he didn't have any extreme reaction. After responding, he walked into the cabin.

Liszt asked for a chair.

Just sit on the deck and wait for the results.

Not long after, boxes of stuff were moved out.

It took almost twenty minutes to move!

"Captain, we collected a total of eight million Baileys and twenty kilograms of gold. In addition to these, there are also..." Johnson stood in front of Liszt and reported to him the harvest this time. .

"Although it didn't meet my expectations, it's okay!!" Liszt nodded.

"Send all Bailey to my room and give the gold to Nami! Where are the Nami people??"

Liszt didn't see Nami's figure and couldn't help but ask.

"Sister Nami is still in the cabin. Thirty-two slaves are still detained on the bottom floor of the black ship.

Among them, twelve are women.

Sister Nami was talking to them.

I don't know the specific content very well. " Johnson replied.

"Twelve female slaves?? You haven't touched them before, have you?" Liszt glanced at Johnson and the others suspiciously.

"No, no! There were two younger brothers who wanted to move, but Sister Nami arrived in time, so they didn't make a move." Johnson explained quickly.

"Okay! Come with a few people and take these things back to the Money. You take a few people down and bring those slaves to the deck!" Liszt said.

"Hi!!" Johnson responded, leading a few pirates into the cabin again.

Several other pirates skillfully hoisted the boxes to the ropes, and then slid them one by one onto the Money.

Then, go back to the Money and move those boxes to where they belong.

Liszt didn't wait long.

Johnson and Nami took the thirty-two slaves to the deck of the black ship.

Especially the twelve female slaves, who were led by Nami at the front.

With so many people standing together, the space on the deck seemed a little crowded for a while.

Liszt stood high on the bow.

Consider these people.

Especially the twelve female slaves.

All of them look very good.

However, if you think about it, if these girls were ugly, the slave catchers would not catch them at all.

Maybe when they meet, it will be a direct blow.

They can attract the attention of slave captors.

It has been proven that they all have a certain beauty.

Soon, Liszt also discovered a pair of twins from these twelve girls. They were about fifteen or sixteen years old. They were young, beautiful, and very touching.

Ahem! !

Liszt looked away.

Clearing his throat, he smiled softly and said, "Does any of you want to go home?"

Those slaves' eyes couldn't help but light up when they heard Liszt's words.

Among them, a man in his early thirties immediately emerged from the group of slaves and knelt down in front of Liszt.

He begged loudly: "Master Captain, I want to go home. I haven't seen my family for half a year. I miss them."

"What's your name, what do you do, and why were you caught here??" Liszt asked.

"My name is Charles. I am a musician. I used to travel around the country with a music group to perform. I just went out alone once and was put in a sack by them." The thirty-year-old man said sadly.

"What a sad story!!" After hearing this, Liszt couldn't help but feel sad for him.

"Okay, I'll give you a small boat, fifty pounds of grain, and a bucket of water. I hope you can return to your hometown and reunite with your family!" Liszt laughed.

"Huh???" The expression on Charles' face froze.

Something is wrong.

You want to be a good person.

Shouldn't you be a good person and go to the end and send me back directly? ?

You actually let me drive a small boat back by myself? ?

"This kind captain? Did I hear wrongly??" Charles looked at Liszt innocently.

"You heard that right. I can provide you with a small boat, fifty pounds of meat, and a bucket of water to allow you to return to your hometown! How about that? Are you very touched?" Liszt smiled.

"No!!! Captain, shouldn't you send me back??" musician Charles said.

"When did I promise to take you home??" Liszt looked at Charles and said.

"Captain, you are a good man. If you are willing to let us go, then a good man will do it to the end and send me back. It is difficult for me to get home alone on this vast sea. Please!" Charles pleaded again and again! road.

"A good person should be pointed at a gun??" Liszt laughed angrily on the spot.

Pointing to the flag flying on the Money, he said: "Look, this is the pirate flag! I am a real pirate!"

I kindly let you go, so you should be snickering. How dare you ask me to take you home in person? ?

Aren't you afraid that after I arrive in your hometown, I will directly loot your hometown? "


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