At first, Liszt planned to arrive at the royal capital within thirty minutes.

As a result, after he increased his speed to 3.5 times the speed of sound.

Directly shorten the travel time to less than seven minutes.

Before they even entered the city, they heard the shocking sound of killing coming from the royal capital in the distance.

Liszt took Vivi around half a circle, found a suitable place, and put Vivi down.

"This location is good. No one will come to interfere with you. Vivi, you can conduct artificial rainfall here!"

"Okay!!" Vivi looked around and nodded.

As the princess of Alabasta, she is more familiar with this royal city than Liszt.

Although this area is also at the foot of the royal city, it is sparsely populated.

Artificial rainfall is carried out here.

It really fits.

At least it won't be easily discovered by others.

"I'm going to deal with the super cannonball." Liszt said.

"Please, Liszt!" Vivi said solemnly.

"I'll be back before it rains!" Liszt left one sentence and disappeared.

Vivi looked at Liszt's disappearing figure.

We also started to get busy with artificial rainfall.


"Death to the traitor!!"

"Kobra's lackey, die!"

Liszt enters the royal capital.

Lift up your eyes and look.

There was killing everywhere.

From the streets to the alleys, everywhere.

Countless bodies lay on the ground.

It's getting colder.

However, Liszt doesn't care about this.

Like a ghost, thousands of troops and horses passed by without a drop of blood.

Because he has too much speed.

For a time, there were many ghost accidents.

Many people were killed without intending to do so.

As Liszt went deeper, the closer he got to the palace and the central square, the more intense the killings were. However, Liszt's eyes never stayed on this group of people for more than a moment.

His eyes were always on the nearby buildings.

If any unruly people come to cause trouble for him, whether they are the royal army or the rebel army, he will kill them with one blow.

"found it!!"

The bell tower is near the square and is very obvious. Liszt found the bell tower without any effort.

Liszt didn't even look for the entrance to the clock tower. He just stepped on the Moonwalk and flew towards the clock dial on the top of the clock tower step by step.

After approaching the clock dial, I called it and soon found a small window.

Liszt approached, swung his knife to break open the small window on the clock dial, and entered the bell tower.

The super cannon of Baroque Works is placed here.

As soon as Liszt came in, he saw the super cannon.

Also saw two guys who were placed here by Crocodile to guard the cannon.

Of course, they also discovered Liszt the moment he broke in!


The two cadres of the Baroque Working Group shouted loudly.

Liszt's cold gaze swept over the two of them, and without saying a word, he directly swung his sword.

I saw a slashing wave burst out.

He swept towards the two people and killed them on the spot.

After killing the two obstructive guys, Liszt turned his attention to the super cannon in front of him.

"This guy Crocodile is really capable, he actually moved such a big cannon here. Aren't you tired!!"

Liszt couldn't help but complain.

If Crocodile were still alive and heard what he said, he would definitely mock Liszt: I only need one word, it’s none of my business whether I’m tired or not!!

Liszt used Observation Haki to infiltrate the super cannon's timing device.

Overclocking thinking and synchronous calculation, I quickly figured out the principle of this timer.

Without saying a word, Liszt waved his katana and easily cut off the connection between the timing device and the shell.

Then, he swung his sword several times and directly cut the entire cannon together with the cannonball, creating countless new heroes at the same time.

Then, with a strike of Qianbai Worry Wind, all the explosives were blown away and flew out.

Although these blown-out explosives will still burn when exposed to an open flame, they are no longer concentrated and are no longer capable of killing people.

Besides, Vivi is almost ready.

As long as it rains.

These explosives will be soaked and lose effectiveness.

It will certainly not cause trouble to the residents here.


Liszt sheathed her sword.

"Just tell Vivi when you get back and ask her to send someone over to clean up the steel!"

Liszt did not stay here much longer.

After the super shell crisis was resolved.

He turned around and jumped down from the small window.

After leaving the clock tower, Liszt did not return to Vivi immediately, but released Observation Haki.

After understanding the surrounding situation, he flew to the palace on the Moonwalk.

"Enemy attack!!"

At this time, Kobra was still feeling sad in the palace.

Suddenly a sound of 'enemy attack' woke up Kobra.

next moment.

He saw a dozen figures flying in upside down.

These people are his guards.

Before Kobra could ask about the situation.

Liszt had already entered the palace.

Appear in front of Kobra.

"Who are you? What do you want to do here??" Although Cobra was in a panic, he maintained his most basic emotions and anger.

"Okay, I'm not your enemy. The reason why I came in to see you this way is because I don't want to explain too much to your guards.

Secondly, even if I explain, they probably won't listen.

Even if you listen, there are still a lot of processes.

I hate trouble, so I called directly to see you!" Liszt said.

Kobra's mouth twitched.

This was the first time he heard such a reason.

However, the situation was stronger than the person, so he took what Liszt said to be true.

"Then who are you? What brings you to see me?" Kobra said calmly.

"My name is Liszt, the man of your daughter Vivi. At this time, Vivi is conducting artificial rainfall, and the reason why I came here is to remind you to quickly turn on the speakers and other equipment that can speak.

I'll bring Vivi over right away. She'll come to end this war.

Okay, I'm done.

Do you have anything else to ask??" Liszt said...

Although Liszt's retelling is not long, it contains a lot of content and is very exciting.

Especially the first two sentences! It directly broke the heart of his old father!

"Vivi's man?"

“Has Vivi already got a boyfriend??”

"When did this happen??"

"Why don't I, as an old father, receive any news at all?"

"My father-in-law? Did you hear what I said? If you heard it, say something quickly. I don't have so much time to waste here with you. I have to rush back to Vivi!"

Liszt looked at Kobra who was in a daze, and couldn't help but walked up to him and shook his head.

It was then that Kobra came to his senses.

Although my daughter's matter is a big deal, don't rush it. It's okay to get to know it slowly in the future.

Nowadays, stopping the war is the top priority.

Kobra grabbed Liszt by the collar and asked him and his daughter how far they had come.

He said: "I heard it, I'll have someone connect the speaker right away!!"

"Then I'll leave first!"

When Liszt heard what Kobra said, he stopped talking nonsense and quickly disappeared into the palace!

"Come here, connect the big speaker for me!"


The people below were busy, while Kobusha stared blankly at Liszt's disappearing figure.

"Vivi actually found a boyfriend. Does that also mean that I am getting old? Didi, our daughter has grown up..."

Liszt walked out of the palace and looked up at the sky.

Dark clouds gather.

It's about to rain.

Liszt did not continue to stay in the royal capital and marched towards the outside of the city to plunder doctors.

Crash la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.

As soon as Liszt stepped out of the royal capital, light rain began to fall in the gloomy sky.

"It's raining???"

The royal army and the rebel army, who were fighting madly in the royal capital, looked at the drizzle of rain.

They couldn't help but be stunned. 2.5

Gradually I stopped taking action.

This situation quickly infected countless people.

For a moment, everyone stopped.

Quietly feel the coolness brought by the rain.

Washed by rain.

Their inner violence and anger gradually calmed down.

They looked at the countless fallen bodies around them, and then at the people who were still alive.

I was confused for a while.

"Next, do you want to fight??"

"have no idea??"

"But I don't want to fight!"

"me too!"

At this time, Liszt came to Vivi.

"Vivi, the stage has been set. It's your turn. Come on, I'll take you there!"

"Well! Next, just leave it to me, I will definitely make them stop... Wei nodded solemnly.

Liszt held Vivi in ​​his arms and rushed towards the direction of the palace.

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