The sky is cloudy and cloudy, and it can change at any time...

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds.

There was constant thunder on the sea, and the waves began to surge violently, as if the sea god was angry!

Blade-like lightning bolts tore out of the clouds like a thunderstorm coming to the world.

It roars down with pouring rain, covering all the small things on the sea!

But what is shocking is that in the center of the wild waves, an extremely inconspicuous three-masted sailboat is currently rising and falling on the waves!

In the wheelhouse, the bearded captain held the rudder steadily and stared at everything in front of him with a calm expression.

Although the scene outside seemed like the end was coming.

But the bearded and rough face never showed the slightest hint of timidity.

"Hahaha, I haven’t seen such a severe storm in a long time!!"

The bearded captain grinned and was high-spirited.

At this moment, there was a"click"!

The door to the cab was suddenly opened hastily.

A kind-faced sailor hurriedly broke in.

Although his clothes were soaked , water dripped on his forehead, and continued to slide down...

But the sailor still reported first!

"Captain, the mast can't hold on anymore, it will break if it continues like this! Furl the sail!!"

The sailor's suggestion was very pertinent.

But the bearded captain didn't even look back and suddenly shouted——

"joke! Next, the main event is about to begin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he followed the sharp gaze of the bearded man.

The expressions on the crew members' faces suddenly turned into horror!

Because right in front of the ship... a huge wave of tens of meters, which seemed to be towering at this moment. Like a sea monster.

It swept over silently!

On the endless sea, the three-masted sailing ship was as small as a fallen leaf in front of this majestic wall of waves.

But the bearded captain was absolutely unafraid, raised his thick eyebrows, and moved vigorously Turned the rudder!

"Haha, hold on tight, we are going!!"


With the fierce wind... the ship followed the surge of the waves and climbed straight up to the top of the huge waves!

The strong wind broke the waves, and the rapids echoed.

This three-masted sailboat, bound for the hunter headquarters, greeted Facing the terrifying impact of the surrounding currents... it suddenly began its thrilling journey!



Half an hour later.

Despite the gray sky, it was still extremely dark and the rain was still pouring down.

However, the rippling intensity of the waves on the sea finally slowed down and became slightly calmer...

In the cab, the crew and sailors who had experienced the waves were all panting from exhaustion and in a state of embarrassment.

Even though this was not the first time they encountered such a storm, they were still exhausted and frightened!

Only the bearded captain took his bottle again.

He drank two sips, then waved his hands in a smart way.

"Okay, let’s change someone at the helm! Next, it’s up to you!"


The bearded man opened the door of the cab with his head held high and walked into the cabin while muttering to himself.

"Really, this wave is just ordinary, but my crew members are really not decent! In this way, I am afraid that other people……"

Following the leisurely pace of the bearded captain.

The bearded man had already expected it, so he came to the room inside the cabin and quietly opened the door.

And when the door opened, it was exactly what he thought!

The horrible scene at the moment, without any surprise, appeared in front of the bearded man.

I saw only half an hour ago— starting on the ship, those preparatory hunters who were all sworn and powerful.

At this time, he actually fell into the room in complete pain, stupor, and was almost unconscious!

This journey of ups and downs and winds and waves... really gave these rookies, who had no appearance and had never been to the sea, a good meal!

The bearded man shook his head helplessly and touched his captain's hat, his face full of despair.

I secretly thought that this journey would be in vain again.

"Hey~! It's really useless... At this level, I want to participate in the hunter test. It's really funny!"

The bearded man sighed quietly, and was about to leave in disappointment.

However, at this moment

, a few soft whispers unexpectedly came from the deeper part of the cabin.

"Come on, this is the herb! Swallow it and it will feel a little better.~!"


The bearded captain turned his head in surprise and looked sideways into the room.

Suddenly, I discovered that there were actually a few good guys in the back of the room who had"luckily survived"!

I saw.

Xiaojie, a man with green spiky hair, knelt down in front of a semi-conscious man.

With a kind face, he handed a very ordinary-looking herb to the man's hand and comforted him to take it.

Xiaojie's tone was particularly sincere.

After hesitating for a long time, the seasick man finally stuffed the medicinal herbs into his mouth.

And not far away.

Kebi, who was in a hurry, got a glass of water from nowhere and ran over.

As if to give Xiaojie a hand, he brought it to the seasick man's mouth and asked him to swallow the medicinal herbs with water.

Ever since, when the seasick man took the herbal medicine, his complexion finally improved.

The two innocent and kind-hearted teenagers immediately felt relieved and continued running to the other injured people... on the other side.

A simple single hammock.

Kurapika has golden hair that covers his ears and wears clothes unique to the Kuruta clan.

He was lying calmly in the hammock, flipping through a book casually.

Kurapika's expression was leisurely and extremely calm.

It was as if the previous storm had never happened.

What a stark contrast to the other sleepy crew members!

Finally, in a corner of the room.

A tall man in a suit and leather shoes, wearing a pair of black sunglasses... he looked to be in his twenties or thirties!

But in fact, it was just Leorio, who was only nineteen years old, frowning and biting a green apple in his hand.

Still complaining to himself

"Wow, this apple is really sour. I can’t stand it.~!"

A scene of four people, safe and sound.

The bearded man took it all in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth covered by his thick beard finally couldn't help but reveal a grin of appreciation and a satisfied smile.

"Haha, that’s it!"

"It seems that there are a few decent guys among the candidates this time.……"


PS: Kerby won’t appear until very late after these chapters, so here’s a little transition, and he’ll be back to the main line right away!

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