Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 100 The Dove occupies the Magpie's Nest (Subscribe)

[Oden asks you to meet. When they met, he proposed to go out to sea with this pirate group, but he couldn't worry about his father and the people of Jiuli. You told him that if you make up your mind, just do it, and you will protect Wanokuni for him.

So, after passing the test of the Whitebeard Pirates, Oden went out to sea with his retainers. You know, everything you've been waiting for is finally here]

[Twenty-four years old: General Wanokuni, who has been taking chronic poison for a long time, is in critical condition. Before his hospital bed, he handed you an edict with the passage of Oden. But you burned the edict in front of him, and then told Sukiyaki that all of this was your plan to avenge the Kozuki clan! Sukiyaki drew his sword angrily and looked at you, but Easily escaped by you.

You went on to say that his retainers were also framed by you, and their daughters are now in your cellar, unable to survive or die. After his death, you will become a general to rule Wanokuni】

[Sukiyaki sneered, without his edict, how could the ministers let a traitor become a general later. At this time, Kurozumi Higurashi walked in and used the ability of "Clone-Clone Fruit" to transform into a sukiyaki. At this moment, Shouxi burned all thoughts, vomited blood and died]

[After Sukiyaki died, Kurozumi Higurashi used the ability of Clone-Clone Fruit to transform into Sukiyaki and appointed you as acting general]

[At this time, Kurozumi Higurashi felt that the plan of revenge was finally completed. But you sneered and said not yet, there is still one person not dead]

【Twenty-five years old: Kurozumi Higurashi turns into sukiyaki again, appoints you as official general】

【Twenty-six years old: Under your rule, Wanokuni's national power is prosperous, and the people feel unprecedented happiness. But behind the scenes, he started to take revenge on those who once persecuted the Kurozumi family]

[Twenty-seven years old: Shimotsuki Yasuie, the famous name of the white dance, faintly sensed something was wrong, and secretly took in the descendants of several sukiyaki retainers]

【Twenty-eight years old: "Beasts Pirates" Governor Kaido came to Wanokuni, and you secretly formed an alliance with him. But in front of the citizens and ministers, they showed a desperate resistance.]

【Twenty-nine years old: With your "unremitting efforts", Wanokuni's fighting power was killed in the hands of the Beasts Pirates. You "have to" accept Kaido's terms, form an alliance with him, and build factories all over Wanokuni]

【Thirty years old: Oden came back with his retainers, he was sad for a long time after hearing the news of his father's death, and you cried bitterly in front of him, saying that you did not protect everything in Wanokuni. Oden patted you on the shoulder and said it's not your fault.

At this time, he has seen too many real strong men, and this time he came back to let Wanokuni start a country. So he began to conspire with you on how to overthrow Kaido's rule, and introduced his wife Kozuki to you, and also told you that he and Kozuki already had two children, one named Momonosuke and the other Hiyori.

When you meet Mrs. Shi for the first time, there is only one thought in your heart: you want to get her]

[That night, you and Oden were drunk, and you pretended to give him back the position of general, but he refused. You continue to push and pull, Oden is a little angry, saying that he did not come back to snatch the position of general, and wrote a blood letter saying that he will never return to the position of general.

After Oden got drunk, you secretly put away the blood book, and the lady came in to clean up the mess for you. Looking at that graceful figure and noble manner, you are BOKI]

[At this time, Mrs. Shi suddenly said to you: When she and Oden traveled in the sea together, Oden often mentioned that he had a good brother in his hometown. This sentence made your heart move slightly, but after all Say something】

【Looking at the beautiful Mrs. Shi, and then looking at Oden who is sleeping like a dead pig, you suddenly feel jealous like never before】

【Why! Why does such a woman become your Oden wife! 】

[So, you think of another conspiracy]

[The next day, you found Kaido, told him the news of Kozuki Oden's return, and told him that you don't need to kill Oden, you just need to capture his son Momonosuke.

That afternoon, when you were sure Oden wasn't there, you signaled Kaido.

Kaido and his men broke into their temporary residence and took Momanosuke away]

[Oden, who came to hear the news, was furious and fought with Kaido, and you also pretended to cooperate with him to besiege Kaido. But as soon as you shot, you were "stunned" by a thunderous Eight Trigrams, while Oden fought off Kaido and recaptured Momonosuke]

[After you woke up, you said embarrassedly to Oden, you have been busy managing Wanokuni in recent years and neglected to exercise. Oden reassures you that it doesn't matter, since he is back, he will definitely be able to drive away Kaido]

【Looking at his confident appearance, you feel a little uneasy in your heart. He didn't tell you who he met or what happened after he left Wanokuni. You are very worried, what should he do if he has a very strong foreign aid]

Seeing this, Bai Ze couldn't help but feel numb in his scalp.


Oden's foreign aid?

Isn't it One Piece and Whitebeard!

If they do come, let alone one Kaido, ten Kai teachers are not enough for these two at their peak!

[So you continue to conspire with Kaido and let Kaido take many Wanokuni nationals as hostages.

And said that if Oden gave up his dignity, he would let 100 people dance naked under the city tower once a week, and in five years, build a boat and let everyone go to sea and leave Wanokuni]

【After learning this news, you "persuaded" Oden not to do this kind of thing, Kaido will definitely be unbelievable】

[Oden said, however, that he has never done anything for the people of this country. If a naked dance can save 100 people, then he is willing to do it]

[So, Oden started his career in nude dancing. With your secret help, the people of Wanokuni first became disappointed and then disgusted with him, and Oden has since been called "His Royal Highness Fool"


After a while, even the people of Jiuli, who had always believed in him, began to dislike him, and Oden's retainers were puzzled by him. Mrs. Shi even washes her face with tears every day]

[Finally, one night. Mrs. Shi knocked on your door: "Your Excellency General, are you there?"].

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