Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 104 The Scum and the Actor (Subscription)

【Hearing this, your expression looks very surprised, it's impossible to even scream. With brother Oden's character, if Mrs. Shi uses the methods she learned last night a little bit, there is bound to be an earth-shattering interaction.】

[And Mrs. Shi said that at first Oden seemed to be surprised by her initiative, and he could also feel that he had feelings. But in the end, he still didn't touch him, and after he posted it, Oden pushed her out of the bed, then left the bedroom, and didn't come back until now]

Bai Ze: Oden is really a role model for my generation!

[You reassure her not to worry, wait until you go to Oden tomorrow to see what's going on. Then you ask Mrs. Shi to go back to rest first]

【Hearing your words to let her go back, Mrs. Shi was very surprised and muttered to herself: Could it be that my appearance is really that bad? After speaking, she turned and left]

【At this point, you know you can start the next step】

[You opened the door of the cellar and walked in. After pressing a certain key, a secret door in the cellar opened.

The people inside the secret door seemed to hear the sound of the door being opened, and suddenly made various pleas and curses, but all of them were women's voices]

[This secret room is exactly the female relatives of the former general Shouxi Yau's retainers who were persecuted by you before. Because they have been dressed in brocade and food since childhood, they are all beautiful. However, because I have been detained in a dungeon for a long time without seeing the light of day, I look a little haggard at this time]

[And in the innermost room, there is a big bed that is enough to sleep six or seven people. And a black-haired girl is lying on it with her hands and feet tied, blindfolded, and she is one of the people who threw rotten eggs at Oden during the day]

[And as your footsteps approached, the girl couldn't stop making a "mmmmm" sound. At this time, another woman with an old face and a ghost-like appearance appeared behind you. It was Kurozumi Higurashi who had not appeared for a long time.

You nodded to her, she activated the ability of Clone-Clone Fruit and turned into Kozuki Oden, walked to the girl's side and untied the black cloth covering her eyes]

[The girl turned pale when she saw the man in front of her. She never thought that it would be "Your Highness Fool" who had taken her here! Moreover, the eyes of "His Royal Highness Fool" were full of desire at this time, and it seemed that the next moment devoured myself alive]

[The girl began to struggle violently, but even if the wrist was scratched with blood, she could only let "His Royal Highness" undo her belt and cover her eyes]

[The next moment, a large and powerful hand came over, and then I felt a stinging pain]

[An hour later, the girl with only breathing strength left, from the slightly lifted belt, saw the back of "Oden" carrying his pants and leaving]

[Since then, the bizarre disappearance of girls has repeatedly occurred in the capital of flowers]

【31 years old, Oden is dancing, you are organizing all the forces to "fight" Kaido's encroachment on Wanokuni】

[Thirty-two years old, Oden is dancing, you were "severely wounded" in the battle with Kaido, the people went to the temple to pray for you, by the way, the Kozuki family is sorry for you]

[At thirty-three, Oden is dancing. One night, suddenly a woman with bruises and bruises rushed to the front of the General's Mansion. It attracted the attention of the residents of the Flower City, and some people recognized that this woman was the first woman who disappeared in many disappearance cases]

[The woman told a horrific story in a hoarse voice: someone took her to a cellar somewhere and tormented her for three years! She managed to escape. There are many women like her imprisoned in that cellar. The news instantly detonated the whole Wanokuni, and people asked who she was. She insisted that she would not announce until she saw the general.]

[After you received the news, you quickly rushed to the front of the General's Mansion. You were very surprised to see this woman, and hurriedly asked her what happened. Then she said a name that no one expected: Kozuki Oden. It's impossible for you to shout three times in a row! But some citizens thought of the "rebellion in the harem". Oden is not without precedent! So they all asked you to hand over Oden, and you tried hard to explain it to the people, but this matter became more and more difficult. The faster it spread, the more intense it became, and the families of those missing women rushed to the scene one after another]

[One of the gray-haired old men knelt in front of you and said that her son and daughter-in-law died in the battle with the Kaido Pirates, and there was only one granddaughter left. This granddaughter also disappeared half a year ago. If you refuse to hand over Oden, she will be killed in front of the city lord's mansion. The picture of the old man bursting into tears instantly ignited the citizens. They rushed into Oden's residence with hoes and poles, and arrested Oden's family and retainers who were sleeping.]

[In the process of arresting him, one of his retainers, Kanjuro, "accidentally" stabbed a civilian to death in order to protect Momanosuke, which directly added fuel to the fire]

【When Oden woke up from his dream after a series of insults and anger, he was kidnapped by Wuhua and taken to the General’s Mansion. You look at him with a complicated look in your eyes】

[Momonosuke and Hiyori cried in the arms of Mrs. Toki, and the retainers drew their weapons to protect him]

【Immersive mode has been activated】

"Bai Ze, what, what's wrong?" Oden watched everyone staring at him, and he couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

"Brother." Bai Ze looked at him with a heartbroken expression: "Why do you do this?"

"What did I do?" Oden asked in confusion.

"Stop pretending to be Oden! You are sorry for the Kozuki family! I am even more sorry for the General!"

"Master General is working hard every day to protect Wanokuni! You are doing all these nasty things! 99

"Scum! Scum!"

"Burn him! Burn him! Burn him!

Seeing that the neiying he had placed in the crowd had successfully aroused the emotions of the nationals, Bai Ze knew that it was time for him to perform.

"Brother, do you know her?" Bai Ze pointed out, and on the chair behind him sat a woman wrapped in bandages, not with blood spilled.

The woman looked at Oden with hatred in her eyes. If she had a knife in her hand, Oden suspected that she would stab herself directly!

"Never seen!" Oden looked at the woman carefully and shook his head firmly.

And the woman heard the words and stood up regardless of the injury, gritted her teeth and said: "His Royal Highness Kozuki Oden! You don't know me anymore? Every time I see you, you start at least two hours!

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