Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 123 You are my family (please subscribe for a reward

"It's not appeasement, it's a balance."

Crane Vice Admiral shook his head, "Since the establishment of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is a certainty, Marine needs a batch of fresh blood to weigh them. It just happens that these fresh blood are all your disciples."

Bai Ze rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

What is this?

Akainu and Kizaru were promoted to Admiral alternates.

The group of Vice Admiral who were promoted later also served in Marine for many years, not to mention the amazing Kuzan!

Diyuan and Tea Dolphin are also justified.

But what about yourself?

How long did it take to join Marine?

All become Rear Admiral!

It's nothing more than those people in Naval Headquarters who saw Zephyr Admiral making exceptions to themselves many times and felt that he was optimistic about them, so they used themselves as an extra to make Zephyr "two sixty" happy!

So, he let out a long breath.

He stood up and said, "Zephyr Admiral, Crane Vice Admiral, I'm sorry, but I cannot accept this appointment."

Hearing this, everyone looked at him.

The Crane Vice Admiral watched this young man who met for the first time, but had heard the name many times in the headquarters, and was known as the "new generation monster", and always felt very good-natured.

There is an inexplicable intimacy, just like... watching him grow up!

"Although I have not been in the army for a long time, I admire Marine from the bottom of my heart. I grew up listening to Sengoku Admiral, Zephyr Admiral, Garp Vice Admiral and your name. In my heart, the promotion of Marine's rank It should be carried out according to strength, merit, and character. It should not be a weight in some kind of transaction. Therefore, it is difficult to obey.

Bai Ze's remarks are neither humble nor arrogant, and they are well-founded.

The crane Vice Admiral shook his head: "You are a Marine, after I heard that you are still a martyr. Then you should know that the most important thing for soldiers is to obey orders!"

Bai Ze frowned: "That's on the battlefield! It's a duty for soldiers to obey orders! Instead of being political victims!""

He said in a deep voice: "This world is a battlefield! And soldiers must follow orders!"

Deadly silent.

Zephyr's expression was a little lonely.

But seeing that kid is still arguing, I can't help but feel comforted.

If my son hadn't died...would he have grown into such a good young man?

But still patted the table: "Is there a place for you to talk here! Sit back for me honestly!

To his surprise, Bai Ze disobeyed his orders for the first time.

Still standing firmly in place.

At this time, Akainu also stood up: "I will never bow to a pirate.

Although this boy Bai Ze is usually mean, but what he said really spoke to his heart.

He couldn't help but remember what Bai Ze had said to himself in the infirmary before.

Only when you stand at the highest point can you have the right to speak and execute the justice in your heart.

Oh, boy Bai Ze.

You are not the only one who wants to stand on the highest point!

"Crane Vice Admiral! If I really want to withdraw the bounty for those big pirates, I can't accept it! The flying squirrel can't sit still.

After graduating from training camp, he has been fighting in the Marine line for many years.

How many brothers and sisters died under the swords and guns of pirates!

As long as you turn over a part of the benefits, can you legally privately plunder?


Is it so difficult to understand the truth of raising tigers?

Look at these three young men who will become the pillars of Marine's existence in the future.

Crane Vice Admiral sighed silently in his heart, but still clapped the table and said, "Did you make a mistake? I'm here to 'notify' you, not 'consult' your opinions! What virtue is a pirate, You know, don't the Five Elders and Marshal Kong not know? In fact, their expectations are very simple, let a group of unfamiliar wolf cubs drive away other wolves!

You can object, but it is meaningless! Even if the system of Seven Warlords of the Sea is abolished, can you guarantee that there will not be another king on the Six Warlords of the Sea, or the Four Warlords?

What politicians want to do, there are always thousands of ways to do it! Instead of resisting! It is better to maximize your own interests!

This sentence is very straightforward.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Vice Admiral continued: "The military orders are like mountains! You are so worried about Shichibukai, then you take up the ropes to tie them, and let them turn from wild wolves into dogs!

"But..." Bai Ze wanted to say more...

"Enough!" He heard a low growl, and to everyone's surprise, Zephyr interrupted him by slapping the table.

"Teacher Zephyr..." Bai Ze thought of how in the previous simulation, when he was the son of the man who looked much older than his actual age, he took care of himself and took care of him many times in reality.

My heart froze, and I wanted to say something.

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear Bai Ze!" Zephyr kicked out in a fit of rage, kicking the desk in front of him out of the office.

The table smashed a big hole in the wall, and the guard rushed over immediately, but after seeing the furious Zephyr along the hole, he shrank his head back in embarrassment.

"Tsuru, you go back and tell Marshal Kong and Sengoku. The four commanders agreed!" Zephyr let out a long breath.

"Zephyr..." A hint of distress flashed in the crane's eyes.

"But the old man has one condition.

"you say.

"Before this class of students return to Marineford, I will take them and Bai Ze to West Blue. Rest assured, this old man will return to Marineford before 'that mission' begins." Zephyr stared at the crane Vice Admiral said.

"Okay. I'll help 4.7 convey it on your behalf. 33 Crane Vice Admiral nodded, seeming to understand what Zephyr wanted to do.

Then she left the office.

So, the small room fell silent again.

"Sit down." Zephyr closed his eyes tiredly.

Akainu, Flying Squirrel, and Bai Ze looked at each other and sat down.

"You must be wondering why the old man accepted the four military orders?" Zephyr said with his eyes still closed.

None of the three were stupid, but none of them spoke, leaving the old man who gave everything for Marine to give the answer himself.

"The old man has already lost his family once, and you, the moment you become the old man's disciples, are the old man's family. As a parent, I will definitely fight for everything I can. Even if I use my self-esteem and principles to exchange."

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