Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 131 Douglas Bullet! (Please subscribe for a reward

Douglas Bullet.

The crew of One Piece Gol D Roger.

Paramecia · Combined Fruit Ability.

Bullet joined the Roger Pirates as a challenger. At that time, only Roger could beat him in the entire Pirates, and even the vice-captain Rayleigh could only draw against him!

If that doesn't describe how strong he is.

In Bai Ze's impression, Marine has only launched 4 Buster Calls.

This horrific and devastating blow was aimed at the same person twice.

And that person is Douglas Bullet!

Moreover, under the Buster Call launched by the peak Sengoku and Garp, he was only depleted of physical strength before being locked in Impel downLV6.

According to the current timeline, Roger will be executed in more than a month.

That Buster Call was launched 2 years later.

At this time, Bullet has been out of the Roger Pirates for 3 years, which is 21 years old, only one year older than the current Bai Ze!

Although his strength has not reached the peak, his bounty is definitely more than 500 million!

Even if it does not reach 1 billion, it is estimated that it is not much worse!

In the era of great pirates, it would be 3,272 billion properly!

But the question is, why is he at West Blue now?

Did you practice here?

Seeing that Bai Ze didn't speak, Zephyr knocked on the table to wake him from thinking: "It doesn't have to be him, West Blue still has a few pirates whose bounty is over 500 million.

"No! It's just him!" A ray of light flashed in Bai Ze's eyes.

This is placed in the animated theatrical version, and the existence of defeating all supernovas with one's own power is the best whetstone for oneself!

and the first pedal to the pinnacle of Marine!

"Okay." Seeing his resolute attitude, Zephyr no longer discouraged him, "According to the information, Bullet's current location is Potts Island in the southwest of us, and there is a giant volcano on that island that may erupt at any time.

"Got it. I'll bring his head back." Bai Ze nodded and walked away.

"Bai Ze!" "And when he was about to step out the door, Zephyr stopped him, "Come back alive. ""

"Hmm! Luo

When Bai Ze was no longer in sight, Tashigi blinked and asked Zephyr, "Grandpa (bieh), is uncle going to fight?

"Yeah, he is looking for a very powerful person to fight."

"Will that uncle get hurt?"

"It should be..." Zephyr scratched his head and replied after thinking.

Although Bai Ze is indeed as strong as a monster, this time his opponent is a real monster!

Hearing that Bai Ze would be injured, Tashigi instantly panicked: "Then uncle will lose?

"Losing?" Zephyr was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud: "Don't worry, he won't lose to anyone.

Moments later, a small one-man sailing ship left the port.

Bai Ze sat cross-legged on the boat, with Zang Xue and Yan Mo on either side of him.

In the reality that has passed through, he has played against the Black Vulture Pirates, Blake, and Zephyr successively.

But the Black Vulture Pirates were too weak, and Blake didn't kill him either, and he and Zephyr were the main players.

So to say the real life and death struggle, the battle destined next is the first time.

Fear? No.

Excited? Not really.

There is no doubt about Bullet's strength, and even the final defeat was distracted by Luffy's mouth cannons.

Being able to survive under Buster Call is enough to show that his physical strength is not under Mr. Kai!

I really want to see what the battle between Bullet and Mr. Kay will be like.

It's a pity that Bullet is about to die by his own hands, and this monster duel is nowhere to be seen.

Potts Island, because there are frequent volcanic eruptions, so let alone people, there are not many creatures.

Now the island is shaking violently from time to time.

It wasn't because the volcano was about to erupt, but a tall and strong man with red eyes and knotted muscles all over his body was hitting the volcano with those huge fists incessantly!

Under his fists, the ground of the entire island has been completely split in half.

"Roger! Roger! Roger!"

Every punch was accompanied by a heart-piercing roar.

Bullet was devastated when he learned that Roger was terminally ill a few years ago, and he was afraid, afraid that he would never have a chance against him again.

After that, because of the meticulous care of his companions on the ship, he gradually developed the consciousness that "it is necessary to protect his companions", and the battle began to be less decisive.

He thought he was getting weaker, and began to doubt Roger's strength.

After failing to challenge Roger for the last time, he quit the Pirates.

After relying on himself and starting to set foot in this sea, he felt familiar with himself coming back.

The one who kills decisively and leaves no room for the enemy is the strongest!

Even that powerful bastard can only rely on sand to fight himself to a tie!

But now, Roger turned himself in to Marine and was about to be executed!


Are you so afraid!

So afraid that one day I will fall in front of myself!

With a roar, a punch was thrown, and an indescribable aura gradually covered his body!


In the end, he punched out a punch, and directly blasted a big hole through the volcano!

"Why are you yelling so loudly? If you have a problem, go to the property management, uh no, Roger! 35

Suddenly, a figure remembered in the distance.

Bullet looks back.

Suddenly, a young man in a white suit with a Marine cloak and a sword on his waist appeared behind him.


Although even the head is made of muscles, there are a lot of people who died in their own hands while wearing that cloak.

Naturally recognizable at a glance.

"Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, Bai Ze." Bai Ze was also looking at the man he had only seen on screen before.

The figure is not as sturdy as in the movie version, but the height has reached a huge 5 meters, which is almost as tall as the orc form of Shuke.

No eyebrows, nothing but madness in the eyes.

"Rear Admiral? Are you here to arrest me?" Bullet's eyes twitched, "Just a Rear Admiral?! After Roger turned himself in, did you feel that you are invincible! Invincible! Ah?!

Along with this roar, Bullet's body suddenly turned into a sharp arrow and came to Bai Ze in an instant.

The huge fist punched Bai Ze's head with a terrifying sonic boom!.

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