Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 140 The seventh simulation

Has the long-lost orange talent appeared again?

Weapon Reforged...

Immediately, Bai Ze set his sights on his two weapons.

Zang Xue and Yan Mo.

To be honest, he likes both weapons.

Zangxue is a bamboo sword, full of martial arts atmosphere from its name to its shape.

And Yan Mo is a standard samurai sword, and the purple scabbard of Sao Bao can also satisfy Bai Ze's sullen mind.

To be honest, Bai Ze would still be a bit reluctant to recast these two weapons.

After some thought, Bai Ze took the lead in choosing 【Weapon Recast】


As for the remaining two, [Space-Time Assassin] is definitely required, and advanced skills related to space or time sound very strong!

Moreover, Bai Ze's current fighting style has become clear, that is to suppress opponents through speed.

And since this talent has the word "assassin", it must be a speed type!

Wouldn't it be worth it if a teleport was activated?!

And the last talent...

【I choose "Weapon Reforged", "Time and Space Assassin" and..."SCHLLODAYS"!】

[Tsk, this system thought you would scoff at the talent "SCHOOL". I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Host, you are finally on the road! 】

[Don't talk nonsense! I'm interested in improving my skills! I'm thinking of strengthening the remaining six styles!] Bai Ze blushed and hurriedly explained.

【I see】

【You know NM!】

[Cough, civilized speech! After the talent is worn, the simulation starts]

[0 years old: You were born in Cocoyasi Village, East Blue. Your parents are the most ordinary villagers. Your family makes a living by fishing and growing oranges]

Finally a normal family!

But in this world, it's not easy to live a normal family life.

And this Cocoa West Village, isn't it Bell-mère's hometown?!

So this time the "victim~" person has already been decided, right!

Bai Ze smiled bitterly. In reality, he had just met Bell-mère, so is he about to attack her adopted daughter?

[1 year old: During the catch week, my parents thought that you could grab a book or a marine toy, but you grabbed an orange, but the parents were still satisfied, thinking that it would be good if you planted oranges with them in the future. As everyone knows, the reason you grabbed the orange is because it is round and has a bulge]

Here it is, Bai Ze's first favorite catch week!

It was just this reason for catching oranges that made him feel ashamed, and it was also because of this reason!

From the perspective of the system, how much I like Opie!

[2 years old: In an accidental situation, my father found that he had just seen you in the bedroom, but the next moment you appeared in the living room, and when he picked you up in the living room, you disappeared again. In your arms is the Marine toy you just held. Father thinks that he is hallucinating because he drank too much]



time skill!

Bai Ze was excited for a while, but it was unclear what the specific effect was!

[3 years old: Because you are still young, your parents did not avoid you when they had some interactions. They think you don't know anything, but they don't know that their actions have left a deep impression on you]

Bai Ze couldn't help thinking that many of the juvenile QJ criminals he saw before crossing the road were because their parents did not shy away from making them curious about this kind of thing.

Are you doing this simulation yourself??

[4 years old: You are very talented in cooking, and your father had the idea of ​​letting you become a chef]

[5 years old: You start to try to cook by yourself, and the first dish you make is extraordinarily delicious, even the mother said it; it will produce a feeling of happiness]

[6 years old: When you start school, other classmates are a man and a woman at the same table, but there is a little fat man sitting next to you, which makes you very dissatisfied. Fortunately, the next day, a transfer student named Nami came to your class and became your new tablemate. You have no interest in this malnourished, yellow-faced, skinny little girl, but on the first day Nami came to the class to report, the blue-haired girl named Nuoqi Gao who sent her caught your attention]

I'm coming!

The heroine appears.

But what makes Bai Ze a little strange is that his goal is actually Nuoqigao, not Nami?!

But think about it, they are both battlefield orphans adopted by Bell-mère, Nuoqi is much older than Nami, and naturally developed much better than the current Nami.

And to be honest, compared to Nami, who is a bit out of character, the gentle and generous Nuoqigao is indeed more suitable to be a good wife and mother.

It's is "."Born Villain Simulator"!

[7 years old: You and Nami don't get along very well. She is afraid of life and has a great temper, so she will always get very angry at you inadvertently crossing the "38 line", even poking your arm with a pencil. You are very dissatisfied with this, so you will grab her meal while she is eating. Your classmates will point fingers at your behavior, which makes your relationship worse.]

What? Are you taking the childhood sweetheart route?

[8 years old: One afternoon, because the teacher was temporarily busy, he left school early. When you get home, you find a pair of ladies' shoes you've never seen in front of your room. You pushed open the door and found your father doing the same thing he did with his mother at night with his aunt who sold cigarettes in the village.

Because your sudden return made them very embarrassed, the aunt hurriedly put on her clothes and left. When she was wearing (good Li Hao) clothes, her plump body left a deep impression on you.

Father pulled you into the room and asked you to keep it a secret for him, and don't tell others, especially your mother, what you saw. You ask your father what he and Auntie are doing. The father blushed and replied that men should boast about what they should do with women.

You continue to ask, as long as men and women can do it? Because my father didn't want to worry too much about this issue, he casually said that as long as it's a woman you like, you can do that kind of thing with her. You nodded understandingly.

Then, father stared into your eyes and said seriously, don't tell others what you just saw, if you agree, he will buy you snacks.

When you hear there are snacks to eat, you nod happily.

When you go to bed at night, listening to the movements of your parents in the next room, your head is full of the body you saw during the day].

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