Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 151 Carnival Baron (for subscription reward)

It's different from what everyone thinks in advance.

There were no ferocious beasts in this dense jungle that suddenly came out of nowhere to attack them.

The preparation said that apart from the overly dense and robust vegetation, not even the chirping of birds was heard.

At this time, the evil dragon used Zhan Feng to split the plants blocking the road, and frowned.

He stopped and turned his head and shouted, "Little devil, come here."

Hearing this, Nami grabbed Bai Ze's arm in a panic, while Bai Ze clapped his hands lightly to indicate that he was okay, and walked over.

"What do you think of this place?" The dragon asked aloud after Bai Ze walked to his side.

"It's a little weird." Bai Ze looked around, "It stands to reason that in such a dense jungle, even if there are no beasts, there should be insects and birds."5

"Yes." The dragon nodded, "When things are impermanent, there must be demons."

"However, you shouldn't want to turn around and go back, right?" Bai Ze raised his head and glanced at him.

"Go back? Hahahaha, how can I go back after finding this place for so long! Besides, I am the Evil Dragon Master of the Evil Dragon Pirates! After 33 finished speaking, he waved his sword and continued to open the way.

Stimulated by his laughter, the fish people also cheered up their morale and strode forward.

After walking for another hour, everyone finally saw something other than plants.

That is a giant luxury amusement city with dozens of 387 Cocosia villages!

When they came to the gate of the amusement city, a large number of dancers in pink dresses and white stockings appeared in front of everyone with fans covering their faces.

They shouted in unison: "Welcome all distinguished guests to Carnival Island. 99

But after the fan was removed, the faces of men with beards were revealed!

At the same time, a large number of waiters in various colored shirts swarmed and shouted in unison: "Guest, you have worked hard!

Nami was stunned to see all this, and trotted to Bai Ze's side and asked, "Bai Ze, look at these people's heads all have a leaf on their heads!"

And the evil dragon sneered: "Oh, kid, on this sea, there are things beyond your imagination."

Just when everyone was stunned in place, a loud elephant call came.

The dancers suddenly split the sides.

A man in a red shirt with a floral waistcoat, a beard, and a two-way upturned beard on his mouth stood on top of the elephant.

Behind him, there is a strong man holding an umbrella for him.

At the same time, at his feet was squatting a shirtless man.

"Ah (bieh) ah ah ah, this time the guests are really unusual." The man who saw that he was the master looked at the crowd and said in surprise.

"Are you the master here?" The evil dragon inserted Zhanfeng into the floor tile and looked at the man fiercely.

"Yes, this guest, you can call me Baron Carnival, who is the owner of this carnival island." The man opened his hands to introduce himself, and then asked: "If I'm not mistaken, you are from the Murloc. Guests? Oh, and the other two are humans.

Murlocs and humans, what a wonderful combination, hahahaha! 99


Hearing a whistling wind, the dragon yanked out the Zhan Feng that had been inserted into the ground, and in an instant, a crack spread rapidly along the direction of the carnival baron.

But when it was about to reach the foot of the elephant, it stopped.

"It was you who attacked us earlier!" The evil dragon narrowed his eyes and asked sharply.

"Assault? How could I attack the guests?" The Carnival Baron said innocently, "I asked you to come, so that you can enjoy everything on this island! If you don't come, who will play with me?"

"Play? I don't have the heart to play with you!" The evil dragon carried Zhan Feng on his shoulders, his knees bent slightly, and bursts of white air came out of his mouth, and he was about to charge towards the baron.

'and many more. "Bai Ze stopped in front of him.

"It's better to have a reason to convince me, otherwise you will die with him." The evil dragon looked at this kid, and his killing intent was almost unstoppable.

"Look at his shoulder," the boy replied.

The evil dragon looked up, only to notice that on the shoulders of this carnival baron stood a strange plant with white buds and yellow petals.

"What is that?" the dragon asked in a low voice.

And Bai Ze shook his head: "I don't know, but that thing makes me feel very strange. has a huge vitality.

"What did you say?!" The dragon's eyes widened instantly, "You mean, that is..."

Bai Ze quickly stretched out a finger to signal him to shut up, "I'm not sure. But even if it's not, it should have a lot to do with what you're looking for. Let's see what this person is doing first.

The dragon let out a long breath and stood up straight again.

"Hahaha, guest, but are you ready to enjoy everything in this city?" the baron asked, laughing.

"Cut, kid, come and talk to him." The dragon said to Bai Ze.

Hearing this, Bai Ze nodded.

"It's ready. However, according to the plot of the adventure story, what test should we pass before we can use everything here?" Bai Ze said loudly.

"What a smart guest! Yes, you need to pass the triple test before you can enjoy everything in this city." The baron sighed, and then a playful look flashed in his eyes: "And, guest, when you came, you rode in the car. There must be something wrong with the ship?"

"Sure enough, it's you!" The evil dragon was furious when he heard the words, and was about to rush up with the knife on his back.

The other fish people also drew their weapons and cursed.

"Daddy's boat!

"You accompany Lao Tzu's Spabu!"

"I'm going to chop you into minced meat and throw it into the sea!"

But the baron's next sentence calmed them all down.

"If you can pass these three tests, you will not only be able to play for free. When you leave, I will also give you a bigger and better boat."

Seeing the fish people's emotions calm down, Bai Ze then asked, "What is the test?"

"The first test!"

I saw the baron's right hand raised high, and the entire amusement city suddenly began to change like a mechanism, and it formed a huge sea arena in an instant!

"Go for goldfish! 39

"Fishing for goldfish?" Even dragons know about this traditional human entertainment.

Then, a fish tank with a diameter of about one meter rose in front of everyone, which was filled with goldfish of various colors.

There are also several slap-sized fishing nets around the fish tank.

Bai Ze and the dragon looked at each other, is it really that simple?

The next moment, everyone felt a violent shaking!

In an instant, a goldfish about the size of the shark Spab jumped out of the sea!

The monstrous waves that rolled up swept away the entire small fish tank.

"As long as you catch that goldfish faster than my men, you will pass the first test. At this moment, the man's voice sounded again.

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