Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 160 The family is to be neat and tidy

【Night, on the warship】

[The evil dragon found you, and at this moment his eyes still lost the previous violence. "So, what is the treasure on that island that can resurrect people?" he asked.

And you spread your hands and said, "There is no such thing as a treasure that can bring people back to life.""

"Impossible!" The dragon roared excitedly, "Otherwise, how could you master that ability overnight!

"If you say that the living dead like Muqi Geluo can be regarded as resurrected, then there are indeed.

'...The living dead, what do you mean. "

"Need to maintain oneself by absorbing other life force, is this living? 99'

The way you looked at him made him stunned for a moment, and then continued: "The person you want to resurrect is someone you respect and admire, right? If you think he can accept that he can be revived in this way and become an unconscious person. , Unconscious puppet, then I can indeed resurrect him.

Your words silenced the dragon.

The person he wants to resurrect is the brave, warm-blooded, gentle idol with his own thoughts, not a puppet.

In the end, all thoughts finally turned into a sigh.

"When I send you to Cocosia Village, I will leave and go back to The fish men island." The dragon said.

"Leave? Why leave?" You looked at him and said playfully.

"You've got that power! You can easily take all of our lives! What's the point of me staying in your village? Do you want to enslave me? Don't even think about it!

Seemingly aware of Bai Ze's thoughts, the dragon stood up and roared hideously.

"I'm not a noble with bad tastes, why should I enslave you?" You waved your hand to signal him not to get excited, then said with a smile: "Aren't you going to be the overlord of East Blue?

"Heh, are you mocking me? In front of you, who would dare to call themselves the overlord of East Blue!" The dragon said ironically.

"I'll help you. But you can't leave Cocosia Village.

..what do you mean? You don't want to help the villagers drive the pirates away?

"Help them drive the pirates away? Don't you think I would be so kind to those who abandoned me?" You looked at him and said calmly: "But there are still some people I care about in the village, I can't kill all those villagers.

So what I want to do is to live as before, so naturally I need the name of the Pirates to help me with some things. ""

The dragon was silent, and he could not feel any emotional fluctuations from you.

It is hard for him to imagine that a human being would be so cold-blooded to someone who has lived with him for so long]

[After sailing for a day and two nights, the warship docked at the village of Cocosia.

The villagers saw that it was a warship and thought that the abominable mouse Colonel had come again.

But the fact made them despair even more, the damn pirates who came back!

It is very interesting to see the disgusted and fearful expressions of the villagers on the boat.

After hearing the news, Bell-mère and Nuoqigao immediately put down their work and rushed over.

After seeing you and Nami safe and sound, Bell-mère hugged you tightly and cried with joy.

While you were comforting her, you turned your attention to Nuoqigao, who was standing beside her with a complicated expression.

A playful smile appeared on his face, and he even licked his lips deliberately.

Seeing your appearance, Nuoqi turned her head to the side angrily.

Then, you followed Bell-mère home under the disdainful eyes of the villagers.

And the tea house pirates family lived on the boat like the dragon and the others.

You told the dragon last night that everyone else doesn't matter, Rosa has to take care of it.

Hearing this, the evil dragon seemed to understand something, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

Then you notice that Bell-mère is limping a little.

You asked her how she was hurt.

Bell-mère just smiled faintly and said nothing.

You look at the villagers on both sides of the street who are staring at you, and you seem to understand something]

【That night, Bell-mère made a great meal to celebrate your return with Nami.

Nami didn't show any abnormality, and ate as if nothing had happened.

After eating, he fell asleep and seemed very tired.

......・・・For flowers...  

After dinner, Bell-mère asked you where you have been these days/

You just said that you followed the dragon and the others to survey and map the sea.

Hearing this, Bell-mère sighed and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

At this point, there are only you and Nuoqigao left in the living room.

You asked her in a low voice if Bell-mère was being bullied by the villagers.

She frowned and choked, if it wasn't for Bell-mère's willingness to take you in after you joined the Pirates, how could even the oranges in the orangery be chopped in half!

Bell-mère's foot was swollen when he went to protect the orange tree.

You asked her who did it. At first, Nuoqigao was reluctant to say, but seeing you approaching step by step, he said that Abe, who had been coveting the orange orchard, led someone to do it.


Abe, you know, living at the head of the village, also grows fruit.

It was said that his colleagues were enemies, and he did talk to Bell-mère many times about buying the land. But as the only source of life for the family, it is naturally impossible to sell it to him.

Seize the opportunity now and take advantage of Bell-mère's "taking in the pirates" when the villagers are unhappy.

You nodded and went back to the room without saying anything]

[It was late at night, you quietly left the house and walked towards the village.

But just a few steps away, he saw a raging fire at the head of the village.

You frowned and ran away.

By the time you arrived, Abe's house was completely burned.

And he himself, his wife, brother, and brother, were lying in front of the burning house without breathing.

With a strange smile on his face, he seemed to be just asleep and dreaming.

You go up, put your fingers on his arm, want to activate the ability to revive him, and ask him what happened.

But as soon as the fingers touched his body, they dented his skin.

Only then did you realize that the inside of his body turned into flour!

At this time, the villagers had already discovered the fire and were rushing to put out the fire.

You can only leave first.

Although I don't care very much, unnecessary misunderstandings are always annoying.】Spoon.

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