Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 193 Marine's little boss Bai Ze!

Bai Ze re-evaluated the determined middle-aged Rear Admiral.

Tall, with long hands and feet, it is really suitable for swords.


"Why do you want to be a swordsman?" Bai Ze asked.

Bauer scratched his head and said hesitantly: "To be honest, it was greatly affected by your sword yesterday, but there is another reason..."

"you say."

"My daughter fell madly in love with you after watching your sword yesterday. As a father, who doesn't want their children to worship themselves?"

"Dare to ask how old your daughter is?

"Eight years old..."

"Okay, let me explain to you what to do if you encounter an enemy faster than you in melee combat."

"Huh? Don't you teach me to be a swordsman?"

"What kind of swordsman to be! Fist-to-fist interaction is a man's romance!" Bai Ze scolded angrily.

Even if you say you want an eighteen-year-old girl to be madly infatuated with me!

What happened to eight years old!

Half an hour later, Bauer saluted Bai Ze with a satisfied face and returned to his seat.

He didn't even pick up the tachi that was thrown in the field.

[Congratulations to the Host temporary task completion rate 6/20]

"Okay, who's next?

"I am me!

When the temporary completion was only two days away, the sky gradually darkened.

Bai Ze picked up the water handed by Xiuke and started to boil.

Shuoke leaned into his ear and said, "Today has to end, and if it doesn't end, I won't be able to catch up with cooking.

Bai Ze rolled his eyes at him, put the water glass in his hand, and walked back to the arena.

"Okay, let's go here first today, and we'll continue tomorrow morning. But tomorrow I only have time for one morning, and the other colleagues who are scheduled have to wait for me to finish the task and come back. Luo He showed a seat to the still full audience. Sorry to smile.

In exchange, it was really shocking screams and applause.

Even though he didn't play against Bai Ze himself, he didn't deliberately lower his voice when Bai Ze taught other officers.

When it comes to some important points, it will remind everyone to watch and listen together.

So this day everyone has something to gain.

It's a pity that Bai Ze didn't draw a knife once.

So, Bai Ze left the training ground with applause and cheers.

After taking a breath of fresh air that has been missing for a long time, he strode towards the house.

Before he could open the courtyard door, he heard various sounds from inside.

Zephyr is teasing Tashigi, Smoker and Luman are bickering daily, Diyuan is communicating with the flying squirrel...

Overall, very noisy.

But very cozy.

"I'm back." Bai Ze pushed open the courtyard door, and the words like "You're back" and "Welcome back" did not appear.

Everyone is still doing their own thing, as if treating him as a transparent person.

Only Tashigi ran over and looked at him with wide eyes, and Bai Ze picked her up.

Still Tashigi cherubs are cute, not like those white-eyed wolves.

At this time, Tashigi said: "Uncle Bai Ze, I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs.

Saying that, he swallowed.

Ever since Bai Ze made sweet and sour pork ribs on the way back to Marineford from the Kingdom of Illusia, the little girl has been obsessed with this taste.

After knowing that "Uncle Bai Ze invited everyone to dinner" last night, he didn't fall asleep all night.

Mao's brain is all that sweet, sour pork ribs.

Bai Ze gave a wry smile and hooked her little nose: "Okay, uncle will do it for you!"

Although he was chatting with the flying squirrel, Di Yuan, who couldn't help glancing over here, saw this scene and asked in a low voice, "That little girl, was Bai Ze picked up in the Kingdom of Ilusia? 35

The flying squirrel immediately understood and nodded: "Yes, her name is Tashigi, she is an orphan, Bai Ze took her back to Mr. Zephyr to take care of her because she was pitiful. You know, Mr. Zephyr has always lacked a sustenance in his heart, so he just let her take care of him. This little girl is going to fill it up. Don't look at Bai Ze's usual carelessness, but she has a finer mind than anyone else. 35

And what he really thought in his mind was, Bai Ze, brother, this time, you have a good word for you! It would not be too much to eat two more pieces of meat later!

Hearing this, Di Yuan sneered, Bai Ze, this slut, can't he know? It's just that his brain isn't doing any good!

But she glanced at Zephyr with a doting face (bieh), and at Bai Ze holding Tashigi, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

so good.

After it was forbidden for anyone to enter the kitchen, Bai Ze was busy in the kitchen.

It can only be said that the three of Shuuke really bleed a lot this time buying ingredients.

Although it is only the most common chicken, duck and fish, the portion is enough for 30 people!

So you want to drain yourself all at once, right?!

Wait, I, Bai Ze, will let you know what a Chinese small master is today (mistakenly)!

After locking myself in the kitchen for a full two hours.

During this period, Zephyr, Tashigi, Smoker, Hina and Flying Squirrel all said they wanted to help, but were mercilessly blasted out.

And just when Tashigi had already started rummaging through boxes to find snacks, the long-awaited "Come and serve the dishes" finally sounded.

Everyone cheered and opened the kitchen door.

The kitchen is huge, and Bai Ze is putting down his rolled up sleeves.

There was a tired look on his face.

Damn, so tired.

It's more tiring than a day of class.

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to the dozen or so large and small plates on the table.

Saliva began to secrete frantically.

"Serving dishes! Why are you standing there?" Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, "Don't steal it!"

Only then did everyone react and began to carry the plates.

In fact, Bai Ze's craftsmanship is very general, but he just learned some home-cooked dishes from his mother before crossing.

But these Chinese home-cooked dishes are already a dimensionality reduction in this world where roasting and cooking are still the mainstay.

Bai Ze was thinking when he was cooking, and didn't know if the red-footed Zep's leg was broken.

If you haven't stopped, you can help!

Hurry up to open a restaurant on the sea and let yourself steal a teacher!

Braised pork, stir-fried pork, fish-flavored shredded pork, braised eggplant, braised chicken, vinegared cabbage, mapo tofu, kung pao chicken, tomato scrambled eggs, fried prawns, and sweet and sour pork ribs hand-picked by Tashigi.

Knowing how horrible these people's appetites are, I doubled the amount of each dish and made two servings of each.

It's really the most common home-cooked food in China, but it's enough in this world.

"It's so delicious! Bai Ze! After that mission is over, come to my ship or be in charge of cooking! 35

Bai Ze rolled his eyes at Garp who was about to pick a toothpick and was about to complain, but he frowned and shouted in surprise: "Garp Vice Admiral! When did you come!

At this time, except Zephyr, everyone looked at this burly Vice Admiral who came out without knowing when.

"I'm looking for you for something, and it happens that you are having a meal. Why don't I come here for a bit."

Bai Ze rolled his eyes again, and there is no one who can be so self-righteous.

“So why are you looking for me?’99

"Come with me.""


"Impel down.

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