Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 199 Sail, set sail!

31 Maybe the sea knows what will happen next, and today's sea style is hustle and bustle.

After arriving at Marineford No. 1 port, Bai Ze began to watch the people coming and going on the special warship called the Black Owl that he was going to board next.

It is said to be specially made because there is a room made of seastone in this black owl, or a prison cell.

Needless to say, it was naturally for Roger.

And this warship is loaded with nearly 100 artillery pieces.

Plus Bai Ze, Di Yuan, Tea Dolphin and a group of students.

A ship is a fleet!

"What? Nervous?" Akainu's voice came from behind.

Bai Ze shook his head, "It's not nervous, it just feels a little unreal."

"Oh?" Akainu's brows-raised.

But Bai Ze didn't speak.

He didn't know what to say.

If you don't count the time spent in the simulation, I was just one of the most common social animals on earth a few months ago.

At this time, he is already a Marine Rear Admiral, or the next "Marine Hero" that has been widely anticipated.


What's more outrageous is that he is responsible for escorting One Piece Roger to Logue town for execution.

Is all this really not a dream?

At this time, Marshal Sora appeared at the port with Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp, and Crane.

All the Marines immediately dropped all work and saluted them.

Akainu and Bai Ze also set up their luggage.

"Next, I'll leave it to you." Sora said while looking at them.

And his eyes were more on Bai Ze.

"Yes! I will not be humiliated!"

Moments later, after passing the flagships of the three fleets to wave the slogan "Ready to set sail at any time", Bai Ze waved his big hand "Go!

Huoke immediately shouted to the students busy on the deck: "Sail! Set sail!"

As a result, the sound of "sail" was passed on, resounding in the port.

Immediately afterwards, Marineford's bell rang.

It was a march of might, and a death knell for that Marine's greatest enemy.

After leaving the port, the three "Yang" fleets immediately formed a triangle to firmly surround the Xuan Owl.

And the warships closest to the Xuan Owl are the flagships of the fleet, to ensure that the three captains can support them in the first time in the event of an accident.

Standing on the bow, Bai Ze nodded to the three Akainu in the distance.

Then, 31 warships loaded with the highest combat power of Marine's younger generation sailed down toward Impel.

a few hours later.

The door of justice opened again, and the four flagships sailed in.

Then, all officers above the general level were dispatched to stand at the entrance of Impel down.

It was Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji and Bai Ze who were at the head.

Faced with such a lineup, even as strong as Magellan could not help swallowing.

Then there was another sharp pain in the stomach - poisoned by his own saliva.

As the prison door slowly opened, several prison guards escorted Roger, who had seastone chains on his hands and feet, and walked out slowly.

Bai Ze knew that these seastones were useless to Roger.

People rely on Haki and swordsmanship, and do not eat Devil Fruit at all.

Seemingly because he hadn't seen the sun for too long, Roger was a little uncomfortable the moment he stepped out of the prison gate and looked up at the sky.

Everyone did not speak, just waiting for him quietly.

This is the last respect for such a great pirate who is destined to go down in history.

After a while, Roger lowered his head again and looked slightly surprised at the Marine generals standing in a row in front.

"What? Garp and Sengoku... didn't come?"

Akainu took a step forward and said: "The two officers have other things to do, and I will be responsible for this escort task."

"Hahaha, not even an Admiral. You...are you underestimating me?" Roger burst out laughing.

Hearing this, all the Marines present, including the jailer, looked like they were on the verge of an enemy.

Some who couldn't hold their breath even pulled out their knives.

No way, in the face of this One Piece, any of his actions and actions cannot be taken lightly.

Seeing this, Bai Ze sighed, stepped forward and lined up with Akainu, and said, "The marshal and the Admiral have given us the task, and they naturally have confidence in us, and I will certainly not be humiliated when I wait."35

The gate of the prison fell silent again.

A gust of sea breeze blew, and the cloaks of the generals squeaked.

Encouraged by Bai Ze, Marine and the guards' nervousness relaxed a little.

"Looks like Marine is really a successor." Feeling that the surrounding atmosphere had changed again, Roger showed Bai Ze his signature smile again.

...... ask for flowers ......

"Then, sir, which ship shall I get on?

After personally imprisoning Roger in the cell built by the pure ocean property market, Bai Ze returned to the deck.

After he nodded, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji let out a sigh of relief.

Then he returned to his flagship.

The next moment, the fleet set sail again.

And this time, the Xuan Owl sneaked into Akainu's fleet and disguised as the most common warship.

It takes about half a month to travel from Impel down to Logue town. Although some Marine Bases passing along the way will escort them for a certain distance, everyone knows that this half month will be the most dangerous time.


At night, Shuke, who was at the helm, suddenly said: "To be honest, although he is extremely weak, the first time I saw him, my legs were weak. 35

"Me too. It's scary, even though he's laughing, I always feel like I'm going to die at his hands in the next moment." Smoker also rushed over to echo.

"His whole person is like a sharp sword. Although it is a little damaged, it is still sharp." Lu Man took over.

"He's his, doesn't he have a name? Or you don't even dare to say his name?" Bai Ze said with a wry smile.

"Uh..." Hearing this, the three of them blushed at the same time, and found that they seemed to have avoided Roger's name subconsciously.

"No matter who he is, there is one thing that can't be changed. He is a pirate, and you are Marines!" Di Yuan also came over and reprimanded with a frown.

"Yes!" In the hearts of the three, Di Yuan's words were more important than Bai Ze, and they immediately gave a military salute and continued to work.

"Let's go to a rest meeting, you will be tired in the second half of the night." Di Yuan turned to Bai Ze and said.

This was what they had agreed with Cha Dolphin in advance. Cha Dolphin was in charge of the daytime, Diyuan was in charge of the first half of the leaves, and Bai Ze was in charge of the second half of the night.

In fact, according to their physical strength, even if they do not sleep for ten days and a half months, it will not have much impact.

But in the face of the battle that may come at any time, it is still necessary to maintain the best state.

"Well, then you pay more attention." Bai Ze nodded and was about to go to the cabin.

But at this moment, a strange gale suddenly blew the sail into a half-circle spoon.

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