After leaving the seastone cell, Bai Ze looked at the mansion where he knocked on the door.


"En." Di Yuan nodded, "The two pirate ships, both of which were pirates with a bounty of less than 100 million yuan, were still solved by Porusalino Vice Admiral.

"That's good, but you can't take it lightly." Bai Ze said, he remembered the strange wind and what Roger said, "Maybe it's not the pirates who want to save him the most.

"I know. It's not normal for two little pirates to take the initiative to attack after seeing so many warships." Di Yuan continued, "You should rest, it will be your post in two hours.

"Break?" Bai Ze smiled bitterly, "How can you take a break? Who knows when the next time will be and what scale it will be."

ten days later.

Most of the trip is over.

But what puzzled everyone was that, except for the first night, there were no attacks in these ten days.

This made some soldiers feel that their officers 18 were overly nervous.

And except when delivering meals to Roger, Bai Ze never entered Roger's cell.

But even so, Bai Ze still noticed that Roger's physical condition was getting worse and worse.

He knew that even without execution, his life would come to an end.

Smoker walked away from the rudder, stretched a lot and walked to Bai Ze's side.

He took out a cigar and lit it, took a deep breath and exhaled a ring of smoke.

The strange thing is that there was no wind, and the smoke ring just floated out of his mouth and then dissipated.

This made him frown. "I have an ominous feeling. 35

"Oh?" Bai Ze looked at him in surprise.

Has this kid learned to use his brain too?

"What kind of expression do you have?!" Smoker glared at Bai Ze when he noticed Bai Ze's expression, "This is so weird that even a pig can feel wrong!"5

"Is there a possibility that you are not even a pig in my opinion?" Bai Ze made a joke, slightly diluting the depressing atmosphere.

Smoker reached out and nudged him.

At this time, both of his eyes turned to a man and a woman not far away at the same time.

"Hey, are you sure you don't care?" Smoker asked, frowning.

"What?" Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, "How many times have I said that, I have nothing to do with Diyuan Rear Admiral, don't make wild guesses! 39

That's what he said, but when he flicked his finger, a thin electric current suddenly shot out from his finger, and it was in the middle of the buttocks of the tea dolphin who was attentive to Di Yuan.

Burned a big hole in his pants.

The tea dolphin let out a strange cry, looked left and right, and found that Bai Ze was looking at him with a playful expression, so he hurriedly made a haha ​​and slipped away.

When Di Yuan saw this, he glanced at Bai Ze and walked into the captain's room.

"Cough, I still want to do this after performing such an important mission, I didn't throw him into the sea to feed the fish! It's not bad that I didn't throw him into the sea! Perceiving the contemptuous expression on Smoker's face, Bai Ze coughed and explained.

"Haha. I believe you want to throw him into the sea to feed the fish. Do you believe the first half of the sentence?"

"Nonsense! Of course I..."

At this moment, a loud explosion interrupted Bai Ze's words!

Bai Ze swept to the observation deck in an instant, and Di Yuan and the tea dolphin who had not changed his pants also rushed out!

All students immediately enter the state of preparation!

Is it finally here?!

The explosion came from the rear right of the black owl, a warship in the Aokiji fleet!

Bai Ze saw that the warship had been billowing thick smoke! A huge hole appeared on the right side of the ship!

The whole ship is already tilting gradually, and it will be completely overturned in a few minutes!

But there are no other ships on the sea except the fleet!

The next moment, he knew where the attack came from!

It sounded again with several explosions!

There are 9 warships in the three "Yang" fleets at the same time began to emit huge fire and black smoke!

At this time, fifty large ships with black sails and no pirate symbols rose from the sea!

And they all have a transparent film on their hulls!

In addition to the ten ships interspersed with the Marine fleet, another forty ships have surrounded the Marine fleet!

From the first to destroy a few warships, to interspersed and surrounded.

Everything is in order like it has been rehearsed many times!

Bai Ze understands, the previous two pirate ships were trying to find out the structure and layout of the fleet at the cost of their lives!

Look at the positions of the warships' ammunition depots that they attacked first!

Who would believe if there is no inner ghost!

At this point, the Marine warship's counterattack has begun!

First, a thick layer of ice suddenly formed on the sea surface, and several thick icicles rose out of the ice layer, staring at the bombarded warship and preventing it from rolling over.

Then a burst of high temperature hit, and a red figure jumped high on the flag at the forefront!

Immediately afterwards, the red silhouette's double fists produced a large number of huge lava fists that were launched into the air, and then the magma fists like a meteor shower continued to fall from the sky!

Hit those black ships on the outskirts!

Meteor Volcano!

Akainu obviously doesn't mean to fight for a long time, and it is a big move when he makes a move!

And on the black ship that was in the encirclement, suddenly dozens of black shadows jumped into the air!

Chop, pierce, or kick the lava fists that hit your ship!

Of course, in 433, there are also people who were directly smashed into the sea by lava!

However, under the obstruction of these people who were not afraid of death, only a dozen of hundreds of lava fists hit the target!

Seeing this, Bai Ze narrowed his eyes.

Dead man!

Shortly after Akainu fell back on the flagship, a deep voice came from the public channel phone bug: "I'm Sakazuki, fleets, start fighting!"

This order instantly made the Marines recover from their stunned state!


With a loud roar after the flying squirrel drew out the long sword, the thirty warships that assembled all the elites of the headquarters began to fight back.

"Is the gun mount ready! 35

"All right!"

"Bomb my motherfucker!"

The warship where the ghost spider is located is also one of the targets of the black ship sneak attack.

He was holding his breath, after receiving instructions from Akainu, he directly ordered to start a counterattack with the shells that were not destroyed without even knowing the distance!

And there were countless gunshots from other warships!

But as a huge wall of fire rises over the sea, all the shells are swallowed by this wall of fire!

Bai Ze's eyes widened, Mera-mera Fruit?!

And a huge iceberg suddenly appeared on another flagship!

Go straight to the wall of fire!

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