Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 212 Execution • Young People Fishing in Troubled Waters

"I remember what this kid seems to be called Crocodile?"

On the execution stand, Roger raised his head slightly, looking at the big hole on the ground and said.

"What? An acquaintance?" Bai Ze continued to close his eyes, maximizing his Observation Haki while he was calm.

"I have challenged me before, and my ambition is not small." Roger showed a look of memory.

"No matter how ambitious you are, it's useless if you don't have strength. The point is that you don't have any brains." Bai Ze curled his lips, "Sand-Sand Fruit, how dare you be a bird in such a heavy rain.""

"Hahaha, yes." Roger laughed, "Oh? Here again?"

I saw Crocodile turned into a sandstorm again, heading straight for the execution platform!

This time Bai Ze didn't even get up, a tall figure stopped before the sandstorm, flashing Armament Haki's punches and slammed into the sandstorm!

Crocodile was blasted out again.

Shuoke landed on the execution platform, nodded to Bai Ze, and went straight in the direction of Crocodile.

"You're a good subordinate." Roger said, looking at Hulk's back.

"That's natural, it's mainly because of the brain." Bai Ze agreed, and then saw Smoker, who was still addicted to playing unparalleled in "Zombies", and sighed helplessly.

"Another one." Roger glanced at the lower right corner, and saw a Captain standing in the Marine. Suddenly, he pulled out his long knife with a strange expression and slashed over several surrounding colleagues.

Bai Ze glanced at it, and on this Captain, there were several extremely slender threads.

Looking along the silk thread, I met Doflamingo's line of sight who was hiding in a corner not far away.

Doflamingo looked at Marine Rear Admiral, whom he had met for the first time but had already heard of, and the corner of his mouth lifted into an extremely arrogant smile.

But for some reason, when I saw this pariah who was obviously younger than me, I had a strange feeling in my heart.

Just like...the "~" king I saw when I was very young, I want to kneel and obey him!


Yourselves are noble Celestial Dragons!

How could it be possible to feel this way about a pariah of a lower race!

So, he chose to take action.

But the next moment, a clear knife light suddenly cut all his silk threads.

Luman appeared in front of him holding Field Sword.

"It's really troublesome, there are so many shells to block, can you not worry about it?

"Jie Jie Jie Jie. Brother Ming showed his signature smile. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was blocked by a sword that swept past him and was inserted into the wall on his left side.

"Since it's emerging, don't leave."

"That's the Don Quixote kid?" Roger asked.

"You know this too?" Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, "I thought you wouldn't care about this kind of stuff.

"Isn't he the brainy guy you call him?" Roger laughed.

"It doesn't count. After all, there are too many flaws in the character."

"Hahaha, I'm a little curious now, who can get into your eyes.

"A lot.

"for example?"

"Like this one. 35


As a black sword light struck, Bai Ze tilted his head to avoid the sword energy.

On the ground, there were eagle-eyed corpses of "zombies" that could not afford to fall on the ground all around, holding a most common Marine saber in his hand, looking up at Bai Ze.

"What a sharp sword energy!" Roger slapped his mouth, "It seems that the sea will not be lonely in the future. 35

"Indeed. But unfortunately, his knife is not there. Bai Ze shook his head.

The next moment, Flying Squirrel and Di Yuan landed on the ground at the same time, looking at Hawkeye coldly.

And in the distant port, there was an explosion sound again. jiu

Only this time, chunks of huge volcanic rocks fell from the sky with billowing smoke.

It was Akainu who had left earlier.

"So, it is also your expectation that the other party will send a fleet?" Roger asked curiously.

"First, attracting the main fighting force, and then causing more Marines to end up by creating riots, including those with ulterior motives in the crowd, it is not enough to create opportunities to fish in troubled waters. The easiest way is to create panic through firepower suppression. 35 Bai Ze said softly: "The next thing is some of the highlights. 39

"But before that, there is someone I'm really interested in that I want to get in touch with.


Bai Ze didn't answer, but took off the bell from his waist and shook it slightly.

As the crisp bell rang, the figure of Bai Ze suddenly appeared in front of the hooded man who was walking away from the square.

"As you mentioned earlier, Monkey D Dragon."

Long looked at Bai Ze, who was made of thick liquid, in surprise, and then looked back at Rear Admiral in white, who was waving at him on the execution platform, and frowned.

With all the aura that he had obviously restrained, he chose to leave at the first moment of the riot, or did he notice it?

There is also this strange ability, the dragon's Observation Haki unfolds, but the Bai Ze in front of him can't detect a trace of biological breath!

With a sword whistle, the white-robed burning sky, which was copied from teardrops, came out of its scabbard!

It is several times stronger than Hawkeye's black sword energy, and the sword energy that is several times faster goes straight to the dragon!

And the dragon's hands suddenly turned black, slightly curved like dragon claws!

Smash this sword energy directly!

Then the next moment, it was like a wind, suddenly appearing behind the teardrops!

Then the dragon's claw directly pierced the chest of Big Brother Teardrop!

But Big Brother Teardrop seemed to have no feeling at all, and with one stroke, he chopped off the dragon's hood!

Long stepped back quickly, looked at (woo Hao Zhao) at his own hand, and at the big hole in front of Big Brother Teardrop, which was healing quickly, and knew in his heart that he had suffered.

"."What kind of ability is this?" Roger asked in surprise while watching this scene.

"A small prop from my hometown, which can perfectly replicate all my abilities and weapons. Bai Ze explained: "And it is countless times more powerful than me in human form. "

"So where is your hometown? 99 Roger looked directly at Bai Ze.

And Bai Ze smiled and didn't speak.

Then, the execution platform was suddenly split in half!

Is it finally here?

Bai Ze looked forward.

On a bell tower in the distance, a figure wrapped in black cloth appeared.

This time he was holding a round gauntlet with a slender wooden scabbard.

Behind him, there are two people who seem to be virtual but real, and who are dressed in the same shape as him!

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