Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 222 Execution (End)

Ten thousand thunder, can be broken with a sword.

But this punch that does not speak of Wude can no longer be avoided.

On this jet-black arm, black and golden electric lights interlace.

At the moment of the hit, it seemed that the rainwater that was still pouring around was stagnant for a moment.

With this punch, Yinglong's phantom appeared behind Bai Ze, roaring wantonly.

The huge dragon's eyes are full of red light.

You can also see endless flashes of electric light, jumping incessantly above the sky.

The dark clouds were pressing down inch by inch, as if to crush everything on the ground.

And just in this atmosphere of black clouds crushing the city, accompanied by thunder, the torrential rain that was like a downpour has been upgraded to a new level.

The heavy rain curtain blocked everyone's sight in an instant.

In the countless rainwater, it seems that every drop of rainwater is mixed with this little spark.

As soon as a mouthful of blood with broken internal organs spewed out, it was washed away by the heavy rain.

Even after being hit by the punch, the Five Elders still tried to wrap their arms around themselves.

But as soon as the black aura approached Bai Ze's fist, it was shaken and dissipated.

His brows are slightly wrinkled, isn't the opponent's strongest means not swordsmanship or fruit ability?

"What exactly is this punch? 35

asked the Five Elders, blood dripping between their teeth.

"Want to learn? In the next life.

Bai Ze bared his teeth and smiled, also revealing a mouth full of blood.

Then, another punch hit.

The punch, the Five Elders saw.

But his body couldn't keep up with his mind.

Can't dodge.

Can only block.

With a thunderous sound that shook the world, a bolt of lightning crashed down.

Become one with Bai Ze's fist.

As far as the fist wind reached, the surrounding rain curtain was instantly evaporated, and plumes of white smoke did not rise.

Guiche of the Five Elders managed to entangle Conqueror's this time, blocking Bai Ze's punch.

And at the moment when the not-so-big fist was about to touch the blade.

Conqueror's Haki actually shrank all back.

What exactly is going on?

The fist hit again, and together with the back of Guiche's knife, hammered into his body.

Bai Ze's fist has not yet reached the level of breaking the supreme block knife.

But no matter how strong the physical cultivation of the Five Elders is, it can't be tougher than Guitou.

The moment Bai Ze's fists all smashed into his body, the world seemed to be closed.

And at that moment, the Five Elders' body cracked with fine wounds, viscous blood flowed out of them, and was washed away by the torrential rain.

At this moment, he felt that a life force was continuously injected into his body through Bai Ze's fist, helping him repair the wounds on the surface of his body.

Then it splits and heals again.

Like late.

He got it.

The other party didn't want to kill him directly, but to give him endless torture.

Why did he do this?

Why would he do this?

How dare he do that?!

Because of his repeated sneak attacks? Because he injured his colleagues and subordinates?

It can't be because he killed a woman of a lower race, right?

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it.

He raised his dark right leg, and countless black lightning was entangled.

In an instant, the blazing high temperature emanated from his legs, evaporating countless raindrops.

Under the black cloth, those old eyes turned from black to blood red.

This is his strongest kick.

Just like that, he pushed up towards Bai Ze's chest.

The rain curtain behind Bai Ze suddenly split into two parts, and even the dark clouds in the sky became two halves.

Although it was a knee strike, the body of the Five Elders was a sword.

Unfortunately, the strongest blow was missed.

A physical sword is not a physical sword after all.

Moreover, even if it is a physical sword, as long as it is not a supremely large sword, it will only be cut off when facing Baiyi Fentian.

The Five Elders' right leg was broken by the roots.

Then granulation grows again at a very fast rate, and then breaks again.

Longer and longer, then break.

The picture is bloody and cruel.

He raised his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him.

For a fleeting moment, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the rain.

When did you... become so old?

But he was too young among those guys.

Then it's not aging.

is weak.


Why does this word appear in myself?

What's the smell of rust that even heavy rain of this scale can't brush off?

Oh, it turned out to be his own blood.

So the current weakness is due to how much blood loss?

But isn't the injury on his body being continuously healed by this kid?

He narrowed his eyes.

It was found that a green air current was continuously seeping out of the body, then converged into a line, and floated into Bai Ze's right shoulder.


With a soft sound, a strange plant with two leaves emerged from Bai Ze's right shoulder as if pushing through the soil, swaying constantly in the wind.

Then, the green energy in his body was absorbed by this plant.

Then, a small bud emerged from the two leaves.

"How many more surprises do you have that I don't know?" asked the Five Elders.

"Is it possible that you didn't know anything from the beginning?" Bai Ze replied.

Then he pulled his hands back.

Without his support, the Five Elders fell to the ground.

Then, Bai Ze picked up the white clothes to burn the sky.

With a flick of a wave, a head covered with a black cloth to death rolled down.

A kick up, red and white splashing all over the place.

But soon, it was washed clean by the rain.

Bai Ze raised his head and looked at the execution platform in the distance.

The next moment, he landed next to Roger.

"I didn't expect you to actually kill him." Roger sat cross-legged on the half-handed execution block, his clothes already soaking wet.

The icy rain took away all his remaining body temperature.

In ten minutes at most, he will fall here and never get up again.

"I thought about it, a lot of things may not be as complicated as you and I thought." Bai Ze sat down beside him, looking at the square that had turned into ruins and said.

"for example?""

"Because he killed the wrong man, I killed him.

"Hahaha, because so, the simplest reason.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Bai Ze looked at him.

"To be honest, I never thought that I could use my fists to escape.

The two previous punches that made the Five Elders' Conqueror's Haki flinch, Bai Ze used Shenshi's "Haki Squeeze" technique.

"You should thank me for keeping your unique skills from being lost.

"Is it possible that God avoidance is not my unique skill?"

"Well. Teach me in the next life.

"it is good.

The crescent moon crossed.

Bai Ze raised Roger's head and stood up on the execution platform.

"Crack" sound.

The last camera phone bug in Logue town took this picture.

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