Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 226 I'll be your father

"As soon as we received the news, Marshal Kong went to see the five or four old stars." Zephyr began.


However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Bai Ze's uncontrollable laughter because he was hit by a strange laugh.

Seeing the teacher staring at him, Bai Ze hurriedly coughed: "Cough, I'm just a little uncomfortable with the title of Four Old Stars.

"How the hell do you dare to say that? You didn't do it!"

Zephyr raised his hand to pat the poor coffee table again, Bai Ze quickly hugged his arm tightly.

"What did the Four Old Stars say?" Bai Ze asked when Zephyr calmed down, wiping the cold sweat on his head.

This old man is so angry.

"Heh." Zephyr sneered: "What Marshal Kong saw was not the four old stars, but the complete five people."

"Oh?" Bai Ze raised his brows.

"It's just that the one with glasses, the one who was bruised and cared for by you, didn't say a word this time. According to Marshal Kong, although his expression was the same as before, his movements were extraordinarily sluggish." Zephyr said, Side 18 released his sense of sight to ensure that no one around could hear their conversation.

"So you suspect that this was faked?" Bai Ze asked.

"Whether it's fake or not, it's enough to show how hypocritical they are." Zephyr's face showed a look of contempt.

"and then?"

"Then they said that this time the men in black were indeed sent by them because they needed to know something from Roger's mouth."

"Then why didn't they ask Roger directly after he turned himself in before, why is it unnecessary to take off his pants and fart?" Bai Ze asked with a frown.

"Big Brother Kong asked the same question, but the wording was not as crude as yours. The Five Elders' answer was: They also hesitated for a long time, and even disagreed about whether to ask Roger these things. But finally decided to ask. 35


"That's right." Zephyr nodded, "This statement is obviously untenable. So Big Brother Kong suspects that the reason why the Five Elders deliberately or unintentionally delayed meeting Roger is because they are afraid of Roger. Woolen cloth?

"Afraid of Roger?" Bai Ze repeated this sentence.

"Yes. After all, after Roger turned himself in, we all thought the Five Elders would at least let us take Roger to meet them, but they didn't. Sengoku made a similar offer in their presence at the time, but was rejected by the Five Elders. Sternly refused, Roger is the most vile pirate, not qualified to set foot on Marineford land.35

"The contrast between the front and back is too great." Bai Ze shook his head.

"Yes. Then they mentioned you."

Bai Ze didn't speak, he knew the point was coming.

"They said that your origins are too strange, and none of the marines who died at the rank of rank and above matched the 'father' you mentioned, and those below the rank of rank, except for a few exceptionally gifted ones, most of the time. Most of them don't even have the qualifications to learn Six Forms. Therefore, you are suspected of falsifying your identity to join Marine, and the purpose is unknown. Then, let Big Brother Kong throw you into Impel down and wait for the release." Zephyr sighed again and looked at the young man in front of him. said.

He can sit on the position of Admiral for so many years, and his brain will not be too bad.

How can I not feel that Bai Ze has been evasive and vague about his origin and life experience, must be because there are some secrets that he can't tell?

If it was for other reasons, Marshal Kong could still argue for a reason, but the Five Elders grabbed Bai Ze's blind spot as soon as he shot.

Bai Ze looked at the old man who was like a teacher and a father, and sighed. Just as he was about to say something, Zephyr raised his hand to signal him to shut up.

"Who are your parents, where did you come from, how did you learn the Six Forms, the Devil Fruit that didn't even record in the fruit illustrated book, and the three other knives that are at least high-speed knives. 99

The more Zephyr said, the paler Bai Ze's face became.

Indeed, these were all he could not explain.

"Boy, don't take everyone else as a fool, understand?" Seeing Bai Ze's cowardly look, Zephyr glanced at him and said, "But, Big Brother Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru and me, we don't care. . We saw your performance in Logue town, and we also know how you are with Akainu and Shuk. We know, at least, that you're not a bad person."

Hearing Zephyr say this, Bai Ze's eyes were red for the first time after crossing.

"But!" But Zephyr's words changed: "We don't care, but those old people care! You have reached such strength in your early 20s, the devil knows what kind of monster you will grow into in the future! And you If you can kill even one of them, who can guarantee that one day you will not get your head pumped and rush to Mariejois and smash them all.35

This sentence made Bai Ze hold back the tears that almost fell out.

"So, until we come up with a surefire way, you'll just stay here with 447. Sengoku and I have greeted Magellan anyway, so it won't be difficult for you or anything. With that, Zephyr stood up. Patted Bai Ze on the shoulder.

"Teacher Zephyr, do you really... don't care who I am?" Bai Ze asked hesitantly.

"Aren't you my student?"

Zephyr smiled, his eyes extraordinarily warm.

Seemingly feeling that the current atmosphere is not suitable, Zephyr coughed and said: "Cough, Garp actually approached me privately and told me a solution.


"That... Now, aren't the Five Elders trying to make a fuss about your wrongdoing? Then just give you an identity that they can no longer question." Zephyr scratched his head.

"what do you mean?"

"For example, let a person with relatively high identity, status, resume, and prestige come to announce that you are his unknown illegitimate child."

"What is it?" Bai Ze was stunned, and vaguely guessed something.

"Bai Ze, look, I'm Marine Admiral, right? I have a solid resume, right?

Many of Marine's officers are my students, so it's not too much to say that the world is full of peaches and plums, right?

So how about if I come to be your father?"

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