Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 267 The prototype of the Shura field

At the first sight of the baby girl held by Rouge on the left, Bai Ze felt his eyes black.

Not only because he has always believed that although there are many small problems, the world line that is in the right direction seems to have played a trick on him.

It was also because he seemed to hear a wanton, wild laughter in his ears from someone who had been dismantled with no bones left.

"Dear son-in-law, call your father-in-law to listen?


And then "bang".

In the stunned silence of the two and the babies, Bai Ze slapped his face fiercely.

He slapped his head directly into the wall next to him.

"I will pay for the plank.

Feeling a little more awake, Bai Ze walked up to Rouge.

When Ace saw the big swollen face of this strange uncle, he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

But the girl giggled curiously, and extended a small hand to Bai Ze to hug.

Under Bai Ze's tangled and Rouge's hesitant gaze, Bai Ze subconsciously stretched out his hand and carefully hugged the girl in his arms.

And the girl didn't cry or make trouble, just looked at the redness and swelling on Bai Ze's face, stretched out a small hand and touched it gently.

Perhaps it was an illusion, and the pain on her face had actually weakened a little under her touch.

"Miss Rouge, take the liberty to ask. Are these two children your own?"

As soon as the words came out, Bai Ze wanted to slap himself again. What the hell are people saying they didn't want to save their children's lives?!

But he was so shocked.

So much so that my mind can't turn around.

Sure enough, Rouge's face showed a little sullenness, but she still suppressed it and said coldly: "Yes. The boy is the elder brother, and the girl is the younger sister.

"I'm sorry, I made a blunder." Bai Ze quickly apologized, seeing that the other party's expression improved, and then said: "According to my agreement with Roger, I will raise his child for him, Ace, I will cultivate an excellent Marine, girl Then let her choose what she wants to do~"."

"So, are you going to take them to Marine Base?" Rouge asked in surprise.

"Yes. Don't worry, as long as I'm alive, no one will hurt them, and no one will know who their father is. Xiuke." Bai Ze said with a confident face.

Rear Admiral, who was still in a state of shock, immediately stood up and gave a military salute when he heard his name.


"I'm going to assign you a task." Bai Ze hugged the girl and turned to look at Xiu Ke with a serious expression he had never had before.

"You instruct!"

Seeing his appearance, Xiuke subconsciously used an attribute.

"If one day I die, you will take care of these two children and grow up!


"I'm not finished yet! 39


"If you die after I die, you have to pick out people you trust and continue to take care of them, and so on, until they reach adulthood! Hear that?"


After receiving an affirmative answer from Rear Admiral, Bai Ze turned around and continued to face Rouge: "Can you rest assured now?"

Rouge froze for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Although I learned from the newspaper that my husband died at the hands of this Marine in front of me.

But at this moment, she could feel that everything this Marine said was true.

And if these two kids can become Marines, at least they can grow up safely.

Then you can go to Roger with peace of mind...

That's right, she clearly knew that she didn't have much time to live.

If it hadn't been really worrying about these two children, he might have died the moment they were born.

"Besides, you also need to follow me. A child cannot live without a mother.

Bai Ze continued.

Hearing this, Rouge smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I know my situation, I don't have much time to live."

Xiuke's brows furrowed again, and at this time he also felt that it was no exaggeration to say that it was a miracle that this woman's physical condition was able to sustain up to now.

And just because he knew that his child had support, his spirit was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The abnormal flush on his face also turned pale at this time.

Is this the power of a mother's love?

Xiuke sighed and admired this woman sincerely.

"excuse me.

And Bai Ze said something personally, and then held Rouge's hand.

A thin green light rose from his chest and slowly flowed into Rouge's body along his arms and hands.

Rouge clearly felt that his heart, which was almost still, suddenly beat violently.

And the body that is barely standing has the feeling of a dead tree in spring!

"." You didn't feel wrong. Seeing the disbelief on Rouge's face, Bai Ze smiled and said, "I can cure you." But your physical condition is really bad now, so you need to adjust slowly. Therefore, these two children will be raised by you as adults. "

After a while.

Under the watchful eyes of Marine, who formed two teams, Bai Ze took the lead on the Xuan Owl with a baby in his arms.

Behind him, there is a black cloak and a hood, and it should be a woman in terms of body shape.

She also had a baby in her arms.

Last was Marine Rear Admiral Shook, who had nothing in his arms.

But he carried several huge boxes on his back.

Every step of the way leaves a deep footprint on the dirt road in the village.

The sailors quickly surrounded him and helped him remove the box.

"Hello." Smoker and (Wang Hao) Lu Man hurriedly approached and poked Shuke's waist, who was wiping sweat.

"what's the situation?"

And Hina also looked over with a gloomy face.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!" Hulk glared at them.

"That woman and two children...wouldn't be Vice Admiral's..." Luman asked Yi carefully and softly.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" Hulk kicked each of their butts, "This matter is over! Hurry up and get ready to go! Don't forget to go to East Blue! Time is running out! Very! 39

Seeing that he mentioned the business, the two quickly returned to their posts and commanded the sailors to lift the anchor and raise the sails.

And Shuoke glanced at Hina, whose face was cloudy and uncertain, and thought of Diyuan and Ain far away in the headquarters, and sighed silently in his heart.

Bai Ze, Bai Ze, make up an excuse for yourself.

No one can help you this time.

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