Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 275: The strong dragon does not suppress the snake?

The moment this woman he had never seen before appeared, Bai Ze felt the atmosphere change.

After hearing the woman's voice, the Marines, who had been eyeing them before, showed fanatical and pious expressions on their faces.

As if this woman was their religion, their god.

The woman gently fell down from the city wall, gave Bai Ze a military salute and said, "Commodore Susie, the interim commander of the Marine G5 branch, has seen Bai Ze Vice Admiral.

Bai Ze didn't speak, he was observing this Susie Commodore.

In terms of appearance, not to mention Diyuan, even Hina and Ain are much prettier than her.

But there seemed to be a piece of ice between her brows that had not melted the year before, making her whole person exude an aura of indifference from the inside out.

He glanced at the group of Marines, who were a little confused after hearing Susie calling Bai "490" Ze, and said with a smile, "It seems that you did a good job when you were the temporary commander."

Susie put down her hand, didn't answer anything, just stood quietly in front of him.

The Marines looked at each other, even though they already knew Bai Ze's identity at this time, they ran behind Susie and continued to stare at Bai Ze vigilantly.

Before leaving Marineford, Zephyr found Bai Ze and talked to him about this Susie.

Susie is also a student who graduated from Zephyr training camp, and is the most valued student by Zephyr among that group of students.

If it weren't for the fact that she made a big mistake in a later mission, she wouldn't have been "assigned" to the G5 branch.

Bai Ze was a little curious, what kind of big mistake could make Zephyr unable to keep her.

Zephyr replied that she wounded Celestial Dragons

"Would you like to find a quiet place to talk?" Seeing that Bai Ze was still looking at herself, Susie didn't show any strangeness, she just asked for instructions lightly.

If it's not an emotionless tone, it should be a request for instructions.

"It's fine here." Bai Ze shook his head and said, "My people should be here soon, let's go in when they arrive together.

"Okay." Susie nodded, threw the burned out cigarette butt into the snow, and took out a thorn again from the box.

Marine, who was behind her, immediately came over to help her light it.

After she took a deep breath, she spit out a big smoke ring.

Suddenly raised a hand, and then slapped Marine's face behind him fiercely.

And Marine, whose face was swollen by his slap, didn't have the slightest emotion, as if being beaten by her was only natural.

"It's been so long, and you still haven't dug out Quint? Do you really think he's frozen to death and you can take his place?"

Susie said.

The Marines just woke up like a big dream, and rushed out in a swarm, digging out the Lieutenant Commander who was kicked away by Bai Ze earlier.

Although that kick looked heavy, it didn't actually cause any substantial damage to the Lieutenant Commander named Quint.

In front of Bai Ze and Susie, the Marines carried Quint and ran into the fortress without looking back.

At this time, Susie spoke again.

"Mr. Zephyr called me earlier.

"Oh?" Bai Ze raised his eyebrows.

"He made me do everything under your command.

"That's not necessary. When you meet my subordinates, you'll know that I'm actually..." Bai Ze was stunned when he heard the words.

"I rejected him." Before Bai Ze could finish speaking, Susie interrupted him coldly.

"Because I don't think you deserve to be the commander of this base. 35

The female Commodore's expression was calm, and her tone sounded like she was saying something trivial.

If it was a test to slap Marines who were nominally under Bai Ze's command in front of Bai Ze, then this sentence just now was a blatant provocation.

When Bai Ze heard this, he shrugged, and asked in a calmer tone than the other party: "I take the liberty to ask, why are you so hostile to me?"

"Because the only ones qualified to be the heirs of Teacher Zephyr are Senior Brother Sakazuki and me." Susie said.

After hearing this answer, Bai Ze was stunned.

Good guy, he couldn't tell whether this Susie was Zephyr or Akainu's brainless fan.

Also, what do you mean by inheritance?

The old man has been an Admiral for so many years, and the annual salary and benefits are quite a lot!

You say you want to inherit and inherit?!

At this moment, several figures appeared in the vast snow.

The one who walked in the front was naturally Shuke, and behind him, Smoker, Luman and Hina surrounded Rouge and the mother and son.

Then there are the ordinary soldiers on the Xuan Owl.

To Bai Ze's surprise, the original white Marine uniforms on these people were now gray.

It looked like it had just been shelled.

After seeing the two people in front of this huge fortress, everyone quickly accelerated their pace.

"Bai Ze Vice Admiral! All staff of the Naval Headquarters battleship Xuan Owl report to you!

Standing in front of Bai Ze, except for Rouge, who was at a loss, everyone saluted and shouted loudly.

A huge shout scattered the shock that had been falling slowly.

In a trance, even the walls of the fortress were buzzing a little.

On the city wall, several heads stick out, and they begin to look at these new colleagues.

Marineford sent a new commander, how could Marine in the G5 branch be unaware.

It's just that, in their eyes, the son of Admiral, who has recently risen to fame, is nothing more than his father's light.

The big guys in Marineford gave him some more hype, made a few gimmicks, then threw them down and gilded them for a year or two before going back.

In addition, Mrs. Susie's disdainful attitude when announcing this matter made Marine, who was already dissatisfied with the sudden drop of a leader, even more unhappy.

4.7 I just don't know if this kid is blind, or if those big men deliberately harassed him, and even threw such a kid in his early 20s to the G5 branch, which is known as "Ghost in the Air".

When he comes, be sure to let him know what a strong dragon is!

But judging from the aura emanating from this army with only a few dozen people, it can indeed be called an elite.

I just don't know if their fists are harder, or if their guns are faster.

At this time, I noticed the strange atmosphere between Bai Ze and Susie, who should be the temporary commander of the G5 base.

Hulk stepped forward and stretched out his hand, "Susie Commodore, right? Hello, I'm Rear Admiral Hulk. 35

Rear Admiral is naturally higher than Commodore.

But Susie didn't even look at Hulk, let alone shake hands.

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