Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter two hundred and eighty fourth

It's snowing.

The snow today is much heavier than when it made landfall yesterday.

The temperature will naturally be lower.

After a daytime emergency processing, two positions only two kilometers apart appeared on the snowy ground.

Xioke observed the terrain overnight last night, and set his position in a valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains on three sides.

The snow-capped mountains are towering into the clouds, and they are covered with snow all the year round. Even if you want to climb it by yourself, it is extremely difficult.

The soldiers of the Black Owl actually have no experience in snow warfare at all.

But at this time, according to the order, they have already begun to take their place at the point or post they are responsible for.

It was very cold, and the frozen hands and feet were stiff.

But it is precisely because of this extremely harsh natural environment that they regained their original feeling.

They know that the opponent this time is not the enemy, but more terrifying than the enemy.

Although they were scolded badly by Shuk Rear Admiral last night, they are also the head Marines with dignity and pride.

The mock battle is about to begin.

Marines from the headquarters took out their amulets and began to pray.

I don't know since when, there has been a wave of wearing amulets in Marine.

Some are their own military badges, some are photos of their family members, and some are objects of their goddess.

What's more, he even carried pictures of the bosses from the newspaper with him.

The most popular recently is the photo of Bai Ze holding One Piece Roger.

If Rouge had known that Marine, who was so polite to her, had a picture of her husband being headed in his arms, he wondered how he would feel.

Accompanied by a flare that pierced the sky.

The mock battle begins.

But the whole battlefield is still very quiet.

This is not some kind of mindless hedging between the two armies.

It is a war that truly tests technical tactics and tactical execution.

Standing on the highest snow-capped mountain nearby, Bai Ze and Hulk looked around and noticed that Marine, the G5 branch in a white cloak, was moving.

As the commander of the G5 branch in this mock battle, Susie first dispatched a team.

There are no officers to lead.

It is the most common G5 soldier.

Their target was clear, the sentry tower on the right front of the headquarters Marine.

The soldiers of G5 melted into the snow with their white cloaks.

After crawling forward for nearly an hour, he actually touched right below the sentry tower under the eyes of the headquarters sentry.

Perfectly stuck in the blind spot of vision and stood up.

Then bite the long knife in your mouth.

He started to creep up to the tower.

Even some small movements were perfectly concealed by the sound of wind and snow.

Seeing this scene, Xiu Ke's face turned blue.

Not only because of the carelessness of the two sentries on the sentry tower, but also because the actions of the G5 sea soldiers just now were too standard.

It can be called the textbook of whistle blowing in snow.

Five G5 Marines had already climbed to the foot of the Sentinel, and only one rollover was needed to gain access to the Sentinel Tower.

But they didn't rush to do it, they just hung under the tower like a few white bats.

After a stronger wind picked up, there was no one to command.

Even the movements are similar, they turned into the tower together.

And the headquarters Marine was thrown to the ground without even resisting.

However, they struggled to get their arms pinned to the back of the broken bones, and they also launched the flares representing the "enemy invasion".

Seeing this, Xiuke's face looked a little better, and it was okay, at least the news was sent.

It can be regarded as playing the role of a sentinel.

In the headquarters' Marine camp, Hina, the commander-in-chief of the headquarters' Marine, had an unusually ugly expression.

There are two reasons for her to be the commander.

One is that Bai Ze and Huoke are not there, Luman is more suitable for individual raids, and Smoker is a mindless idiot, so only she has the highest rank, who will come if she doesn't come?

The second is because Hina felt that since the commander opposite was a woman and everyone was a student of Teacher Zephyr, why can't Susie be able to command?

"There is a signal from the forward left post, there is an enemy invasion. 35

"The 3-member team that went to support is completely destroyed.

"Captain Smoker has gone to support.

"Observed a 10-man squad is detouring to the right rear of my position. Do you need to intercept it? Please instruct."

....... ask for flowers....

Not long after the mock battle started, one of his outposts was pulled out.

The trio who went to support were also destroyed.

In other words, 80 people have lost 5 people themselves.

Even Smoker, one of the bottoms of the press box, had to strike early.

It has to be said that the other party is stationed in this snowy field all the year round.

It's just like a duck in water in the current environment.

On the contrary, they have no experience in snow warfare at all.

Hina was really panicked for a while.

"Messenger, send two more sentries to the right rear of the position, keep a distance, try not to do anything, and report back immediately if there is any situation."

Even so, she made an order.

"The messenger, let all the soldiers in the position go out, just leave Luman and ten Marines here, I don't believe that the other side dares to rush straight into the position! The others spread out in groups of five, radiating 500 meters ahead.

On the snowy mountain, the heavy snow seemed to be blocked by something and did not fall on Bai Ze and Xiuke.

Looking at the situation below, Hulk said: "The other party has the right place and the right place, and it is really difficult for Hina.

Bai Ze nodded, but said nothing.

Without knowing the opponent's tactics and routes, they can only passively defend in this completely unfamiliar environment.

Considering Hina's arrogant personality on weekdays, she must be very aggrieved now.

And the other party clearly informed the time and place a few hours in advance.

He also obviously gave himself this position that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, the preliminary investigation and adaptation work have not been done well. Hina, Hina, is this what the old man Zephyr taught you?

Susie's tactics are actually quite simple.

Pulling the whistle, feinting, making the opponent exhausted and exhausting his stamina.

Clear, concise and powerful, G5 people are obviously familiar with this fighting style, and the ability to use the environment and cross the terrain is indescribable.

And it also changed the usual sloppy appearance. After a little look, you can see that everyone is crazy with a cold expression.

When I touched the post before and started, all of them chose the one-shot kill method, even if they exchanged injuries, they had to achieve the target in the shortest time.

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