The unimaginable force rolled down from the mountain, like several white dragons who died roaring, trying to devour everything in front of them.

Hook suddenly felt that this scene was a little familiar.

Then he glanced at Bai Ze with a dignified expression beside him.

Others don't know, but as a caring military coat, he has been fortunate enough to have seen that huge, snow-white behemoth with wings on its back several times.

"Look at what? I'm bigger than this thing."

Aware of his gaze, Bai Ze spat out.

Hearing this, Xiuke rolled his eyes.

Men are unwilling to admit that they are small under any circumstances!

But even with that being said, an avalanche of this scale in front of us is a disaster for the headquarters' position located in the valley, both literally and practically.


Fortunately, Hina woke up the first time and was still stunned, unable to believe everyone she saw!

The Marines from the headquarters were just waking up from a big dream, and they ran outside.

But at this time, the various levels, nail boards, and fences that were originally set up became obstacles on the way for everyone to escape.

Luman let out a long breath.

The 500 heard a sword cry that was still clear despite the loud noise of the avalanche, and a huge sword energy like a crescent moon cut a path for the Marines.

Hina directly slapped Luman's head, who was still slowly returning to its sheath.

"When are you still thinking of dressing up as 13!"

Lu Man, who was interrupted to cast a spell, gave the woman who didn't know how to style a white look and ran out.

But after such a delay, there are still snow lumps falling on everyone!

Smoker's body shook, turned into a thick smoke and headed towards the falling snow!

It seems that it is to resist the avalanche for everyone for a while.

The momentum is like a rainbow, but unfortunately the end is very tragic.

In an instant, it was overwhelmed by the avalanche without the slightest pause.

"Crack. 35

Bai Ze and Hook patted their foreheads at the same time.

This idiot really never disappoints when it comes to disappointments!

How did he come up with the idea of ​​elementalizing the avalanche?!

But just after everyone in the headquarters fled from the position in a panic, the endless snow sea behind them was still surging down, raging on the snow.

However, Hina, who was originally rushing to the front and carrying the banner of the (bieh) headquarters, had to gradually slow down.

Because she saw that the people in the G5 branch were rushing towards him with blood red eyes.

He didn't seem to see the avalanche that could also swallow them up behind him!

What made her even more horrified was that the momentum and fierceness of the G5 Marines at this time were several times stronger than the previous feints!

Why did the opponent attack several times in a row before, and he chose to attack after knowing that it might be fake, because the opponent's posture was too realistic!

Now, that's far from what the G5 Marine looked like when it actually went into the charge!

"It's over." Hulk smiled bitterly, still seeming to see the end of Marine, who was now under attack.

It can only be said that the G5 branch, no, it should be said that Susie is a terrible woman.

One by one, all this had been planned before this mock battle started.

The first is to give up the so-called favorable terrain, so that Hina feels that she is in an excellent position.

Then, by pulling the whistle and feinting, all of Marine's energy was contained, and finally his ten-person team successfully climbed the snowy mountain that seemed impossible to climb!

The most important part of this plan has been completed!

At the same time, he also noticed the difference between the state of Marine of the G5 branch and the previous feint.

Although I have heard the name for a long time, no one on my side has ever seen the state of G5 fighting with all its strength, so the feint attack is so successful.

However, this plan seems complicated, but it is actually a problem of poor information.

After seeing the real state of the G5 on the battlefield, it will definitely not be fooled again.

Even this is in your plan, Susie!

And Bai Ze shook his head slightly after hearing his remarks, "No, there is still hope."

There is a strong enemy in front and an avalanche behind, where is the hope?

Hope is on every Head Marine.

In such a mortal situation, the headquarters Marine, who was called a master soldier by Bai Ze, did not give up!

On the contrary, a terrifying combat power that would drag a back even if Lao Tzu was about to die broke out!

In this state, after colliding with the G5 base, apart from the clothes, I couldn't tell who was the headquarters and who was the G5!

After Hina determined that this was the final battle, she took off her cloak and tied the military flag behind her.

If you want this flag, step on my corpse!

She looked at Susie, and Susie also looked at her.

The eyes of the two women collided, and there was a faint spark!

Susie made the first move.

A strange red mist burst out from her body, and then rushed to Hina in an instant!

Seeing this, Bai Ze's eyes narrowed slightly.

It's not a shave, just a simple burst of speed.

At this can even faintly catch up with yourself!

How did she do it?!

When faced with this speed comparable to Bai Ze, Hina obviously did not react.

A small delicate fist went straight to the left side of her face.

If this punch hits, Hina's face will not recover in ten days and a half.

Just when Bai Ze and Xiuke felt that Hina would definitely choose to retreat to avoid this punch, Hina gritted her teeth, not only did not retreat, but went further!

He raised his foot and kicked Susie's chest!

After all, it was Susie who made the first move, and her fist slammed heavily on Hina's face, directly deforming her beautiful face.

Although Hina's body leaned back slightly under this punch, Susie was still surging after all.

Her legs also kicked each other.

Then the two of them grabbed each other with both hands and placed them on the sides of their heads.

Then they used headbutts on each other's heads at the same time!

The two heads collided fiercely, and there was a loud bang!

The two female Marines felt dizzy at the same time, and then a stream of bright red blood left from the forehead along the high bridge of the nose, falling on the snow like red flowers.

"Hi... Are women fighting so hard?" Seeing the scene in front of him, Xiu Ke took a breath.

Bai Ze also smiled bitterly, he knew better than anyone how cruel Hina was.

But I didn't expect that Susie wouldn't let it go.

Obviously one is cold and the other is arrogant, but this is the scene when they fight.

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