Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 300 Meeting (Part 1)

Nobody likes meetings.

Bai Ze doesn't like it either.

So when he was in Marineford, he had a headache every time he heard about a meeting.

However, there are so many bosses in this department, and there is nothing that needs him to speak.

At most a few words to add.

But this time it was held by him. Although there were some minor accidents for some reason, it was still held "on schedule" after all.

After all, I had beaten and beaten before, and I drank, so it's time to get down to business.

In the conference room, nearly 300 people were full.

Just as Bai Ze was about to speak, he heard the sound of a match sliding.

Turning his head to look, he saw Smoker with a cigar in his mouth, and was a little stunned to see everyone looking at him.

I don't know if I should light the cigar or not.

Seeing this, Xiu Ke was about to scold him, but Bai Ze waved "May 10" and said, "You can smoke if you want, and the same goes for everyone else.

Hearing that, those old smokers of G5 were really puffing up the smoke, making the whole conference room smoky.

As a laborer before crossing the border, Bai Ze knew how bad and disgusting it was to have a meeting.

Now that you have the right to speak, try to make the participants feel more comfortable.

"There are two topics for today's meeting. The first topic is why we are Marine." "Bai Ze didn't bother to be polite, and went straight to it, and this topic was thought of before he arrived at the G5 branch, and The Marines in G5 here were a little dissatisfied when they heard this issue, thinking that although you can fight, we have joined Marine longer than you have lived. Come and teach us a political lesson. Are you young?

"With all due respect, what everyone here has done is actually difficult to call Marine. As soon as the voice fell, someone's brows suddenly rose, and Bai Ze was not polite, and continued: "It's not that you killed how many people." Pirates can call themselves Marine. My father, Zephyr Admiral, once said that the duty of a soldier is not to kill the enemy, but to protect the civilians.

You must also know that, although you are brave in killing the enemy, you have done a very poor job in protecting civilians!

Before coming here, I read your materials.

There are more than 100 Marine bases and branches all over the world, but the G5 branch has always been one of the most feared and even the most hated by civilians.

Don't think it's something to be proud of, in my opinion, it's even more disgusting than being captured by the enemy. "

The whole place was silent.

Quiet does not mean approval, it may also be silent resistance.

"And what you all know more clearly is that in the past three years, you have done only a handful of patrols in the waters you are responsible for. You don't need to say the reason, I know. The military salaries and other support provided by the headquarters to you are all tenths of the normal amount. 1. So you don't have enough resources to support you to take on the responsibilities you should take.

But now that I am here, no one dares to deduct our military pay any more.

So, I will divide the Marines from the headquarters with you into five troops.


he shouted.

Shook understood, stood up, picked up the document and read it to the crowd: "Now read the Vice Admiral Order.

Immediately, the G5 branch and the headquarters Marine will be unified into five units, from the first to the fifth units are in order: Jace Commodore, Captain Luman, Commander No. 9, Captain Hina, Captain Smoker. In addition to completing daily daily training, each unit must take turns to patrol the sea area under the responsibility of the G5 branch. Each patrol lasts for three days, and must reach every corner of the sea area under our responsibility to ensure that there are troops in our sea area at all times. , Protect the safety of civilians, and kill pirates in transit.

If a patrol mission is not completed, corresponding rewards will be issued according to the completion of the mission.

Completion here refers to escort and annihilation.

Listen to these two words and you should understand what they mean. 59

When the words fell, Shuke gave Bai Ze a military salute, indicating that he had finished reporting.

Bai Ze nodded and said with a smile: "I know what you are most concerned about is what the reward is. It's very simple, Bailey and promotion. Bailey doesn't need to explain, I'll explain about promotion. You should also know that the branch and The military rank of the base is not equal to the headquarters, although there are no clear regulations, but everyone knows it well. So

The promotion here refers to the promotion of the headquarters, which means that the promotion will be registered in Marineford. For example, Jess. ""

Jace was stunned when he heard his name suddenly, and stood up subconsciously.

"Because of your outstanding performance in the previous mock battle, I applied to the headquarters to revoke the punishment imposed on you. From now on, you will be a Commodore justifiably.... Bai Ze looked at him and smiled.

Jace was stunned.

It took Smoker stabbed him a few times before he reacted.

What's the meaning?

Did you suddenly get reinstated?

Also, what does it mean to perform well in mock battles?

Although it doesn't need to be compared with ordinary soldiers, compared to Hina and Susie who are the commanders, even No. 9, Luman, and Smoker themselves are far worse.

Can this also be called excellent performance?

But the cheers and congratulations around him woke him up from his daze.

The first thing he thought of was that Vice Admiral, and he glanced at Bai Ze.

Bai Ze understood what he meant, and said not only to him, but also to everyone: "I have a very bad habit of protecting my shortcomings. My person, I can reprimand, I can punish. But other people can't, Not even Marshal Kong. Remember, as long as you don't do anything against military law, don't be a coward no matter when you meet anyone, just fuck your mother. I'll always be on your side. This is me Bai Ze, here is my promise to you.35

The whole place went quiet.

G5 people are not used to it.

It's as unreal as if he was an orphan who was bullied by others, and suddenly an old man appeared and told him that he was actually a super rich Second Generation.

But no one would doubt it.

Because Bai Ze was already holding two epaulets representing the 4.7 Commodore, he walked up to the bewildered Jace and pinned it on his shoulders for him.

Then he patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "Do well."

Jasmine gave a military salute.

But it may be that I haven't done this behavior for too long, and the action is somewhat non-standard.

Bai Ze walked back to the rostrum and gave Xiuke a secret thumbs up.

Yesterday, I asked Shuke to contact the headquarters, and Akainu directly found the Vice Admiral who retired to the second-tier pension.

"Please" he wrote a "Fact Sheet Regarding Misunderstandings Related to Jace Commodore" and handed it to the Marshal's office.

How could an old fox like Sora not understand what happened?

Direct people to send this document together with the epaulettes as quickly as possible.

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