Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 311 Do you want to join Marine?

Everyone looked at the pirate flag that fell to the ground in silence.

But Bai Ze glanced at Luman: "It's flashy.

Lu Man was choked by him, but it's not easy to fight his own boss in front of everyone, so he can only complain in his heart, but he didn't learn from you!

The dead silence at the city gate was silent for a long time, until it was broken by a blue-skinned murloc soldier with short black hair, black gloves, and a pipe in his mouth.

He took a group of people and rushed out of the city in a hurry.

While patrolling the fish men island, I noticed that the pirate flag that brought peace to The fish men island was cut in two.

After rushing out of the city, it was as he expected.

Only Marine dared to move that pirate flag.

And the white suit Marine, whose epaulette should be Vice Admiral, was looking at himself with a playful expression.

The blue-skinned murloc did not wrinkle, and after bowing to His Majesty Neptune, he met the Vice Admiral's gaze.


Shichibukai in the future, and then the helmsman of the Straw Hats.

At this time, 18 was wearing the system of a murloc soldier, but looking at the attitude of the soldiers and Neptune towards him, he should also be the leader of the soldiers.

He walked to the pirate flag and picked it up, patted the non-existent dust and carefully put it into his arms.

This action showed his attitude, but it also caused dissatisfaction among the Marines.

"Ignore Marine, but pay so much attention to a flag that symbolizes pirates, Your Majesty Neptune, is this your current attitude on The fish men island?" Bai Ze raised his eyebrows and said.

"This..." With such a big hat buttoned down, even Nepton didn't know how to answer for a while.

"It has nothing to do with Your Majesty, this is just my personal attitude." Jinbei walked to Neptune and said to Bai Ze.

Well, really young, far from the calm in the future.

"You're wearing a uniform that symbolizes the military power of The fish men island, and it's not just you." Bai Ze continued.

"What I wear has nothing to do with you, human." Jinbei didn't back down.

Although he felt his subordinates breathing heavily behind him, Bai Ze didn't care much about his attitude.

At this time, Jinbei did not agree with the ideal of "the coexistence of murlocs and humans" promoted by Princess Otohime.

Even after joining the Sun Pirates soon after, there was a black history of indiscriminately committing crimes against humanity.

"What do you call it.

"Jinbei. 995

"So what you acted just now was that you, The fish men island, need the protection of pirates?" Bai Ze drove straight in.

"Otherwise, is it up to you Marines? Haha, the clansmen that your Marines kidnapped from The fish men island are no less than pirates." Jinbei retorted directly.

When The fish men island was at its most dangerous, it was Edward Newgate "Whitebeard" who rescued the clan and declared, "This island is my territory!

Since then, no one has dared to attack The fish men island again, and the island has been restored to peace.

Therefore, Jinbei, who is always grateful to Whitebeard, has always been grateful to Whitebeard.

Hence the previous move.

"So here I am, this kind of thing will never happen again." Bai Ze said frankly without any hesitation.

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" The blue-skinned murlocs didn't mean to give in at all.

"I don't need you to believe me, I'm just telling you that you are not His Majesty Neptune, are you?" Bai Ze had no reason to give in to him.

Hearing this, the venue became quiet again.

Everyone knows that if there is no accident, there will be a battle next.

But including Neptune, no one will be optimistic about Jinbei.

Because everyone except him saw the white dragon.

"Jinbei..." Neptune tried to persuade him.

When he took it, he didn't show any respect for His Majesty the Sea God, and threw his hand away.

Several water droplets shot towards Bai Ze like bullets.


The water droplets went straight through Bai Ze's body.

Then there were several electric lights that restored his body.

"Logia? Is it so arrogant." Jinbei frowned.

The palm of his hand suddenly turned black, and he suddenly rushed in front of Bai Ze.

Murloc Karate・Sharkwa Zhengquan!

This is a powerful straight punch that uses all the strength of the body.

The strength and physique of murlocs are several times stronger than those of humans, supplemented by Armament Haki, who seems to be deeply cultivated.

The fist is not big, but a very strong whirlwind is rolled up.

But still no one is optimistic about Jinbei.

Even Neptune is ready to save lives at any time.

As expected, the punch missed.

The small black fist was stopped by a finger with a white glove.

Neptune and the right minister sighed, thinking that there is no more, no more miracles.

Next is bound to encounter a stormy counterattack from Bai Ze.

But he didn't smile.

The smile is so sincere: "Nice punch. Have you considered joining the Marines? Great pay, double the holidays, and performance at the end of the year. 35

Jinbei's face was a little pale after he was blocked by a finger with a full punch.

But hearing what the other party said and seeing that hateful smile instantly turned red again.

"Marine! Are you insulting me!

Murloc Karate・7000 tile roundhouse kick!

520 The roundhouse kick, which was strong enough to split 7,000 tiles, was still blocked, again with a single finger.

"No, I'm serious. My ship is missing a helmsman, trust me, you'll be promoted to officer in a year! 39

Jinbei's attacks continued one after another, but were stopped by Bai Zetong with one finger.

Ten minutes later, Bai Ze didn't move, but Jinbei was exhausted and panting.

"Marine, fish, murlocs, don't need your mercy!""

He said breathlessly.

"How can it be mercy?" Bai Ze frowned and said: "I will let you join Marine, and when you become an officer, I will give you the right to recruit. You can let more murlocs join Marine, trust me, I will assign The fish men island to your station, and you will protect The fish men island by yourself in the future, isn't it?

That's what Bai Ze actually thinks.

Although it was a garrison, Bai Ze told Neptune at the beginning that he would only stay here for a while.

His purpose from the beginning was to let the murlocs protect themselves.

He had a very good impression of the murlocs, and thought that such a race was oppressed by humans and had to rely on each force to survive. It was too bad.

Self-improvement, so that others will not provoke you.

And the best breakthrough is Jinbei.

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