"Aren't you afraid that humans will call you a traitor?

Watching Bai Ze ask Blake's subordinates to carry their half-dead officers onto the boat and run away, Jinbei asked in confusion.

"Traitor?" Bai Ze smiled, "Who did I betray? Or do you think that humans are like the one just now, and they all see you as something that can be used for profit?"

Jinbei didn't speak, just stared at Bai Ze, as if trying to tell whether what he said was true or false.

"To be honest, from the current point of view, the human world does have a certain prejudice against you. But this prejudice cannot be changed by me or someone else. The one who can really change this situation is yourself, of course, also Need some help from humans. Believe me, humans and The fish men island, can live together under the sun.

Bai Ze's voice was very light, but his tone of "five two three" was extraordinarily determined.

After speaking, he reached out and patted Jinbei's shoulder again.

This time, the blue-skinned murlocs didn't dodge.

"Can I... trust you?" he asked.

Bai Ze was about to speak, but someone already answered for him.

"You can trust him, I didn't hear a lie in his heart.

A pleasant female voice came from inside the city gate.

Everyone looked back and saw a female fish with long wavy golden hair, blue eyes, an orange crown on her head, her long hair tied behind her head, and a long robe with an orange fish scale pattern. People came out of the city.

"Eiji Empress. Except for Neptune, all the murlocs leaned over and saluted her.

"Why are you here?" Neptune swam to her side, took her hand and asked softly.

This person is Neptune's wife, Princess Otohime of Ryugu Kingdom.

She patted the back of her husband's hand and made the fish people stand up.

Then he walked in front of Bai Ze and extended his hand to him: "Hello Bai Ze Vice Admiral, I'm Otoji.

Bai Ze reached out and shook her hand.

Touching my palms, I took the opportunity to check her body, and she was indeed very weak, but remembering that in the original book, Ottoji's natural look and feeling can hear the voices of others, she didn't dare to think about it, she just politely greeted her: " Hello, Your Royal Highness.""

"I heard Mr. Vice Admiral's remarks earlier, and I agree very much." After letting go, Otohime walked straight in, "If we agree to the garrison of Mr. Vice Admiral, what will you do?"

"Just call me Bai Ze." Bai Ze smiled, and then said seriously: "This trip, I plan to stay in Guidao for about a month. With all due respect, the murloc disaster is not only outside, but also inside. So It is not enough to guard against foreign enemies. A series of clearing activities must also be carried out inside your The fish men island."

Hearing this, the fish people's faces sank, but they also knew that what Bai Ze said was right.

Jinbei's reaction was the biggest, he looked directly at Bai Ze.

And Bai Ze waved to him, indicating that he should not be in a hurry: "This time, there are 4 Marine officers and 50 soldiers who will come with me to The fish men island. I will ask the officers to bring 10 Marines each to the city gate and The other places that can enter and exit The fish men island will be inspected. The remaining ten Marine soldiers will be led by me to the interior of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. And you will be their captain, you will bring the fish men soldiers and them. Together, we will arrest those criminals inside The fish men island.

He kept staring at Jinbei for the second half of the sentence.

Jinbei was stunned, he understood, the other party was going to carry out this "cleaning" work within the Dragon Palace Kingdom with him.

It means... if you want to have the possibility to do something to your own clan?

Bai Ze saw his hesitation, but didn't speak either.

He knew that Jinbei understood what he meant, and he was waiting for the other party's answer.

After being silent for a full five minutes, Jinbei finally nodded slowly.

Bai Ze smiled, and the biggest problem was solved.

He knew from the original book that there are many extreme "racists" within the murlocs, and relatively speaking, they are the biggest resistance to the fusion of humans and murlocs.

And as a human Marine, if he rashly attacked them, he could easily be used by them to incite those civilians who didn't know the truth.

Before he came here, he knew how terrifying the word "public opinion" was.

In light of the murder, the heart will be punished, in the heavy can destroy the country and destroy the country.

The title of "Human Marine Vice Admiral Killing Murlocs" alone was enough to create an uproar on The fish men island.

So he needs someone with enough prestige in The fish men island to cooperate with him......

Jinbei is the best tool fish.

And Jinbei did not disappoint him after hearing his request.

Bai Ze let out a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately at this time that "Murloc hero" Fisher Tiger was still a slave in Mariejois, otherwise it would be hard to talk about Jinbei.

"And not only that. He sorted out his thoughts and continued: "If, within this month's time, you think I can be trusted, then after I leave here, I will send my subordinate Marine officers with at least the rank of Captain and above to lead me. No less than 50 Marines are stationed here in rotation, not only to protect you, but also to train your soldiers.

"You mean, you will let the murlocs join Marine?" Oi Ji asked in surprise, not hearing what Bai Ze said to Jinbei earlier.

"Yes, Your Highness. Actually, I have already sent an invitation to this man, but he still agreed to me." Bai Ze replied with a smile.

"I need some time to think about it." Jinbei didn't refuse on the spot this time.

"Jinbei, I think this is a good opportunity. If you can really become a Marine, it will play a big role in promoting us to live together with human beings." Otoji said eagerly.

"Eiji Niangniang, I said I need to think." Although Jinbei also respects the murloc princess who loves her people like a child, she doesn't agree with her ideal of "the coexistence of murlocs and humans".

Although his thoughts have changed 4.7 now, the only thing that has changed is his view of Bai Ze, and he feels that he is really a good person.

The reason why he agreed to participate in the clean-up work inside The fish men island is not only because he knows that there are indeed some scum as disgusting as humans among the fish men, but also to repay the previous opportunity for Bai Ze to take revenge on Blake.

Otoji gave him a disappointed look, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Okay, okay, anyway. Human, you made me believe you for a while," Neptune said, "so show me and my people, and show me and my people, are you and those who have bad thoughts on my people? the same."

In the end, it is up to the king to make a final decision.

"As you wish, Your Majesty the Sea God. Bai Ze said with a smile.

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