Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 317 The premise of self-improvement is self-respect

Although it looks like he is only seven or eight years old, the fierceness in the eyes of this murloc child has already grown up.

"Humans! Get out of here! You are not welcome in Murloc Street!

The murloc child shouted with a grim face.

To be honest, even if it was a murloc, this kind of appearance on a child's face still made people feel an uncomfortable feeling.

"Hody Jones!" Jinbei yelled at the child, and Hody glanced at him with puzzlement, anger and hatred in his eyes.

But still, he gritted his teeth and ran into the dark alley.

"I'm sorry." Jinbei apologized, and then said: "But you also saw that, just as a child, you have such a big hatred for you humans, so you and Princess Otoji called 'The fish men island and humans' Coexistence' is nothing but your whims.

Hearing this, Bai Ze didn't speak, but looked around.

Compared to other areas of The fish men island, it is noticeably dark and shabby.

Those murlocs who had the courage to stick out their heads in every corner to look at themselves, no matter their age, looked at their group with no kindness in their eyes.

When making eye contact with him, they all dodge subconsciously, this emotion is called fear.

Even though he was wearing a neat Marine uniform.

Fishman Street, originally a charitable organization that took in orphans, has now become like this.

"I think you have made a mistake." Bai Ze looked back at Jinbei and said.

"What?" Jinbei asked subconsciously.

"The kid just now, has he been persecuted by humans? 27 Bai Ze asked back. Before Jinbei could answer, he continued: "I don't think he has even seen a few humans, right? Not to mention being directly hurt by humans. . Then why does he have such a big hatred for me out of thin air?"

Jinbei was silent.

"Like you, I respect Princess Otohime, but I can't fully accept her point of view. Because she is too idealized~" Bai Ze continued.

As soon as these words came out, not only Jinbei was surprised, but Marine and the mermaid soldiers who followed behind them all opened their mouths.

"So you also think it's impossible for us to coexist with humans?" Jinbei asked with a frown.

"No, of course coexistence is possible. We must unite all the friends and forces that can be united. It will not work if you blindly follow the path of peace. You murlocs are ten times stronger than humans, but you don't even know who the real enemy is. However, To hate the entire human group and make the contradiction between the two races deeper."5

"Then what do you mean?" Jinbei asked in a deep voice.

"Two races can be friends, because even in the human world, there are many people who are oppressed like you. If you have the opportunity to go to land, you will find that there are many, many such people."

"So you humans, do you even want to oppress your own clan?" It was a mermaid soldier who spoke, but Jinbei didn't stop him from speaking rudely, because this was what he wanted to say.

"What you said is not the same here." Bai Ze rolled his eyes.

"As I said before, you have to resist. But not against all human beings. It is to resist against those who oppress and bully you. But before that, you must learn to identify and identify where the real enemy is, and don't be People should become a tool for self-interest.

"How to identify?"

"It's very simple, you just need to see if what this person wants is equal rights or privileges." Bai Ze replied, "Because he was once oppressed, he used this as an excuse to ask for privileges that can oppress others. Anyone who thinks others have offended him and expands the matter to racial conflicts will be your worst enemy now.

"The fish men island...there will be no such person." Jinbei shook his head.

"In a country that is far more developed and peaceful than The fish men island. There is a race that looks a lot like an orangutan.

They are strong and energetic. But because of backwardness, he was taken away as a slave for more than a hundred years.

But they were liberated from their slave status by a fairly wise king in that country, so that they could better integrate into this country and become part of this country.

However, because of their low self-esteem and innate disregard for law and discipline, they always feel that others are discriminating against them.

A word older than their ancestors asked others not to say it just because the pronunciation was similar to their black name.

In other countries, they do not abide by the law, think they are superiors, and if they are arrested for doing illegal things, they will expand the matter to other people's discrimination against their race, and incite some reasonable people of the same race to resist together. If you want others not to discriminate against you, you must first look up to yourself. Among you murlocs, is there really no such person? I remember that many pirates have murlocs. "

After Bai Ze finished speaking, Jinbei fell silent again.

After a while, he said: "." Then what should we do?"

"Before that, you might as well think about why a child who has never even seen a human being has such a big hatred for human beings. Is there someone behind this idea instilling in him?" Bai Ze looked at He said softly, and then walked towards the depths of Fishman Street.

"Hey, hey, why do you have Marines here! Didn't you tell me that this is Whitebeard's territory?!" In a dark apartment, a human opened the curtains and looked at Bai Ze and asked anxiously.

"I...I don't know either!"

Beside him is a murloc covered in green and wearing a blue and white turban.

The fishman's eyes stayed on (Li Zhaozhao) Jinbei's body, remembering the irritability and strength of this fellow clan, and then looked at the young fish in the room who were tied with their hands and feet and gagged, and couldn't help swallowing. Swallow.

"Markulo! Just these for now! Arrange me to leave here immediately! I just want to make some money, but I don't want to be targeted by Marine!" The human pulled the curtains and yelled at the murloc.

"But... But, doesn't it mean that only 10 or more can be sold for a big price at one time? This is only 6..." Although the murloc named Markulo was also afraid, greed finally defeated fear.

"You really... don't want money, don't die." The mermaid dealer looked at him and said with flickering eyes.

"Moohaha, you're not even afraid of that Whitebeard, are you still afraid of a few human Marines?" Markulo laughed, "And maybe, those Marines are here to do the same thing as us?" Patrol.

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