"Let them reunite with their families." Nipton said to the left minister.

Minister Zuo understood and ordered the Poseidon army to bring hundreds of murlocs over.

The civilians exclaimed when they saw the merman or murloc!

Because these were previously reported missing fish people!

The oldest one goes back a month!

These murlocs who were almost kidnapped and sold also found their relatives, ran down and cried with them.

Princess Yiji wiped the corners of her eyes as she watched this scene.

And Neptune's eyes flashed a hint of determination.

After it was quiet, he continued: "My compatriots, these more than 100 clansmen were rescued by Marine during the riot yesterday, and not only humans, but also murlocs of the same race as us were kidnapped. Even these fishermen who betray their compatriots are the source! I'm ashamed of that.""

As soon as these words came out, the whole square suddenly boiled.

In the cognition of the vast majority of The fish men island civilians, only human beings would do such things to betray their compatriots, but His Majesty the Sea God said so firmly.

And it was confirmed by the victims who had just been reunited with their families.

The fish people's brows began to wrinkle slightly.

Many of them also heard that "Marine" rescued them.

Immediately, the eyes looking at Susie and the others returned to the softness of a few days ago.

"I know that everyone has some doubts and confusion. Now, I will tell you the whole story.

Not long ago, as everyone must know, a group of Marines came to The fish men island not long ago. I was very unwelcome to them at first because, like you, I felt that human marines were not a good thing. I asked them why they came and their chief told me that it was to make The fish men island self-improvement.

I was surprised by this answer, so I agreed to let Marine be stationed at the murlocs.

Since then, you have also seen their behavior.

The first few days were fine, but after a while it seemed to 'reveal the nature'


But now I can tell you that in recent days, none of Marine's actions to create looting is theirs.

Instead! Bring them up~ "!"

Following Neptune's order, the Poseidon Army was dispatched again.

This time, dozens of murlocs were escorted to the square.

These murlocs, large and small, were handcuffed with their hands and feet.

When they walked in front of the crowd, the civilians also exclaimed.

They also recognized that these were the hooligans of Fishman Street!

"Clansmen, you are not mistaken, it is these people of the same race as us who pretended to be Marine to do evil things. They saw that the people we Marine got along with became more and more harmonious, but they thought it was Marine's pretentious attitude. So they want to destroy that little bit of trust we've managed to build up between us and the human Marine."

At this moment, a little murloc girl was carried by a human Marine and walked in front of everyone.

In the crowd, a murloc couple rushed forward excitedly, covering their mouths, but was stopped by the Poseidon army who maintained order.

Bubble, who was held by Jace in his arms, was about to cry when he saw his parents.

Jace quickly comforted her, walked up to her parents, and handed Bubbles to them.

Bubble's parents looked at Jace with complicated expressions, and in the end, they held Bubble and bowed to him.

Jess was taken aback, and subconsciously gave them a military salute.

And this scene was also recorded by Bai Ze with a camera.

"The disappearance of this child named Bubble is the first case they committed after disguising as Marine. Neptune said in a deep voice, "Human Marine, found Bubble in Fishman Street, and found other people at the same time. Several mermen on the missing list.

Hearing this, people took a deep breath.

This sentence is equivalent to telling the commoners that those who committed those crimes are all from Fishman Street!

"Also, everyone must have heard of the riot yesterday. To be honest, it's hard to imagine that such a tragic war would take place among the murlocs, and it was within us. I thought it would be only if we really couldn't bear the oppression and rose up to resist. It's time to see what happened yesterday. And I have to admit, without the help of the human Marine, I'm afraid I'd never have the chance to stand here and talk to you guys again.

Neptune said with a wry smile.

And this sentence caused a great uproar.

Because in the eyes of the citizens of The fish men island, His Majesty the Sea God is sacred and invincible.

But listening to what His Majesty just said, the murloc who caused the riot yesterday. Have you attacked His Majesty the Sea God?!

Arriving here first, everyone looked at the handcuffed murlocs with hatred in their eyes.

It's hard to imagine that it's not enough that there are actually murlocs hurting their compatriots, and they are still trying to hurt His Highness the Sea God!

"While many of them were incited by immaturity, they were breaking the laws of The fish men island. Here, I would like to apologize to all citizens. Because of my incompetence and neglect, Fishman Street has become what it is today from a charity. I am very sorry for that. 99


After speaking, he bowed his head to his people.

Seeing His Majesty the Sea God act like this, the fish people were a little overwhelmed.

After a while, Nepton raised his head and continued: "So today, what I want to ask everyone is how to deal with them, how to deal with Fishman Street."

The citizens were stunned for a moment, (Li Lihao) Is His Majesty the Sea God asking the commoners such as himself for such an important matter?

The next moment, they knew why His Majesty the Sea God was so entangled.

Because as the Poseidon Army escorted groups of people who participated in yesterday's riot here, the citizens were horrified to find that nearly half of them were underage children!

They all had some wounds, but they were insignificant compared to the scars on the Poseidon army who had escorted them.

The civilians discovered that these teenage children looked at Marine, at the Poseidon Army, at His Majesty and the Empress, and even at their own eyes full of hatred and hostility.

If it weren't for the handcuffed hands and feet, I'm afraid they would have rushed up to do it.

Princess Otoji watched these children with tears in their eyes.

Neptune also sighed deeply.

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