Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 336 The Self-cultivation of Official Second Generation

This forcibly clawed path is not long.

But the group walked for about ten minutes.

Because the young Marine Commodore had to stop and look up and down when he saw a beautiful mermaid.

And there are indeed too many beauties in the mermaid.

Lincoln Vice Admiral walked first, occasionally looking back and seeing Bill's appearance, he couldn't help sighing heavily in his heart.

After losing the position of Admiral with Zephyr and Sengoku, he took a back seat.

Obviously the three Admiral is a tradition, that hateful Kong, but it must be said that the last Admiral is reserved for Garp.

If Garp keeps rejecting, the position will remain vacant.

But with the emergence of the little boys like Akainu and Kizaru, he completely took a back seat.

Fortunately, after so many years in Marine, there was no credit or hard work, relying on an old face, coupled with the accident that almost broke him, and finally got Bill a Captain rank.

But Lincoln knew in his heart that his son was just a bastard who only knew how to eat, drink, and have fun, and after all, the mud could not support the wall.

Take a look at Zephyr, although I don't know where the son appeared, but according to the current trend of the top management of the headquarters, it is obvious that 18 will push that kid to the front together with Sakazuki and become the new logo of Marine.

Thinking of Sakazuki, Lincoln's face darkened.

Not long ago, Sakazuki went directly to his parents and didn't say anything, just photographed a document in front of him.

He forced himself to sign his name on that humiliating document.

But because of this, Lincoln finally found a new goal.

The position of Admiral is nothing, even Marshal Marine is only the dog of Celestial Dragons.

Since they are all dogs, why don't you go directly to the owner?

Therefore, he lowered his head, which had been held high for more than sixty years, to Celestial Dragons.

And Celestial Dragons didn't let him down either, directly promoting Bill from Captain to Commodore.

And promise yourself that as long as this mission is completed, Bill will be promoted to Rear Admiral!

When Bill becomes Rear Admiral, he can really step back into the background.

And this task is also somewhat inexplicable.

According to Celestial Dragons, no new merman slaves have been received for almost half a month.

Another dog who "awakened" even earlier, Marine Rear Admiral Blake, turned pale when he heard the mission.

It was only because of resistance that no new mermaids were captured.

So Celestial Dragons let themselves take the men in black from dozens of ships to The fish men island to capture slaves for them.

To be honest, Lincoln was also startled when he saw these ships and men in black.

He really did not expect that the Celestial Dragons had secretly cultivated so many dead men who only knew how to perform tasks!

Looking at the ships with the hoofs of the dragons printed on them, Lincoln found that power can come so easily.

All you need to do is simply kneel on the ground.

So he not only came, but also brought Bill with him.

He looked back at the men in black who were completely obeying his orders, and the fleet bigger than the Marine Admiral, feeling like he was back in his youth.

Although he bowed his head in front of Celestial Dragons, he could raise his head in front of everyone from now on.

Thinking of this, his steps relaxed a bit, raised his head high, and walked towards His Majesty the Sea God.

But Neptune and his princess still had their tails crossed.

Lincoln's eyes narrowed.

The number of mermaids that he originally planned to take away doubled in his heart in an instant.

But the next moment, his footsteps stopped.

Because there was a group of people in similar uniforms blocking his way.

He surveyed the young Marines.

After seeing one of the people with a gloomy face, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The next moment, Bill gave a strange cry, pulled out his machete and rushed over.

He saw it too.

That damn Jace!

He will not forget him even if he turns into ashes!

But he was stopped by his father.

Lincoln let out a sigh of relief, a smile on his face.

He stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

"Bai Xiao, you are here too. 35

But my heart was already cursing wildly.

Damn, didn't the Zephyr kid go to the G5 branch to work out?

Why is it in The fish men island?!

The next moment, he suddenly reacted!

Damn Blake!

Is the "resistance" he referred to as Bai Xiao!

Bai Ze stared blankly at the gray-haired Vice Admiral without any intention of shaking hands with him.

In the end, his eyes stayed on the hoof of the dragon on Lincoln's chest, and there was a contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Lincoln noticed the change in his expression, and felt a little tingling in his heart.

He withdrew his hand, slapped him and said, "Hahaha, Bai Xiao, the last time I saw you was in your father's office, it's been more than a year in the blink of an eye, I remember that Zephyr asked you to call me uncle you. Not happy to come.

Hearing this, Smoker almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Let Bai Ze call such an old man uncle, I'm afraid it's more uncomfortable than killing him.

Finally, Bai Ze opened his mouth and said without a smile: "I don't know if Lincoln's Vice Admiral doesn't take good care of you in the headquarters, so why don't you come to The fish men island to do 573. 35

You like to consider yourself an elder, right?

Then let's talk about what's wrong with you!

After meeting the Vice Admiral in Zephyr's office that time, Zephyr looked at Lincoln's back and sighed deeply.

The evaluation of him is that when he is old, he loses his temper. In addition, he has a son who is a fool, and he cannot live in peace even if he wants to retire.

And the sign on his chest, and then contact Blake, and the group of "familiar" men in black, have explained everything.

"Celestial Dragons secret order, can you control it?" Bill said with a look of contempt.

When he was in the headquarters, he had heard of Bai Ze's name, and also knew that those officers with higher rank than him would spend hundreds of thousands to beat him.

In his opinion, is it not good to have this money to buy more young and beautiful female slaves?

And several other "official Second Generation" also thought about rectifying this misfit "official Second Generation"


But never found a chance.

Did not expect to meet here.

And it seemed that he was with that Jace.

Coupled with his father and the Celestial Dragons behind him, we must educate Bai Ze well, what is the self-cultivation of "Official Second Generation"!

However, Bai Ze shook his head slightly: "The fish men island is under my jurisdiction now. If there is nothing to do, please ask Lincoln Vice Admiral to leave. I can pretend not to see it."

The tone is calm, but the content is not at all sympathetic.

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