Before it was too late, or he didn't dare to think about it, No. 9 directly aimed at Whitebeard with the long gun whose head was about to be flattened and stabbed.

But before the spear was stabbed, this blow, which was less than one-tenth of the usual power, was easily picked up by two Western swords.

"Foil" Bista.

The captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, although he has not grown the beard that copied Roger's two strokes at this time, but his swordsmanship is extraordinary.

Fortunately, Bista remembered that the Marines persisted to the point of being seriously injured in order to protect the civilians, so the sword was still in his hand.

But at this moment, Lu Man suddenly appeared behind Whitebeard with a sword in his left hand, and his eyes were full of brilliance!

Aiming at Whitebeard's neck requires a sword!


A burst of metal intersecting sound came out!

Luman's body was slammed to the ground by the shock, involving the previous injuries of "Five Ninety", and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Behind Whitebeard, the captain of the third division, "Diamond" Joze, turned half of his body into a diamond, and took a few steps back.

And he looked at his arm in horror, and found that there was a very obvious cut mark on it!

In such a state, did you almost break your defense?

Whitebeard tilted his head slightly, and saw Tachi falling beside Luman.

"Sakura Ten?" His eyes narrowed slightly, recognizing this famous sword that once belonged to Golden Lion Shiki.

"Gu la la la la, don't worry, that Marine boy is still alive." He let out a hearty laugh and said to the Marine officers.

"Dad! Kill them!" Teach couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Teach!" Without Whitebeard speaking at all, Marco, who had transformed from a phoenix to a human form, fell to the ground and frowned at him: "We Whitebeard Pirates, when are we going to take advantage of people's danger?

"But, but they are Marines!

Compared with Whitebeard, who is carefree and informal, the pirates are even more afraid of the captain of the first team who is responsible for all kinds of affairs on the ship at a young age.

But at this time, the dream may be not far in front of him, he has been waiting for more than ten years, and he does not want to wait any longer!

Hearing this sentence, the frail officers climbed up again tremblingly, walked to the gate of the hall under the gaze of everyone, and leaned against each other to keep themselves from falling.

Although they didn't say a word, their actions said everything.

If you want to enter the palace, just step over our corpse.

pat pat pat.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Bubbles ran over.

Although there were still tears on her face, she was still trembling with fear in the face of these ferocious pirates.

But she still stood in front of Jace with her hands open.

"Don't hurt Uncle Marine.

Jace was stunned for a moment, and his already blurred eyes became even hotter.

Under the leadership of Bubble, more murloc civilians ran over and blocked Marine.

Their moods are complicated.

Civilians know that the Whitebeard Pirates once protected themselves.

But so are these Marines.

Why are they so arrogant?

They didn't know why they did it, but they did it anyway.

This scene made Whitebeard raise an eyebrow.

Civilian protection at The fish men island Marine?

No one will believe it, right?

At this time, Princess Otoji also came over.

"Mr. Newgate." She nodded slightly to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard naturally knew her identity and nodded to her.

"These Marines... In order to protect us from being seriously injured, please don't hurt them again." Otohime said.

"Oiji, I didn't intend to do anything to these seriously injured people. It's them who have been pestering us." Whitebeard said.

"Mr. Marine, you've worked hard." Yiji looked at Susie and the others and bowed, "I trust Mr. Newgate, they won't hurt us. Please go and heal."

Susie and the others didn't even have the strength to help Yiji now, but they still shook their heads.

"Pirates are pirates. Since The fish men island has accepted our garrison, it would be our dereliction of duty to let these pirates set foot on this island. If we let them enter the palace again, we don't need Vice Admiral, the white owl, to do it myself. Will feel ashamed and want to commit suicide. Susie shook her head firmly.

The thoughts of the officers were simple and straightforward.

When facing the enemy, as a Marine, he actually saved his life with the help of a pirate.

No matter what the starting point of the pirates is, the occurrence of this kind of thing makes them ashamed.

If you accept the mercy of the pirates again, what face is there to see your superiors and colleagues.

Whitebeard sighed as he watched the Marines who could fall and never get up again.

"Go ahead and stun them, don't let them die."


The pirates shouted loudly.

Teach is full of killing intent.

What stuns are not stunned, anyway, these Marines may die at any time, and if they "inadvertently" kill one or two, they should not be discovered.

His first target was Jace.

With his character, he must be picky.

The Marine who lost his arms must be the softest.

But the little murloc girl who was standing in front of him was a problem.

With his father's character, he was blamed at most for killing Marine by "missing", but if he killed this little murloc girl, he would really be punished.

Then get stunned!

With this kind of thought in mind, he pulled out the knife with a grin.

Jace immediately sensed something was wrong.

Compared with other pirates, the murderous aura of this black-haired pirate with a big belly is too obvious!

When he came to 4.7 and sounded a reminder, he stretched out his foot and stumbled over the bubble.

Then he took the initiative to meet the blade.

Not many blood flowers burst out.

Because of the wounds on both shoulders, there was little blood left in Jace.

Teach was stunned for a moment, and raised his brows at the Marine who was carrying his knife with his only remaining shoulder.

Originally, I wanted to stun that little girl before killing you, but since you're actively courting death, it just saves the trouble!

So he yanked the blade out of Jace and slashed at his neck!

Margao frowned when he saw this scene, and wanted to stop it.

But as soon as he raised his hand, he heard a cracking sound!

A golden light rushed towards Teach at an extremely outrageous speed from a distance.

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