Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 354 The lion speaks loudly!

Bai Ze thought he was joking at first, but he saw only visceral anger on Shuke's face.

"What, what's wrong?"

Seeing this guy's confused look, Xiuke felt even more angry, and without waiting for him to answer, he just threw a phone bug over.

"Answer yourself, Zephyr Admiral's call." After saying that, he left the room, not forgetting to slam the door shut.

Bai Ze was taken aback by the sound of him closing the door, and he said "what's wrong?" and answered the phone.

After that, Zephyr's yin and yang sentence: "Yo, Bai Xiao Vice Admiral is awake-ah."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was an old hermaphrodite.

"Can you speak well?" Bai Ze yawned helplessly.

"Speak well? How can you tell me to speak well!" The phone bug came with a stormy squirt.

"Do you know who you are now?

You are the Marine Vice Admiral of the headquarters! Commander of the G5 branch!

You are on a mission with your subordinates in a country hostile to humans!

I know you're very good at fighting, but have you ever considered, who are you facing? That's Whitebeard, the great pirate who is as famous as Roger!

Fighting the entire Whitebeard Pirates on your own?!

Garp and Sengoku are not as arrogant as you are!

Have you ever considered what will happen to your subordinates if you die?"

Bai Ze was a little stunned by his spray, but he quickly replied: "I only fought Whitebeard because I knew I wouldn't die. 35

"Won't die? Hehe, Bai Ze, I know you still have many inexplicable means, I don't want to ask you, and no one else will ask you.

But do you know that because you are in a coma these days! The headquarters has been messed up? Countless sets of plans have to be overturned!

Bai Ze was stunned, but he knew that.

You and Akainu are the signs that Naval Headquarters is building now.

Akainu is a hawk, and he is a dove.

Therefore, the headquarters designated a series of various plans for the two of them.

Including making the two deliberately appear incompatible in front of other Marines and civilians.

The fact that he has been in a coma for so long may indeed interrupt the deployment of many headquarters.

At this time, Zephyr was a little relieved, and his tone was milder.

"Bai Ze, you are now the pillar of the entire Marine in G5, and you are no longer alone. Although that kid Hook didn't tell me, I know that he probably hasn't rested for a few hours these days! You can't let people take it. With Rear Admiral's salary, sell Vice Admiral's life!"9

Bai Ze thought of Xiuke's tired face, and felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

I guess he's been really busy these days.

Everything in the G5 branch and The fish men island is tied to him alone.

And Zephyr's next sentence made him break the defense directly.

"Have you ever considered, what should I do if you have three strengths and two weaknesses? What about Tashigi?

Bai Ze's heart felt sour, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Zephyr continue: "What about Diyuan? What about Ain? What about Hina? And what about Susie on your side?

"Cough cough..." Bai Ze's face flushed from his own saliva.

What is this all about?

The old man wouldn't think he was a humanoid self-propelled gun, would he shoot wherever he went?

Forget the first three, what the hell is Susie?!

"Anyway, that's about it! If you dare to be so messy next time, wait for me to beat you up! You call Sengoku! That's it, hang up!

After speaking, without waiting for Bai Ze to reply, Zephyr hung up the phone bug.

After a while, Bai Ze recovered his mood and called Sengoku's office.

Although it was not clear at this time, almost all the officers in the headquarters knew that Marshal Kong had taken a back seat at this time, and Sengoku was the next Marine candidate.

After the call was connected, Bai Ze took the initiative to say hello.

"Sengoku Admiral.

"Hmm." On the other end of the phone, Sengoku's voice was a little tired.

It does not appear to have adapted to the enormous workload belonging to Marshal Marine.

"How's the injury?"

"It's almost there, it should be healed in two or three days.

"What's going on over there on The fish men island?"

After greeting Bai Ze's body a little, Sengoku asked directly.

...for flowers ·

"His Majesty Neptune has agreed to my garrison request, and after this series of events, the hostility of the civilians of The fish men island to our Marine has been reduced a lot. After a while, they should be completely used to our Ministry. garrison in their country. 35 Bai Ze replied quickly.

Although he failed miserably this time, the task was completed well.

"Well, good." There was a hint of relief in Sengoku's voice.

The fish men island has been a headache for the Marine government for so long.

But because of the acquiescence of the World government's plundering of merman and murloc slaves, he has always felt guilty.

So even if they broke the rules and reached some kind of agreement with the Whitebeard Pirates, the Marine government could only turn a blind eye.

Fortunately, Bai Ze handled this matter well.

"But you know, this is a secret mission, so I can't give you an explicit reward. However, you can make some requests, and if it's not too much, I can promise you."5

Bai Ze knew that the result of letting the G5 branch to garrison The fish men island was that it would be very difficult for the Celestial Dragons to capture slaves from there, and this behavior would definitely arouse their dissatisfaction.

So the Marine government must not be able to praise itself with much fanfare.

If this is the case, it must be the lion's mouth!

"I want the right to draft." Bai Ze said directly.

The phone worm was silent.

Although Bai Ze's current rank can recruit some people to become Marines, what Bai Ze calls "conscription"


Of course, the meaning will not be to collect one or two, but a large number!

"The reason." 9

Seeing that Sengoku didn't reject him directly, Bai Ze was instantly overjoyed.

"After this mission, I felt that the G5 branch was seriously understaffed. You also know who the Marines in the G5 branch are, so if you directly transfer Marines from other branches or the headquarters, I am afraid it will be difficult to integrate. So I Like recruiting a special group of people into Marine.""

Hearing this, Sengoku frowned.

"Someone special?"

"That's right. I'm going to recruit murlocs to join the Marine." Spoon.

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