Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 372 Charlotte Linlin, who hasn't gotten fat yet to Ultimate

"Hella, look who's coming."

In Rouge's room, Bai Ze smiled and looked at his little daughter-in-law, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The name Hela is from Bai Ze.

It's a bit strange to say that I am afraid that few people in this world have ever done such a thing as naming my daughter-in-law.

On the boat, a one-year-old baby simply lay on the ground. When she opened her mouth unconsciously, the deciduous teeth did not grow in her mouth.

Leaves a puddle of water on the clean white sheets.

so cute~

Bai Ze looked at the little girl and felt that her heart was about to melt.

The next moment, his face suddenly became cloudy.

Because another freckled baby crawled over and reached out for a hug.

Looking at the snot hanging on his face, Bai Ze frowned deeply.

Seeing this scene, Rouge was also a little dumbfounded.

I don't know why his two children, Bai Ze can't wait to tie Hela to his body every day, but he is especially disgusted with Ace.

But the next moment, seeing the innocent smile on Hela's face made Bai Ze feel better again.

Even the heart that was overwhelmed by the troubles that followed was relieved a lot.

Human cubs are indeed the most healing beings in this world!

When I return to Marineford to participate in the martial arts this time, I must bring Hela back to Old Zephyr to see.

He'd be grinning from ear to ear.

At this moment, Ace pouted and started to cry.

Just when Bai Ze's face was about to sink again, Rouge stepped forward, took off his shirt without any hesitation, and fed Ace directly.

Previously on the Xuan Owl, Rouge was so weak that he couldn't even get out of bed. Bai Ze had seen similar scenes many times when Bai Ze slowly injected her vitality.

Even so, Marine Vice Admiral blushed and turned around silently with Hela in his arms.

"I heard that you fought Newgate~"?" Rouge asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Bai Ze was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of the relationship between Roger and Whitebeard, who were both enemies and friends, so it was not so strange for Rouge to know Whitebeard.

"It's not a fight." He smiled bitterly: "It's a one-sided fight, it's not an exaggeration to say, there's no power to fight back."

I don't know why, in front of this gentle woman, Bai Ze would always subconsciously let go of all his defenses and burdens, and show his most vulnerable side.

"I've heard...said that Newgate is a monster, on top of the world in every way, so there's no shame in losing to him.

Bai Ze naturally knew what the name she didn't say was.

Still, I was shocked by what Roger said about Whitebeard.

Even Roger admits that Whitebeard is the world's number one?

In Marine, Daddy Zephyr is past his prime, getting worse every year as he gets older.

As for Whitebeard's speed - Sengoku Admiral will be trapped in countless affairs after taking over as the marshal and will abandon his practice, and it is estimated that his strength will decline sharply in a few years.

So it is estimated that only Garp Vice Admiral can compete with the peak of Whitebeard.

But it's just a fight, and it is estimated that even Garp himself would not dare to win easily.

But at this moment, Rouge's door was knocked hurriedly.

Bai Ze knew that unless he had important military affairs, generally no one would disturb his "children" time.

He glanced at Rouge apologetically and sent Hela into her arms.

Inadvertently, my fingers touched the snow white that was still exposed, but there was no time to be distracted.

Bai Ze opened the door and walked out, only to see Xiuke, who was supposed to be training murlocs outside, looking at him with a dignified expression.

"I'm patrolling Jess and calling, a pirate group is heading towards the G5 base at full speed! Look at the flag, it's the BIG·MOM pirates!""

Bai Ze thought of Charlotte Daifuku, who was still in prison, and frowned slightly. Is it time to come?

Immediately he nodded.

"Alert level 1, all Marines on board, ready to meet the enemy! 95

"Yes... Then, what about those murlocs?" Hulk asked after hesitation.

"Take it, let them know that war isn't the kind of petty shit they have on The fish men island.


"Damn Marine! How dare you capture Daifuku!

Charlotte Linlin swears as she fills her mouth with candy.

The expression is like that of a child whose mind is not open.

At this time, her figure was not as fat as when the original book appeared, and she could vaguely see her beauty when she was young.

Beside him, Charlotte Katakuri, the first of the four generals as the second son, was much calmer.

"."Mom, Marine never came to provoke us when we were operating in this area of ​​water in the past, but this time I took Daifuku directly, and I always felt something was wrong.

"Whatever they want!" Charlotte Linlin shrugged.

As long as it is a battle at sea, this female pirate who has the title of "Emperor of the Sea" has absolute confidence.

As a Paramecia · Soul Soul Fruit Ability, she can inject her soul into the waves to form a tsunami, and can even inject her soul into the clouds to let them release fire and thunder!

These can be called big killers in naval battles!

The number of warships and pirate ships that have been destroyed in her hands over the years has not been counted.

But compared to her composure, Katakuri, who has cultivated Observation Haki to Ultimate, can always feel some ominous foreboding, but she can't tell.

(Wang's good) At this moment, Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, one of the 34 ministers "Candy Minister", suddenly ran over to Li, sweating profusely.

He said in a panic, "Mom! There is a Marine fleet not far ahead!

Charlotte Linlin, who was still feasting on dessert, finally stopped eating, and looked at her son with those small eyes against the hooked nose: "What are you panicking? Marine, who we have sunk all these years. Is the fleet still low?

"But...but their flagship is abnormally large! And it's not white like other Marine warships, I always feel that this time Marine is unusual!

As soon as this statement came out, Katakuri's complexion changed slightly, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

He quickly said, "Mom, why don't you send a reconnaissance ship to see who it is!"

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