Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 380 What a Qualified Commander Needs to Do

As Bai Ze transformed into a human figure and landed on the Black Owl, the pirates looked at the Marine Vice Admiral, who had re-draped the cloak.

No more thoughts of resistance.

But the ramming angle of the pirate ship they were riding was still inserted in the warship, so they had nowhere to escape!

He could only scream and jump from the warship into the sea.

"Catch those who can be caught, and kill all those who can't be caught.

Bai Ze said to Hook.

Rear Admiral nodded immediately, picked up the phone and gave an order.

Then Bai Ze looked at Galen who was pointing the phone bug at him, frowning slightly.

"It's all filmed?" he asked.

"Yes, yes." Galen looked at the young Vice Admiral for some reason and felt a little in his heart.

Obviously, "607" had to deal with those big bosses every day when he was in Marineford, but why was he still so nervous, even a little scared, in front of this Vice Admiral.

"En. Bai Ze nodded when he heard the words, "All deleted.

"Ah? Why?" But as soon as he touched Galen's bottom line, he couldn't bear it any longer.

If all these precious scenes are deleted, what will he show to the audience who are looking forward to the second episode of the interview!

"I could delete all of your footage!" After a moment of hesitation, the Commodore photographer made a decision to ditch the car and save it.

But Bai Ze still shook his head, "Delete all of them. If one of these pictures leaks out today, you should go back to Marineford and continue to be your copywriter."

After speaking, he walked into the cabin without looking back.

Galen's face was disastrous, and he didn't care about the relationship between superiors and superiors, and shouted directly: "I don't understand! If you don't give me a reason to convince me today, then I'd rather go back to Marineford!

Bai Ze's footsteps didn't stop at all.

Huoke, who was on the phone, came over, patted the photographer on the shoulder, pointed to the Marines who were not able to stand still in the first round of the pirate charge and sacrificed in the hand-to-hand battle afterward and said, "This is Only Vice Admiral won the battle, we didn't."

Galen was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that although the highest combat power in the area was defeated by Bai Ze alone, the battle between ordinary soldiers and even officers, G5 Marine not only failed to win, but even won the battle in the face of a huge difference in numbers. Severe casualties.

And because of his defeat, Bai Ze had to take action ahead of time, which made Luman and their faces a little disappointed.

Thinking of the huge gap in strength with Katakuri is even more annoyed.

Even in those Second Generations, even some of them would have died in the battle if it wasn't for the conscious or unintentional protection of the veterans.

Jin Mian was stabbed in the thigh, but fortunately, the aorta was not cut.

At this time, he was limping clean the battlefield with the old soldier who slapped him while smoking a cigarette.

At this point Galen noticed.

Among the Marines who died in action, one was the soldier who ordered him to stop the ship when he first arrived at the G5 branch.

This made his heart twitch violently.

Since he enlisted in the army, he has been assigned to a clerical post because of his excellent writing.

It is no exaggeration to say that he went to the battlefield less often than those of the Second Generation.

"Since that interview was to show the demeanor of Marine to civilians all over the world, it should be good news and not bad news. That's why Vice Admiral will let you delete the content you shot. Seeing the photographer's face shows Suddenly, Suoke added.

Then he stopped talking and continued to direct the post-war cleaning work.

And Bai Ze, who walked into the cabin, looked at his right hand.

There was a bone-deep scar on his palm.

The dragon claw in the previous animal form was stabbed by Charlotte Linlin, and it is still there after returning to the human form.

Moreover, he found that his self-healing ability and Lily's healing power were unable to heal this scar.

It was as if some force had been resisting these healing abilities.

Since being infused with a Shock Fruit ability by Whitebeard, Bai Ze has found that his self-healing ability is not as good as before.

It can only be said that the shock force is still in his body now, but it has been suppressed.

That's why he didn't pursue Charlotte Linlin.

He knew that the strength of the only female pirate in the future "Four Emperors" was far more than that.

It was just that he was caught off guard.

It is said that the poor do not chase after him. If he really pushes the aunt and fights her for a few days and nights, it is hard to say who will die and who will survive. The hundreds of Marines who have managed to save up will definitely die.

However, the strategic purpose of today's battle has been achieved.

The Big Mom Pirates, who have become famous at sea in the past few years, and Whitebeard and Mr. Kai are gradually being called "sea emperors", which can further enhance Bai Ze's status in the marine.

And it can also make many pirates dare not rashly enter the waters where G5 Marine is stationed.

At the same time, the murloc Marine and the Second Generation have experienced a war between Marine and pirates, so that they can better understand what Marine is.

Finally, let the elders of the Second Generation know that your children did not come to G5 to be gilded. If there is a battle, they must really go!

Bai Ze knew very well that he was not a qualified commander after all.

He couldn't let himself watch his subordinates die in front of him with complete ruthlessness on the battlefield, and he couldn't treat every passing life on the battlefield as the temporary departure of a pawn on the chessboard.

4.7 That's why he didn't wait until the Second Generation died or Jinbei was seriously injured so that those murlocs Marine couldn't help but take the best time to perform and perform.

Even when he was fighting with Big Mom, out of the corner of his eyes, he was paying attention to the battle on the warship.

His heart ached as he watched more than a dozen Marines fall into the pirates' first charge.

At the same time, he was also amazed at the amazing fighting power shown by the current Katakuri.

Luman and No. 9, who had high hopes for him, were not even enemies of this "emperor's deputy"!

So he returned to the cabin as soon as possible, not allowing himself to see the remains of those Marines.

Although he is not a qualified commander, he also knows that, as a commander, he cannot show his weakness in front of his subordinates.

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