Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Hina didn't bother too much, so Bai Ze rushed to the fishermen's station as soon as possible.

The station is located on the west side of the fortress near a perennially frozen river.

It's not that Bai Ze doesn't want these murlocs to live in warm fortresses, it's that these people don't want to live with humans themselves.

In desperation, Bai Ze could only ask Jinbei to take them to the station.

When Bai Ze arrived, they saw these murlocs carrying out a literal ice-breaking operation on the inland river with stones.

Jinbei, on the other hand, looked at his clansmen and subordinates helplessly.

"What's the situation now?" Bai Ze walked to his side and asked.

Jinbei was about to speak when he suddenly thought of something, so he gave Bai Ze a military salute awkwardly.

Seeing this, Bai Ze smiled and patted the blue-skinned murloc on the shoulder.

He knew that the former Poseidon army eldest brother was really working hard to integrate into the G5 branch.

And because of his performance in the battle with the Big Mom Pirates, he was also recognized by Marine.

So Jinbei drank only a little less than Bai Ze at last night's celebration dinner 607.

However, probably because of the murloc's natural affinity for liquids, he also digests alcohol much faster than humans.

"I told them that if you need to integrate into the human world, you must obey the rules of the human world, and you can't just think about disobedience. But they are still... You know, they all grew up in Fishman Street, and they didn't What is the opportunity for education, although I have participated in some basic training when I was on The fish men island, but still..."

Bai Ze got it.

It means that this is a group of illiterate people who have no rules in their hearts, but are extremely powerful.

Bai Ze touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said to Jinbei: "You gather them, and I will hold a meeting for them.

"Can it be done?" Jinbei asked hesitantly, he didn't believe that a meeting could turn these murlocs from rogues into soldiers.

"Try it, and then you'll know."

After a while, under Jinbei's coaxing and deception and the most important force, these fish people stood in front of Bai Ze in twos and threes.

The stance and formation that I learned the other day have been completely forgotten.

Although they saw the battle with the Big Mom Pirates.

But I think it's nothing more than the "dog bites dog" behavior among humans, and it doesn't touch much.

The only thing I felt was the fighting style of the Marines who had fought with them in team battles. It turned out that they could play such a big role in actual battles.

Bai Ze looked at these murlocs, cleared his throat, and said loudly in a voice that everyone could hear: "You all know who I am, so I won't introduce myself. Now what I'm going to say The content is about your future.

Bai Ze looked at the numb and hostile faces below and took a deep breath.

Although they are also intelligent races, there are also many wise men and strong men among the murlocs.

But the murlocs in front of them are not ignorant, but that doesn't mean they are not ignorant.

They are ignorant not only in the human world, but also in The fish men island.

Otherwise they wouldn't do so many stupid things.

But in the final analysis, it is the system problem of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Because the identity of "Growing up on Fishman Street" brought them too much prejudice.

The deformed social structure of The fish men island determines that they have almost no channels to acquire knowledge, increase knowledge, and cultivate morality.

In the eyes of these murlocs, morality, right and wrong, and character are not as important as the next meal.

If they survive in this situation for a long time, they will be too lazy to think, and will have the illusion of "ignorance".

But in fact, they can think, but ignorance makes it difficult for them to understand those things that are too far away from food and clothing.

So I can't talk to them about those fake things, I can't talk to them about ideals, about the future, about Marine's glory and obligations.

Because in their minds, none of this has anything to do with them.

So the best way is to say something that is closely related to them.

"Murlocs." Bai Ze said, "First of all, you are not slaves, and I am not those nasty nobles. But I am the highest officer here, and what I say can be something you must obey. Don't use that kind of thing. Look at me, even if you are on The fish men island, you still have to listen to your gang elder brother, right?

"I will not force you to live with your next colleagues, nor will I ask you to eat together. However, there are some things I want to make clear with you.

First, you know that your purpose here is because of my agreement with His Majesty Neptune, and you don't have to blame him. Because according to my opinion, it's more convenient and simple for those of you who participated in that riot to be executed directly. "

The fish people were a little commotion, and even Jinbei glanced at Bai Ze in surprise.

He naturally knew that Bai Ze had really suggested to His Majesty Neptune to put all these murlocs to death.

But the next moment, the rioting stopped.

Because the fish people suddenly felt an endless sense of oppression burst out from the human Vice Admiral.

Make it even harder for them to breathe.

Seeing that they were quiet, Bai Ze took back the Conqueror's and continued: "However, because of His Majesty Neptune's request, I cannot execute you. The fish men island also does not have so many prisons for you, so His Majesty Neptune let you You guys came here trying to make you Marine. To be honest, I didn't want to say yes at first. Because Marine is a group with a sense of justice, although there are some black sheep, oh you may not know what the black sheep means, although there are some Scum, but generally speaking, it is still the greatest guarantee to maintain this world order. But you people, you don't even know what order is.

"So I think, before letting you continue training, you must know what the order is.

So, next, there will be some Marines to teach you how to pitch tents and fences. You must do enough work to have food to eat.

And I'll let Marine document what each of you is responsible for, and only those who do it exactly as required will get the job done.

Plus, as an incentive to work hard, the top ten finishers get to drink.

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