Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 391 Welcome to the new fish city

Hearing this sentence, Kong glanced suspiciously at Bai Ze.

But Sora also knew that with what he knew about Bai Ze, the young Vice Admiral would not commit corruption.

The reason why he said this was to block the mouths of the group of people behind him.

Some words can be said by him, others are purely looking for trouble.

Then, led by Bai Ze, the large force walked towards the core of the G5 branch - the huge fortress.

And the Marine bosses who followed behind them were frantically coloring their juniors among the Marines, but they didn't get any response.

The large group crossed a trail between two snow-capped mountains.

The next moment, everyone heard a huge copper bell.

Sora and Zephyr looked up, and saw a copper bell hanging in a sentry tower being ringing by a man wearing a Marine uniform on the halfway up the snowy mountain not far away.

It is normal to have outposts before a fortress.

But the Marine bosses widened their eyes after seeing the Marine's face.

That turned out to be a blue-skinned 18 murloc!

But the next moment, what surprised them even more continued to happen.

I saw that after walking through this mountain path, the oncoming one was a road paved with bricks and stones!

Although this road is called the avenue, let alone Marineford, even some other branches or bases are not as spacious!

But be aware that there is thick snow on both sides of this avenue!

In other words, this is a road that has been dug out of the snow that has been accumulated for an unknown number of years!

And at the end of this road is the G5 fortress.

But beside the fortress, there was a huge camp surrounded by wooden fences!

You can faintly see the smoke of the cooking smoke floating in the sky!

Continuing along this masonry road, the door made of wood slowly opened.

There is a smell of food coming from the pavement.

The Marine bosses who had eaten fish for several days at sea couldn't stop swallowing.

Immediately, Sora frowned and looked at Bai Ze, isn't there food? Why are they all so hungry?

I saw that in the camp, a huge stove was propped up in the middle, the fire was raging under the stove, and the aroma of stewed food was wafting from the large pot.

And a woman with a big shoulder and a round waist stood by the stove, stirring the chowder in the pot with a large spoon with a long handle.

The woman was recruited from the small town on this island.

At first I heard it was for Marine, and it was the murloc Marine who was cooking and she never came.

But unfortunately Bai Ze gave too much, so she still mustered up the courage to come here based on the principle that money can make a ghost run the mill.

But after two days of dinning here, although she directed the chowder to be made, she later found out that it was not what she thought.

Neither the human Marine nor the murloc Marine seem to have any ill will towards him.

Even after eating the soup cooked by myself, I will give myself some suggestions to improve the taste.

But this soup was passed down by her grandmother's grandmother, how could it be easily improved.

Marine, who was rejected by her on the spot and even scolded "what do you know", was not angry and left with a smile.

Only later did she find out that the Marine who was scolded by her was Vice Admiral, the top commander of this branch.

At this time, the woman was startled when she saw that hundreds of Marines suddenly appeared in the camp, but she still did not put down the spoon in her hand.

Because the white owl Vice Admiral in the crowd said that no matter what, the fish people should not be delayed for dinner.

And the reason for choosing this kind of food is because although they are selling badly, the food that should be supplied to the murlocs can't be lacking. After all, they are the largest labor force at present.

So Bai Ze chose this nutrient-rich and easy-to-digest thick soup, which not only can quickly replenish physical strength, but also the fish people have never eaten it, and people who have eaten it for three or four days should not get tired of it when they go to the headquarters. .

In this camp, row upon row, neat tents are spread out.

Although they haven't been on the front line for many years, the Marine bosses can still see at a glance that these tents are very solid.

The huge wooden house in the middle of the camp was the only wooden building.

With the power of the big guys, you can faintly see that there are hundreds of murlocs inside.

And the most outrageous thing is that they are all holding pens and writing something.

Some murlocs heard the movement outside and raised their heads to take a few glances, and they were instantly hit on the head by a wooden stick as thick as two fingers.

Then he touched his head and continued to write honestly.

"Bai Ze, you are..." Zephyr was a little stunned.

What he noticed was that although the camp was surrounded by wooden fences, it was not sealed off.

Moreover, the tents made here are obviously far larger than the number of mermaids in the wooden house.

The meaning is obvious, there will be more murlocs coming here in the future.

But what Bai Ze said was recruiting the murloc Marine.

And the number was set at the beginning, why did he recruit so many murlocs without authorization?

Wasn't he trying to take the murlocs to rush the Celestial Dragons?! 630

Looking further into the depths of the camp, behind these tents there is a huge field that has been divided into several pieces.

You can feel the heat rising faintly.

Looking further back, the inland river didn't freeze under such extremely cold weather for some unknown reason.

And there are several huge trees drifting down from somewhere along the river.

Then it was blocked by the strong murlocs in the water, and then moved to the shore.

On the shore, several other murlocs were already processing the wood they had brought up earlier, using saws and axes to process the giant wood into pieces of wood.

Then put it neatly aside and wait for it to dry naturally.

And around these planks, there are several huge bonfires speeding up the drying process.

Looking at all this, Marshal Kong's eyes narrowed slightly.

He opened his mouth and said, "Are you planning to build a city of their own for the fish people here?"

Bai Ze was not surprised that the man who was still standing at the top of Marine could see his purpose, so he spread his hands directly to all the Marine bosses in the headquarters, and said proudly: "That's right. ,Welcome everyone to the new fish city."

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