Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 393 Give sweet dates first and then big sticks

Everyone knows that Bai Ze can play and seems to have a good brain.

But including Zephyr, before today's meeting, no one thought Bai Ze had the qualifications to become a Sengoku-like The Resourceful General.

"So, with all that said, how much Bailey do you plan to use to carry out your plan?" Marshal Kong looked at Bai Ze and asked in a deep voice.

Bai Ze's eyes lit up, and it's time for his first favorite lion mouth section again?!

"How about 10 billion first?" he asked tentatively.

"Pfft!" Zephyr nearly spat out a mouthful of old blood.

How dare this boy speak!

However, Bai Ze knows that 10 billion Baileys is not a lot in this world.

When watching the original animation before crossing, Bai Ze noticed that Sanji once said that 70 million baileys can buy 50 tons of rice, which is calculated at two yuan and five kilograms of rice, and the exchange rate is one yuan = 280 bels. Profit, then 500 million Bailey ≈ 1.8 million RMB.

10 billion Bailey is 36 million RMB.

Who would dare to think that it only cost 36 million to build a city in China?

So Bai Ze regretted the number after he said it.

Sure enough, although Zephyr was very surprised, it was obvious that Marshal Kong 643 was squinting his eyes and thinking about related issues.

"That's it," he said after a moment. "When I get back to Marineford, I'll give you five billion baileys."

"Ha? Cut it in half? You can't even cut the price of groceries like that!" Bai Ze muttered.

"If, if the G5 branch wins in the big Marine, I'll give you another 10 billion baileys. Don't look at me like that! I'll get this done before I leave the position of Marshal Marine. !" Marshal Kong frowned when he saw Bai Ze looking at him meanly.

Hearing this, Bai Ze immediately smiled and said, "The deal is done. 99

"Since you've finished speaking, it's my turn." Marshal Kong cleared his throat.

The young Vice Admiral did not expect him to be so generous, and immediately showed an attitude of listening intently, not forgetting to blink his eyes.

But as soon as Marshal Kong slapped the table, he began to curse.

"Bai Ze! Did I ask you to come to the G5 branch and give you so many Marines to starve them?

Is your brain broken?

Did you know you are Marine?

What kind of city construction are you trying to do without even making them full?

They are Marines! Not workers! Their job is to protect the station from pirates! Not because of your plans and ideas to be workers!

Also, why did you go to the BIG·MOM Pirates without authorization?

Why didn't you report?!35

"I..." Bai Ze was completely blinded by the overwhelming scolding, wiped the saliva that was sprayed on his face and was about to open his mouth to defend when he saw that Marshal Kong slapped the slap directly. The tattered table I finally found in the warehouse was smashed.

"What are you? Shut up and listen to me!

The rules and regulations are clearly written! Don't act rashly when you encounter a pirate group with more than a thousand people! Report to the headquarters as soon as possible!

You are good, just go straight up!

What? Think Whitebeard beat you too lightly and want to be beaten by Charlotte Linlin?

How many days are you going to faint this time? If you don't participate in the big martial arts show, you can just pass out here!"

"Charlotte Linlin doesn't necessarily beat me..." Bai Ze pouted and muttered.

"What did you say?!

"No no no, you go on you go on. 55

"It's a good thing to recruit murlocs Marine, but you can't starve your subordinates because of them! Look at your virtue now! Do you know that you are Marine Vice Admiral! Every word and deed represent the image of Marine Look at your clothes! I don't believe that such a big branch can't find a perfect one! Who are you selling so miserably to? 55

Marshal Kong scolded for a whole hour and finally felt his mouth dry.

With a wave of his hand, he led the crowd towards G5's canteen.

He even glared at Bai Ze and said, "You are not responsible for this meal, I will have someone bring it from the boat!"

"Okay!" Bai Ze's face, which was originally a little frowning, instantly burst into a smile.

At night, including G5 Marine, who ate sweet potatoes and potatoes for two days, everyone was well fed.

With the support of his two subordinates, Marshal Kong swayed and walked towards his ship.

He had come to know what it means to drink wine as water.

As a person who likes to drink very much, he specially arranged a whole boat to hold wine on this tour.

As a result, it was the first time for many of the animals in the G5 group to sit and eat and drink with their top leaders.

So, under Bai Ze's explicit hint, he tried his life to make a toast to the empty marshal.

Marshal Kong's eldest nephew even took the lead, carrying a whole bottle in front of him, and went down without saying a word.

Then holding the empty bottle, he glanced at his uncle provocatively.

How can Marshal Kong endure this?

Pick up a bottle and go down, and drink faster.

Although he was provoked by Jin Mian, Marshal Kong found that his junior, who was almost unwilling to contact him on weekdays, seemed a little different.

Then, there is a steady stream of various toasts.

Those Marine bosses finally had a chance to chat with their juniors.

It's just that the meaning of these juniors can be chatted, and the wine is drunk first.

Susie and Jace also looked excited and went to Zephyr with the wine.

Zephyr looked at the two students he hadn't seen in a long time with consolation.

But he still asked Susie secretly: "That boy Bai Ze didn't do anything to you, right? If you bully you, tell me that I will teach him a lesson for you."

Susie suffocated, her face flushed at the thought of a certain night, but fortunately she put it off in the name of drinking.

And Jace didn't have this treatment, and was educated by Zephyr for a long time.

This usually gloomy Commodore didn't dare to breathe in front of his teacher, and couldn't stop nodding and bowing.

Even if he was scolded in the face, he could only nod and bow.

The banquet, prepared with food brought by the guests, was not over until late at night.

Bai Ze felt a little stuffy, so he walked outside the fortress to get some air.

As a result, not long after he came out, Zephyr also came out full of alcohol.

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