"A group of scumbags from the countryside, they are used to being poor in the mountains every day, so many people order such a small amount of food. Didn't they allocate a large amount of military expenses to you? Why pretend to be so broken? "

It was an officer who said this, probably because he drank too much, and he no longer had any fears, he vented all the disdain and hatred in his heart.

Hearing this extremely sour sarcasm, the colleagues sitting around him began to laugh loudly, calling the boss provocatively to add some vegetables there.

Marine on the other side heard these noises, raised his head angrily, and stared that way.

What they were wearing were not the traditional white uniforms, but rather earthy tones, and they were really worn out, looking like a group of rogue soldiers.

But their discipline is really strict. Although they are angry, they maintain absolute silence. However, it is this silence that suddenly erupted with a certain momentum, making the entire door of the supper shop quiet.

Bai Ze stuck his head out holding the oden.

He naturally knew which army this group of earth-colored uniforms belonged to.

In the world of One Piece, there are not only pirates, but also bandits.

The one who catches pirates is called Marine, and the one who catches pirates... is also called Marine.

18 Compared with Marine, whose main battlefield is at sea, those who have been in various valleys all year round seem a little less suitable for the name "Marine".

And the most terrible thing is that because of the lack of experience in fighting the enemy in the mountains, the "mountain army" recruited was originally a bandit.

Up to now, these "bandits" have become officers of the mountain army.

Just like the middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the mountain army.

No matter where you go, things like contempt chains exist.

This is the origin of this contradiction.

Bai Ze was silent.

Even the "mountain army" is treated like this, so what kind of waves will the "Seven Warlords of the Sea" system that will be made public during the grand martial arts show?

The mountain soldiers bowed their heads under the cold and stern gaze of the commander, and continued to eat quietly, taking a sip of water from the kettle at hand from time to time.

Bai Ze looked at the few food trays on their table, and the cheap food on the food trays, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Because you want to integrate and prove it, you will develop such iron-like military discipline, right?

The whole army was performing martial arts, and the mountain army naturally sent troops over.

Judging from the color of the dust on them, they should have just arrived.

I was looking for a place to satisfy my hunger, but unexpectedly I chose this place.

This group of simple mountain soldiers used the fastest speed to finish the food on the plate, the plate was very clean, not a grain of rice was wasted, and then they were ready to leave in line.

Apparently they had been strictly admonished before coming here to try to avoid conflict with other Marines.

The officer, who did not wear any rank, went to the counter, took out Bailey to check out, said something to the cashier, and then smiled and nodded his thanks.

His subordinates knew it was done, they took out the kettles beside them and walked to the counter to start queuing up.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ze was a little moved.

It was not only him who was moved, Marine on the other side was silent for a moment, watching these "mud legs" prepare to leave, the extremely intense emotions teased by alcohol could no longer be controlled.

"I suddenly understand why these scumbags who have killed their own people are willing to spend money to go to a restaurant.

A Lieutenant Commander looked at the mountain troops who were catching the water, and said mockingly: "Do you understand?

The Marines who sat with him shook their heads in contempt.

They were going to have a good drink at that bar tonight, but they didn't even go in, and they had been suffocating for a long time.

At this time, I encountered the existence at the bottom of the contempt chain, so I naturally had to vent.

The Lieutenant Commander sneered: "That's because these scumbags have nowhere to spend, and they don't need to maintain warships. Oh, they don't even have warships.

As soon as these words came out, his subordinates burst into laughter.

The mountain soldiers who were queuing to catch the water raised their heads with a swoosh and stared at them angrily. Most of them were moved by these vicious words and could no longer keep calm, and began to coldly pull up their thin military uniform sleeves. Like a clockwork winding the force.

It's not unusual for Marines from different units to fight after drinking.

Seeing that the other side seemed to be ready to move, the Marines did not show any timidity, stood up coldly, and held the wine bottle on the table.

The mountain army commander waved his hand with a sullen face, suppressed the anger of his subordinates, looked at Marine in the distance after a moment of silence, and said, "I will file a complaint about today's matter.

"Complaints are welcome, but I have to remind you, sir, that it is best to bring your military rank when making a complaint. Now that you have given up on the dark, don't want to save any face."

The Lieutenant Commander said, and his subordinates began to whistle, and countless foul words spewed out.

Bai Ze stood up and walked towards the group of Marines.

Originally, according to his character, when the group of Marines started to fart for the first time, he slapped them in the past.

But he saw in the Marines' uniforms what unit they belonged to - Base 51.

There are many mountains on the islands in the sea area that the 51 base is responsible for.

Therefore, before the official establishment of the mountain army, their main enemy was the bandit.

Someone in the mountain army who was "recruited" had killed their people.

Therefore, the 51 base has always been incompatible with the mountain army.

But who would have thought that the two of them would meet here.

So Bai Ze could understand their anger and listened to this moment quietly and silently.

Over the decades, the 51 base did not know how many people died before those bandits began to have the idea of ​​surrendering to Marine.

These emotionally excited Marines from the 51st base who were eager for the first battle must have the closest comrades in arms and the most admired superiors, who died of injuries in the mountain army.

But this has finally come to an end.

All colleagues now, here is Marineford again.

Making trouble here is not good for both parties.

He scolded the Marines of Base 51 who were holding the bottle tightly and seemed to rush out in the next moment:

"Enough! Are you going to have the gendarmerie come and put you all in Impel down?

But Bai Ze didn't know that the Marines, who were completely drowsy, had already entered a state of preparation for fighting and fighting.

Both sides of the confrontation may have heard his name, but the dark night and the red eyes of alcohol made it impossible for them to see Bai Ze's face.

More critically, Bai Ze was not wearing his Vice Admiral uniform due to his previous infiltration into Baird's yard.

So it's a pity that Bai Ze's denunciation became that point.

"Who are you?"

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