Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 421: Misfortune comes out of the mouth

I was actually a little surprised that this "old acquaintance" came to perform martial arts Bai Ze.

After all, because of his own suppression, this black-clothed Rear Admiral, who was originally a promising young man, had not made any achievements for a long time.

I heard that he was punished for leaving his post to The fish men island without authorization.

But now that he saw the big imprint of the dragon's hoof on the opponent's mainsail, Bai Ze understood.

No way, it seems that people do recognize a good master.

With the rights of Celestial Dragons, although it can't get involved too much, it's not too much to arrange a unit to participate in the exercise.

And Bai Ze also saw another acquaintance on his ship, his father in a certain simulation, the current commander of CP9 - Spandain.

Behind him, there was a row of men in black suits of different sizes.

It is the secret CIPHER-POLCP9 directly under the World government.

It seems that Blake is really good at licking, and actually asked Five Elders18 to arrange these people who are engaged in secret activities to help him win the performance.

The enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

Blake stared at Bai Ze standing on the bow of the Xuan Owl, resisting the urge to let CP9 attack directly.

He was actually a little puzzled.

Mingming secretly reported Bai Ze's abnormality to the Five Elders and Celestial Dragons.

Including the abnormality of the fruit, the abnormality of the strength, and the abnormality of the knife.

But the Five Elders just nodded perfunctorily, and warned Blake: Bai Ze's affairs have nothing to do with Blake, and no matter what he does, he must not interfere or obstruct.

This puzzled Blake.

There is even some doubt that Bai Ze is Zephyr's son or the illegitimate son of the Five Elders or some Celestial Dragons noble.

So now he is angry and angry, and he still has to order his ship to move out of the way and not to exchange fire with the Xuan Owl.

Seeing Blake's initiative to make concessions, Bai Ze didn't bother to bother with him any more, and after saying hello to Colonel T-bone who was saluteing him, he let the boat continue to move forward.

Just after the two hours stipulated by Sengoku had been completed, the success was tied for the first place with the Akainu unit.

Speed ​​towards the finish line.

At this time, it was already deep in the night, and many warships began to slow down, and arranged for the people on duty in turn to rest in batches.

Including the Akainu troops too.

Although they are strong, they still have two days left.

And it will definitely be under siege in the later stage.

So maintaining good physical strength is also very important key.

But because of the rest on the first supply island, everyone on the Black Owl was full of energy, so soon, the G5 branch surpassed the Akainu unit and jumped to the first place.

Sengoku, who saw this scene through the live phone bug, was a little puzzled. Could it be Bai Ze's tactics?

So it's not that this kid wants to cheat and play tricks? Did he misunderstand him?

When the sun finally rose the next day, the Xuan Owl docked at the third supply island.

Since Xiuke and others have not returned, this time Bai Ze asked Jin Mian to lead the Second Generation to the island to find supplies.

Fresh water is still abundant, so the main purpose of this trip is to get more fruit back.

Although it's only a three-day voyage, fruit can always make people feel good and relieve stress.

And most importantly, the more you take, the less others have.

And the same goes for the Kizaru troops that follow.

It's just that the two groups didn't get together to make jokes this time, because with the rising sun today, everyone knew that martial arts really started.

Far from being relaxed and friendly yesterday, today's Kizaru force is all about vigilance and alertness.

We can only say what kind of soldiers bring out what kind of people.

Kizaru's subordinates are just as incomprehensible as he is.

After searching for a certain amount of supplies, Jin Mian and other colleagues returned to the Xuan Owl.

At this time, the Xuan Owl had already prepared breakfast.

Bai Ze himself was standing in front of a large sea map at this time, holding a croissant in his left hand and nibbling on it, and holding a cup of coffee in his right hand and taking a sip from time to time.

Seeing Jinmian passing by holding a bunch of fruits, he picked up the apple on the top and nibbled it.

Then he habitually stretched out the coffee cup that his right hand had finished drinking.

But this time, no one caught it.

Bai Ze was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Xiuke and the others hadn't come back yet.

This made me feel a little confused,

With the strength of a few of them... even if they can't repel those colleagues, it shouldn't be a big problem if they want to retreat completely.

After all, although he promised Bader to help, he didn't say how much he would help.

Thinking of this, Bai Ze thought for a while and called Jin Mian over.

"Vice Admiral, what's wrong?" Jin Mian asked.

"I'll pretend to go back to the room to rest later, and then sneak back to see what's going on with Shuke and the others. You wait for the brothers to finish breakfast, and arrange for them to take turns to rest according to the plan, and then continue to move towards the destination island, not too fast, not too fast. Just drop out of the top three." Bai Ze said softly to him.

Jin Mian's eyes narrowed, and then he nodded heavily.

There was a sudden excitement in my heart.

After coming to the G5 branch for so long, this is the first time that Bai Ze has arranged such an important task for him!

700 and when Bai Ze leaves, he will be the highest-ranked man on the Xuan Owl!

Seeing the excitement in his eyes, Bai Ze patted his head and scolded him with a smile: "Stinky boy, don't cause me any trouble, or I'll definitely take care of you when I come back!"

"Yes!" Jin Mian also smiled and gave a military salute.

Immediately, Bai Ze nodded to him, and then pretended to enter the cabin.

A few minutes later, only Jin Mian noticed that something on the Xuan Owl suddenly rushed straight into the sky, and then flew towards the rear at an unimaginably terrifying speed.

The situation of Shuke and others at this time is indeed not very good.

Originally, the tentative battle of only 8 troops had turned into a melee of a dozen troops just like that night in front of the supper shop.

As the culprit, Bader was covered in injuries at this time, and few of his subordinates could stand up.

A few who wanted to continue fighting were also knocked unconscious by him.

It's all because of his stinky mouth that things turned into the way they are now.

The 8 warships that had participated in the war before saw that Xiuke and others had the intention of persuading them to go downhill.

As a result, Bader said: "Cut, bully the soft and fear the hard." The war was provoked again.

And because of the approaching of the rear army is getting more and more intense.

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