Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter One Three Years Later

"Everyone, cheer me up. Don't you know what day it is today!

Hina frowned and looked at the lazy Marines.

Those few people immediately shuddered, pinched off the cigarettes in their hands and started to move.

"I said, Mr. Zephyr doesn't care about these things, are you a little too sensitive." Luman, who left a little stubble, came over with Ying Shi in his arms.

"What do you know!" Hina glared at him: "Mr. Zephyr has worked hard for Marine for most of his life and finally retired, so he shouldn't have a room for him to enjoy?

Luman sighed and decided not to continue arguing with him on this matter.

He looked up at the military flag that symbolized "Marine Ichiban" at the top of the fortress, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

That show three years ago.

After Bai Ze defeated Akainu and Kizaru head-on, everyone knew that the winning team for this performance had been decided.

The only question is, where did the Aokiji people go-?

This problem persisted until the end of the show - resolved.

After Bai Ze led his subordinates to capture the flag in the siege of dozens of troops, Aokiji, who was sleeping on the first supply island, finally lifted his blindfold.

With the end of the exercise, after two days of corrections.

The ceremony for the change of Marshal Marine took place.

As everyone expected, Kong, the former Marine Marshal, was promoted to General Marshal.

The position of Marshal Marine was succeeded by Sengoku, the former Marine Admiral Buddha.

But unexpectedly, after Sengoku was promoted to marshal, Zephyr was the only one left in Marine Admiral's position.

However, at this promotion ceremony, the candidate for the next Marine Admiral was not announced!

Just promoted Bai Ze from Vice Admiral rank to Admiral alternate.

As the winning unit, all Marines in the G5 branch have been promoted.

Although he had already made certain preparations, he was actually promoted from Captain to Vice Admiral in two years, and Huoke still felt a strong sense of unreality.

Another week off at Marineford.

Bai Ze finally couldn't stand the constant stream of visitors, mainly because he couldn't drink anymore.

After Sengoku received the reward and the Baileys he had promised to pay, he rushed back to the G5 branch with his subordinates.

Then began the mighty G5 branch infrastructure construction and renovation plan.

And finally, a month ago, Zephyr officially submitted his resignation to Sengoku.

After many times of persuasion to no avail, Sengoku approved the agreement full of entanglement.

Another month of seeing off and handing over, Zephyr set sail three days ago, and is about to go to the G5 branch to settle down for retirement.

There is a retired Admiral, and a prospective Admiral sits.

Coupled with those officers, the paper strength of the G5 branch jumped to the top of all branches.

But caring people also noticed.

Since Zephyr's resignation, Marine's Admiral position has all been vacated.

If nothing else, there will be a new Admiral this year.

After a while.

Being held by Zephyr, Tashigi stared at this strange place with wide eyes.

At twelve years old, she is already a girl.

In front of this building that looks like a "vacation manor" style, the environment inside is unexpectedly comfortable: wide floor-to-ceiling windows, bright living rooms, and warm corridors and rooms.

Most of the walls here are immaculately painted white, and the bright lights illuminate every corner of the building as if they were free.

In three years, not only "New Fishman Street" has been built with neat brick and tile houses, but also a wide and straight street.

With sufficient financial resources, Bai Ze couldn't help but extravagantly and built a special house for himself.

This is the manor seen by Zephyr and Tashigi at this time.

Zephyr was also very emotional when he saw that the G5 branch, which was icy and snowy, had become what it is today.

It was even more indescribable to see those fish people walking around in the territory, talking and laughing loudly, and greeting human marines.

This kid that I picked up seems to be a blessing from God.

"This will be your room from now on, teacher." Hina said to Zephyr with a smile, not at all as cold as the others.

Zephyr smiled, "Yes, you've become a great Marine too, Hina."

Hearing the teacher's praise, Hina's eyes turned red.

Unexpectedly, he showed a shy expression.

...... Ask for flowers·

Then, she said to Tashigi: "Tashigi, your room is here, right next to me."

For this kind, tough little girl, all the students in the training camp love it.

Especially when everyone knew in their hearts that this little girl was the sister of her own boss.

The granddaughter recognized by Zephyr Admiral!

To be honest, her status is already higher than that of Jinmian's Second Generation!

"Thank you Sister Hina." Tashigi gave a sweet smile.

At this time, Xiuke rushed over from the fortress panting.

After giving Zephyr a military salute, he said, "I'm sorry, teacher, there's been a lot of things going on recently, so I didn't pick you up..."

Zephyr waved his hand, looked at the G5 deputy commander with a beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "I am an idle old man now, how can you get a Vice Admiral to pick it up.

Although he knew it was a joke, Shuoke still blushed.

Immediately Zephyr continued, "It's my fault for that boy Bai Ze, he knows how to be the boss. It's been a lot of hard work for you all these years.

Hearing this sentence, Xiu Ke could only laugh bitterly.

After all, he didn't dare to speak ill of the officer in front of the officer's father.

And although the current life is tiring, it has indeed allowed him to realize his ideals and ambitions.

"Teacher, you and Tashigi's luggage has already been transported by the soldiers. Dinner has been prepared in the cafeteria of the fortress. It's almost time, do you see?" Shuke asked.

"Let's go, eat." Zephyr said with a big hand with a smile, then turned to Shuke and said, "Since that boy Bai Ze is not here, then you should accompany me for a drink. 35

Shuoke nodded quickly and smiled: "Jess and Luman were preparing for today's meal two days ago.


Zephyr burst out laughing, but hurriedly restrained his smile when he felt the gaze.

A smirk appeared on Tashigi's face: "Tashigi...this is a banquet..."

"Just this time!"

"Good good!"

Seeing the performance of the grandfather and grandson, Huoke and Hina showed genuine smiles on their faces at the same time.

Only Shuke looked into the distance, not knowing what was going on with his own boss.

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