Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 12 The First Contact

The inhabitants of the G1 branch could no longer pretend to be ostriches under this huge series of movements.

But as soon as they walked out of the door, they found that there seemed to be a sun in the distance.

black sun.

Countless lines of gold-rimmed black background, like rays of light, are constantly shooting out from a certain center.

No, not shot.

It's shot!

This black line is really too fast. Before the last one, the upper one, the upper one, the upper one, the next light appeared.

So it looks like a black sun emitting countless rays.

But the movement it made was truly earth-shattering.

Some civilians even began to suspect that if they continued, the whole island would be shattered.

But soon, the vibrations disappeared.

The spot hit by the black light let out a roar like a dying beast, "Seven-Two" and then a huge movement that was several times bigger than before.

Then, everything calmed down.

Everything around was shaken to dust.

Bai Ze stood in the dust, the wound on his chest was still bleeding, and the tattered white uniform was dyed red, looking extremely miserable.

But in front of him, the body of the man in black was covered with cracks, like a spider web.

And the ghost of First Generation inserted into the ground in the distance at this moment kept shaking.

It seems that he is very unwilling to lose.

And those terrible wounds on the man in black did not bleed.

Instead, it was a strange pale yellow liquid with a pungent smell.

There was hatred, resentment, anger in the only eye he had left.

But in the end it turned into helplessness, and then shattered.

At the moment when his wreckage landed, in a trance, Bai Ze seemed to see something floating up and then dissipated into the air.

The corners of Bai Ze's mouth rose slightly.

At this time, he can be sure that compared to five years ago, three years ago, he is stronger now.

This means that you can do things that you have wanted to do for a long time, but have been afraid to do.

And on the outpost in the distance, the face of the Five Elders was ashen.

He couldn't understand why the man in black, who had regained his peak strength, was still defeated by Bai Ze.

He couldn't understand why Bai Ze was so confident.

The previous time, you could pretend that everyone didn't know.

Now, although the identity of the man in black still cannot be announced, everyone knows that it is the man of the Five Elders.

Bai Ze still beheaded him without hesitation, the owl head, no doubt hitting himself, the Five Elders, and the lord in the face.

He felt extremely angry.

This is anger.

But he couldn't do anything.

Because the man in black was the strongest among the Five Elders.

Even he is not Bai Ze's opponent, let alone himself.

The speed of Bai Ze's progress is simply too unbelievable, even he gave birth to a lot of sighs, and then gave birth to more vigilance.

But the next moment, he didn't have the heart to think about these things.

Because Bai Ze turned around and looked at him.

He didn't hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

The Five Elders were shocked, why?


How dare he?

Bai Ze disappeared.

Bai Ze appeared.

Just one meter in front of the Five Elders.

Without hesitation, he raised his white clothes to burn the sky and slashed down.

However, Bai Ze suddenly felt his whole body sink, and his slashing movement stopped for a moment.

At this moment, the Five Elders had already moved a distance of more than ten meters and avoided the knife.

"You..." Feeling the murderous aura that the other party didn't fake at all, Cold sweat broke out all over the Five Elders.

He wanted to speak angrily, but Bai Ze didn't intend to give him a chance to speak.

Although I don't know what the ability of this Five Elders is, it should not be the ability of Heavy Fruit.

The blind man still doesn't know where to gamble.

Several black vines emerged from the ground and stabbed towards the Five Elders.

But when it got close to its body one meter away, it suddenly shattered and exploded.

"I..." The Five Elders wanted to speak.

At this time, he finally determined that Bai Ze really wanted to kill him.

would really kill him too.

So this time, he didn't speak out in anger, but in resignation.

But Bai Ze still didn't want to give him a chance to speak.

I saw Bai Ze took out two strange pistols, one black and one white, out of nowhere.

Then "shhhhhhh".


Five Elders' eyes narrowed, and he saw the bullets shot from the muzzle like black lines.

He doesn't know what it is...

But there was no doubt that Bai Ze had another hole card.

With Bai Ze's character, since he chose to flop, it means that he has made enough determination.


A roar.

The fat body of the Five Elders suddenly tensed, and all the fat was turned into hard and strong muscles.

Then covered with a thick layer of armed color.

But those black lines shot on his body, making a terrifying sound of "bang bang bang" one after another, which continued.

The Armament Haki of the Five Elders began to rapidly thin, crack, and then shatter under this impact.

When the first black line hit his body, he couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

how many years.

Since ascending to the five most honorable positions in the world, he has never felt any pain.

But what followed, in addition to the pain, was the constant burst of blood.

My own abilities have absolutely no way to deal with these black lines.

He had no idea what those black lines were.

All he knew was that he might really be dying.

His limbs had all been blown up, and his sturdy muscles were quickly withered.

Finally, the twin guns that seemed to have endless bullets finally stopped firing.

But as the shooting stopped, Bai Ze reappeared only half a meter away from him.

The Five Elders were now lying on the ground with their backs against the gravel, the back of their heads empty.

4.7 Bai Ze is very satisfied with this,

Because it can be cut off with one knife, it is very convenient.

So he raised the knife.

Baird in the distance watched this scene and raised his hand subconsciously to stop it, because he didn't know what would happen to killing one of the Five Elders.

But he finally put his hand down.

There was a flash of excitement and frenzy in his eyes.

He likes this uncertain future.

But Bai Ze's knife was slow to cut.

Because of the weakness, the Five Elders, who could die at any time, suddenly raised their heads.

Not only that, his whole person's momentum has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Describe it in two words.

Look down.

It seemed that the whole world was in his hands.

And his already cloudy eyes suddenly became clear.

It turned into a dark red double pupil circle.

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