Bai Ze's gaze passed through the fence and landed on the opposite wall, his mind was a little lost.

He didn't have a dream last night, but the mist of resentment still wrapped around his body.

He couldn't resist, but found out.

The pain last night was not as unbearable as the last time.

Has the power diminished, or has it adapted itself?

There were steady footsteps outside, and two men in black came to the fence with expressionless faces and opened the door.

Bai Ze looked at the fence that was pushed away, looked at the road in front of him, frowned slowly, looked at the two and asked, "Isn't there another day? 35

The man in black is an unconscious puppet. He doesn't understand what he's saying, and naturally he won't answer his questions. He supports his arms from left to right and helps him out.

Bai Ze was in a coma when he was imprisoned. This was the first time he could see what this place looked like. There were torches on both sides, and it looked no different from an ordinary prison.

The environment is far worse than Impel down.

It's just that when I passed by some other prison cells, I saw many races, all kinds of slaves with bruises and blues.

For some reason they didn't - look up.

When he was about to walk out the door, a man in black punched Bai Ze in the back of the head, causing Bai Ze to faint.

When Bai Ze woke up again, he saw the huge throne again.

The two men in black knelt down and kowtowed, and left silently. From beginning to end, the two did not say a word, not even a single sound.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Bai Ze knew that he would become one of them in the future.

It's just that he really doesn't like black.

This is the second time that Bai Ze has seen the Void Throne. The last time he saw it was the longest day in his life, which left him with the most unforgettable pain.

He looked up at the throne, and there was no trace of lingering fears on his face. He seemed very calm. He knew very well that since he let himself come here again, he would not die.

At least not now.

The cold wind blew slightly, and the wind drifted into the hall, and Im sat on the throne again.

Still can't see his face.

He looked forward and seemed to be looking at the whole world.

"I gave you a whole day to think, what did you think?" Im said.

"Huh?" Bai Ze was stunned.

He did think a lot during the previous day.

For example, why is there Rouge in that beautiful dream.

For example, what would Akainu do after learning of his "death".

For example, will Daddy Zephyr betray Marine as he did in the original.

But he didn't think about why Im gave himself two days.

But it's not hard to guess.

After having fucked Im's old mother so many times, this noble world king is still willing to let himself live for two days. Obviously, there are some things more important than his old mother that need to be solved by himself.

Combined with him asking how he came into this world.

The answer is already obvious.

Im having some problems.

He cannot solve these problems.

But again this is a problem He has to solve.

So he wanted to ask himself if there was any solution to this problem in the world he was in.

Questions that can haunt the king of this world.

There should be only one.

That is, life.

In other words, Im probably going to die.

Although it is not known whether he has lived for hundreds of years with the power of Op-Op Fruit, but now, he may still be dying.

He didn't want to die, so He desperately wanted to solve this problem.

As I said before, He is the most afraid of death in the world.

After thinking about all this, the corners of Bai Ze's mouth twitched.

But just this action made him feel endless pain.

Because Im saw the sarcasm in his smile.

Im's expression did not change, but deep within his eyebrows, a fire was burning.

Bai Ze felt a powerful Kamui descend upon him, countless peaks pressed against his shoulders, his knees began to creak, and it seemed that they might break at any moment.

His eyes and ears began to bleed outwards, ticking on the floor tiles in front of his feet.

Bai Ze's body suddenly became lighter, his feet gradually left the ground, his body was blown by the night wind, and he drifted backward uncontrollably.

He was bound by dozens of invisible forces, and he looked like a poor little reptile in the middle of a spider web.

Maybe when Bai Ze was at his peak, he could try to struggle, but now he's just a cripple.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of those threads, because those threads were rules, Bai Ze didn't struggle, he was silent as he watched the blood slowly dripping from his body.

...... ask for flowers....

Yimu walked down with his hands behind his back and looked at him quietly. There was no emotion in his face and eyes. He was clearly looking up, but he felt like he was overlooking the entire world.

Bai Ze couldn't struggle, but he could still laugh.

But his sarcasm was interrupted by a sudden excruciating pain.

Pieces of his skin were shattered, blood with blood clots, and kept peeling off, like a wall that had been exposed to the sun after countless days of rain.

In an instant, his feet were split by countless tiny spaces, countless flesh and blood were cut into small and regular shapes, and they kept falling to the ground below, leaving only the bones of his feet, smeared with blood and water. Meat crumbs, the picture looks extremely terrifying.

It should be a deliberate delay. Although the speed of space cutting is fast, it can still allow Bai Ze to clearly see the terrifying process. The most important thing is that he has enough time to experience the pain.

Bai Ze has suffered many injuries in his life, and he thought the injury he suffered the last time he came here was the most painful in his life.

But he felt that compared to today, it was still far worse.

His lips were blue and white, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans oozing out, fell to the floor under his feet, and with a soft sound, the flesh and blood were diluted.

A voice full of majesty reverberated in his sea of ​​consciousness, like tens of thousands of drums beating at the same time, or like tens of thousands of wooden buildings collapsing continuously. Syllable, but also has a very clear will: that is surrender!

Bai Ze frowned extremely tightly, but he never made any sound because he didn't want to submit to Him.

He didn't want to surrender to anyone.

Im stood on the ground, quietly looking up.

The pants on Bai Ze's legs turned into rags, and then countless thin red lines appeared on his legs.

The invisible knife kept cutting, the flesh and blood left his body like a butterfly, and after a while, the bones gradually appeared.

Bai Ze's face was extremely pale, his eyebrows and eyes kept twitching because of pain, he seemed to be crying, and he seemed to be laughing, his lips moved slightly, as if he was about to say something.

Flesh and blood fluttered in the air, his legs turned into bones, Bai Ze's eyes swept over and fell on Yimu, asking: "Cough, this is it?" Spoon.


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