Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 53 The Truth (For Flowers! For All Kinds!)

[At this time, a flame called jealousy is burning in your heart. This Vegapunk not only stole your life, but also the woman you love! 】

[After a sleepless night in Marineford, the next day, you decide to confess to Zoena. Because of the publication of your scientific research, you have a very high popularity in Marine.

Wherever you go, you will be greeted warmly by the Marines. There are also some young and beautiful female Marines among them, but Zoina is the only one in your heart at this time!

After finding Zoina, you made a direct confession. But Zoina rejects you and says she already has Vegapunk's child.

At this moment, you know what despair is.

After returning to the G5 base, you had no intention of researching and started a luxurious life. With that handsome mask and the lofty status of the chief scientist of the G5 base, countless women have embraced you.

But you find that the more women you experience, the more greedy you are for Zoina! 】

【After a big drunk, you have a bold idea! 】

【If Vegapunk dies unexpectedly! Can you make a mask based on him and play him perfectly with the experience of growing up with him in childhood?

Since he took your life, it wouldn't be too much for you to "take it back", right? Even Zoina's child will become her own! 】


To be honest, Bai Ze is a little tangled to see here.

Although in the simulation, it does make sense to say that Vegapunk has taken "his" life.

But people's talents and looks are a natural pair, so what round does a child have to get you, a monster, to oppose it?

[So, you conduct research even more frantically. Finally, your artificial Devil Fruit has a small result, you immediately report to Marineford. And asked Marshal Kong to also call Vegapunk, let him also participate in this great research]

[In Marineford, you meet Vegapunk. At this time, you changed your name because you put on a mask, so he doesn't know your true identity.

He takes a keen interest in your artificial Devil Fruit, and keeps his eyes on you while you explain. After the presentation, he finds you and praises your research as great.

And your obsession with science reminds him of an old man, and you're a little nervous about that. He also proposed to go to your laboratory to observe your experiments, you think this is a good opportunity, so you agreed to him]

[Vegapunk came to your laboratory with you and was amazed by your research. In addition to admiration in language, there is jealousy. He's jealous that you're smarter than him, so he's starting to figure out how to take your research for himself.

But what he doesn't know is that what you want to have for yourself is even his life!

At night, you have a researcher deliver meals to your lab, and you let everyone go.

Halfway through the meal, Vegapunk suddenly offered to make you a second scientist at Naval Headquarters, but you had to sign your name on your lab report.

You are amazed by this, it seems that many things have been figured out.

When the lottery was drawn, he really did it on purpose!

This makes the slightest sense of guilt in your heart swept away in an instant.

You put your carefully prepared poison in your meals]

[The talent "Hundred Poisons Invincible" is activated]

[Vegapunk is poisoned. When he woke up again, he found himself in a big jar, with only one head exposed, and his limbs were all chopped off by you]

[In front of him, you take off your mask. Beneath that ugly face, Vegapunk recognizes you as his "best childhood friend." He begins to beg for mercy, but you are indifferent. So he started cursing you and telling a shocking secret]

[It turns out that he and you are half-brothers. Your mother abandoned him and your father after giving birth to him, and married your father, who is more powerful and powerful. So he and his father changed their faces and came to the kingdom of Balkimore to take revenge! From being your neighbor, everything has been planned by his father.

Your mother's so-called "second personality" is actually one of the ways that Vegapunk's father wanted to turn her into an RBQ. It was just that there was a mistake in the neurotransformation, and that weird second personality was born.

Including letting Vegapunk deliberately have a good relationship with you.

He was the one who stole the radish, and he implanted some kind of chronic poison into the radish that could make people go crazy.

This is also the reason why Bai Ze is getting more and more irascible.

And Vegapunk's father threatens your life and makes your mother's main character serve him every Wednesday at 4pm.

Eventually, your father noticed everything.

And Vegapunk's father launched the ultimate means, which is the plague.

Except for Vegapunk who took the antidote beforehand, and you who didn't die for some reason, everyone died in that plague.

What did you decide when you found out the truth? 】

[A. He is also a poor tool man, so let's just let it go]

【B, kill kill kill! 】

[The talent "My life is up to me" is activated]

【C、Let him survive but not die]

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