Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 90 Smile (please subscribe to QAQ!!!!)

Early the next morning, it was just dawn.

With a piercing bell, all the students had to get up from the beds, quickly put on their clothes and rushed to the playground.

It reminded them of the boot camp they attended when they first joined Marine.

He didn't expect that he would endure such torture even if he managed to become a subordinate officer.

However, after only 3 minutes, all the students who participated in the second round of assessment lined up on the playground.

And on the rostrum, Zephyr, Akainu, and flying squirrel have already stood.

It's just that the previous Blake Rear Admiral was replaced by a handsome young man.

Isn't this Bai Ze who was still participating in the assessment with him yesterday?

Except for Smoker and Ain, all the other students were dumbfounded.

What's the meaning?

Saying that we will be classmates together, you will become a teacher today?!

Feeling everyone's gaze, Bai Ze scratched his face a little embarrassed.

"Cough cough." Zephyr coughed lightly, took a step forward and said to the students: "Because Blake Rear Admiral was injured in an accident, he needs to go back to Marineford to recuperate. Bai Ze will take his place and participate in today's session. examination and future training.

Following this official announcement, the students couldn't help but began to whisper.

And Xiuke, who still had a red mark on his head, couldn't help laughing bitterly, "Fuck, he offended the teacher on the first day of school, what should I do? It's very urgent to wait online.

(Bai Ze: A fellow man!)

Seeing some commotion among the students, Akainu frowned and shouted: "Have any opinions? Think his rank is low? Those who don't agree, now give you a chance. As long as you can defeat him, his position is yours! Who is coming?!

Hearing this, the venue was instantly silent.

After seeing yesterday's battle, who doesn't know that this kid is a monster?

Moreover, an Admiral and a Vice Admiral have spoken out. The future of this Bai Ze is definitely bright. Who would choose to offend him at this time? Maybe he will be your boss in the future!

And Hina's eyes suddenly went wrong.

I first glanced at Bai Ze who was standing on the podium, and then I looked at Ain.

A big drama of exchanging color for profit was instantly made up by her brain...

After three minutes, seeing that no one uttered a word, Zephyr nodded at the flying squirrel.

Flying Squirrel immediately understood and came forward with a document.

"The content of the second round of assessments will now be announced.

All the students immediately concentrated their minds and stared at the flying squirrel.

"Later, the guards will hand out a box to each of you. All you have to do is to take the boxes handed out to you intact to an uninhabited island in the southwest of the Sabaody Islands. The uninhabited island is far from It takes two days and one night to sail here. As long as the items in the box are intact when you arrive, you will pass the assessment and you can become the official trainees of this training camp. Now, you have two minutes to ask questions.

"Report!" Hulk raised his hand first.

"Say! 99

"Is it the same as when you came to this island, does everyone solve the problem of how to get there?" The transportation problem is indeed very important for the two-day and one-night journey.

"No, I will give you a warship this time, and you will all go on a boat. The Bai Ze Lieutenant Commander will be on the same boat with you, while the Zephyr Chief Instructor and Instructor Sakazuki will be on another boat."

The flying squirrel's answer exceeded the students' expectations.

Originally thought it was an individual assessment, but now it seems... it seems to be a test of group collaboration?

But if that's the case, wouldn't it be too simple?

Also equipped with warships?

When the Marine flag is hoisted, where will there be people who don't have long eyes to dare to do stupid things?

Besides, that monster-like Bai Ze is still with him...

Is this an examination?

This is for vacation!

"Report! Can the contents of the box be carried in any other way?" another trainee asked.

"No, the box cannot be opened in the whole process! The interface of the box is handled with special means, and it will be detected no matter how it is opened.

When you hand in the box, if you find any signs of opening it, you will also be eliminated!" Flying Squirrel shook his head and said solemnly.

"If you're all right, then you have 10 minutes to go back and get your weapons and equipment. In 10 minutes, everyone gathers here!

Seeing that no one asked any more questions, Akainu gave the order.

All the students rushed back to the dormitory and began to pack up.

Ten minutes later, the students carrying packages and weapons gathered on the playground again.

This time, everyone's eyes were filled with the words eager to try.

"Are you ready?" Zephyr asked loudly.

"Ready!" The uniform answer suddenly resounded through the playground.

"Okay, before you set off, there is still one more process to complete." Zephyr nodded, his serious expression instantly relaxed.

"Let's take a picture together!


The students, who thought they had some important process to add, suddenly looked confused, but watched a guard trot over with a camera.

This has been reflected.

"Relax! Don't be too nervous! Don't stand in line, find your own angle." Zephyr added with a smile.

So the students spread out and gave up the middle position to Zephyr.

Then some crossed their shoulders, and some looked at the camera in weird poses.

Ain was pushed to the edge by the students, and he was still thinking about what expression to use.

Suddenly I felt a familiar aura behind me.

Looking back, Bai Ze did not stand in the middle of the team with Zephyr's Chief Instructor, but stood behind him.

Seeing Ain looking at him, 207 Bai Ze smiled at her.

Subconsciously, Ain's mouth also traced a smile.

Then, just hear a "click" sound.

The scene of the two looking at each other was captured on camera.

And after the photo was washed out.

This photo was sent to all the bases or troops where the students who participated in the second round of assessment were located.

To let their superiors know that these people are at least alive.

The one belonging to Bai Ze was sent to Base 39.

Di Yuan Captain just finished processing the documents at hand, and looked a little tired and picked up the photo that Sati had just sent over.

As an officer who also came out of this training camp, she naturally knew that Teacher Zephyr had the habit of taking pictures with the students.

Looking at the Zephyr in the photo, who can already be described as "old", Di Yuan felt a burst of sadness.

But when her eyes moved to a slut with a bright smile, she suddenly felt an unnamed fire.

This bitch! After working under him for less than a day, he quit!

I also participated in Teacher Zephyr's training camp and became my own apprentice!

It is said that he became a teaching assistant because of his good performance!

It really makes no sense!


Who is this bitch laughing at?

Di Yuan immediately took the photo up close and observed it before he noticed it.

Bai Ze and the female student standing in front of him looked at each other with "looks", and the two of them smiled.

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