Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 94 The truth (please subscribe to QAQ)


With a shout, Hulk woke up.

Only then did I realize that my body was so sweaty that even the sheets were wet.

Hearing his cry, other people in the room turned their heads to look at him.

Looking around, they were all students who participated in the second round of assessment with him.

Everyone was either wrapped in bandages or had their arms dangling.

The smell of disinfectant in the room also indicated that the battle was over.

I'm safe now, and the box is on my bed.

At this time, a doctor-like person came over and pressed him back to the bed.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? The top of your chest is broken again!

Only then did Xiuke notice a pain in his chest, and when he looked down, the bandage was full of Bloodline again.

Was it the knife cut by the man in black earlier?

"210" "... how are the students?" he asked the doctor.

"It's inconvenient to disclose." The doctor shook his head, "But when you can get out of bed and walk around, you can go to Teacher Zephyr's office and ask him.

"Mr. Zephyr?" Hulk noticed the title.

"Rear Admiral Morris of the headquarters, the 12th trainee of the training camp." The doctor introduced himself.

"Mr. Rear Admiral!" Even though he couldn't get up, Hulk gave a military salute.

"Here, you should call me Senior Morris.

In the afternoon, after the doctor changed the medicine, Xiuke limped out of the ward on crutches.

It was only then that he found himself on an island that had never been before.

But there is a huge jungle in the middle of the island.

And his location is a training base that is several times larger than the previous Sabaody Islands!

It turned out that this is the real training camp.

Following the route asked by the doctor, Hulk came to the door of Zephyr's office.

Then knocked on the door.

"Come in." Zephyr's voice came from the room.

After opening the door, I saw Zephyr sitting behind the desk in the room, and Akainu and the flying squirrel were sitting on the sofa in front of the desk.

Even after such a tragic battle, all three were unscathed, only Akainu's right hand was slightly bandaged.

Is this the strength of a general-level officer!

Of course it's still a long way off...

"Zephyr Admiral!" Hulk saluted a standard military salute.

"Oh, Hulk, it looks like you're recovering quickly." For some reason, Hulk always felt that Zephyr's tone was full of smiles when he said this.

Is it because you have seen too many lives and deaths?

"Yes." Hulk nodded, then took out the box behind him and touched it lightly.

Because of this thing, many partners died under the pirate knife...

"Report to the Chief Instructor, the mission has been completed." Shook put the box on Zephyr's desk.

Zephyr didn't even look at the box.

"You take this back first, and by the way, let me inform you that two hours later, all the students will gather at the playground.

Hearing this, Xiuke's brows furrowed, "Are some students still awake?

"Don't worry, you're all awake.

yes! year


Two hours later, the playground is located on the beach.

Xuke came here on crutches, only to find that the playground was full of chairs.

It seems that this concentration should not be very serious.

He counted, and there were more than 40!

Did you prepare chairs for the students who died?

Zephyr's Chief Instructor really pays attention to rituals...

After a few more minutes, Hulk was surprised to find that all the chairs were full!

Oh, and there is one that is not seated.

Because the mummified Smoker, wrapped in bandages, was carried along with the hospital bed.

Although it looks miserable, the spirit seems to be fine.

And the female student named Ain, although apparently not seriously injured, seems to be in poor mental state, Hina has been talking in her ear.

So no one died!

Everyone seemed surprised that the other was still alive and greeted each other.

It's great that everyone is still alive.

It's a pity for Bai Ze...

Suddenly, the students around him exclaimed, as if they had seen a ghost.

Follow their gaze.

I saw four figures in the distance walking towards this side.

The first three are naturally Zephyr, Sakazuki, and flying squirrel.

And the fourth man, with his head wrapped, wearing a mask, dressed in black and covered in Bloodline,

The right sleeve appears to have been burned.

The man's right hand was still wrapped in a plaster cast off his neck.

Xiuke subconsciously reached out and touched his waist, took it and touched it.

The man in black!

Will not admit it wrong!

The one who cut himself with a knife!

Why is he here!

The other students were also stunned.

After the four of them stood still in front of the students, Shuoke suddenly reacted!

Is that so!

What a pirate, what an attack, what a man in black!

All are fake!

If it is really a pirate group that can trap an Admiral and an Admiral candidate for a short period of time, how can this group of people persist for so long?!

I'm afraid that one face-to-face will be slaughtered!

So no one died!

That's why they were so clear about the distribution of their warship's combat power!

Then, Shuoke thought of the speed of the man in black in front of him like a ghost.

Then there was a wry smile.

What is the speed of this person not under Bai Ze?

I saw this man in black, who could be said to have beaten all the students by himself, tore off his mask with his uninjured left hand.

Amidst the exclamations and scoldings of the crowd, the fair and delicate face was revealed.

Who else could it be that Bai Ze, who was stabbed in the heart in front of everyone and dragged the two men in black to death?!

"Hi, long time no see everyone!"

Then this bitch waved at the students with a mean face!

Smoker's only exposed eyes widened for 4.7 seconds, and his covered mouth kept making a "uuuuu" sound.

If you listen carefully, you can vaguely hear words similar to CNMNMSLWSND.

When Ain saw the man in black, he was first horrified, then surprised.

In the end, it merged into a complex expression of anger, anger, and joy.

So, her face was pale, her eyes were full of tears, she bit her lip, and walked to Bai Ze in front of everyone.


A crisp and loud slap slapped Bai Ze's face.

Bai Ze's fair left face quickly swelled up.

With the sound of this slap, the students who were still able to speak cheered, and some even whistled.

The faces of Zephyr and the flying squirrel were full of smiles, and even Akainu's mouth Kakuzu raised slightly.

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