VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 1039: Krypton gold is cool!

"Welcome to Tianwu Pavilion...er..."

After Su Bai walked to the door, both greetings were stuck.

Very surprised!

Inside, a woman similar to a shopping guide lit up and hurriedly greeted her.


She came to Su Bai and asked with a smile, "Big Brother Bai Ye, what treasures do you want to buy?"

Su Bai said, "Well, buy something to increase attributes."

"Yes! There are a lot of them! Come with me!"

She leads the way.

Her dress was quite tight, drawing the curves.

When walking, the waist shakes, and the arc is hooked.

Su Bai looked a little speechless and helpless.

This is teasing myself.

However, although it is not bad, it is not good to compare with Shangguan Qingshang.

Shangguan Qingshang's waist twisted, it was terrible!

Distracted, the woman also gradually brought Su Bai-collar upstairs.

The things on the first floor are quite ordinary, nothing good.

The second floor.

Here are some players picking items.

After Su Bai stepped up, he naturally attracted attention.

"Come here."

The shopping guide woman brought Su Bai-collar to a shelf where a strange jade was made, and the inspiration was transpiring.

On this shelf, there are many transparent boxes, jade bottles and other things.

There are many strange things such as pill, flowers and fruits, seeds, strange flesh, leaves, roots and so on.

She picked up a jade bottle and pointed to the blue liquid in it and said: "This, too cold and dew! One drop increases physical fitness by 100 points! Only 15,000 days of spirit coins!"

"Generally, there is no need to improve physical fitness or strength." Su Bai said.

"That's it, um...this!"

She picked up another box with a purple fruit in it, "Phantom spirit fruit, you can increase your spirit by 100 points! Only 13,000 days of spirit coins!"

"The effect is too low."

"Xuanbing bamboo shoots, Shizhi increases intelligence by 300 points, discounted, only 35,000 days of spirit coins!"

"The effect is too low, don't."

"Wannian Zhishu roots can be taken to increase 400 spirits and 50,000 days spirit coins."

"The effect is too low!"


After selecting a few in a row, Su Bai frowned at the woman and said, "These are too bad, take me to choose a better one!"


The woman hesitated and said: "One more level, you need Star Coins..."

Before she could finish her words, Su Bai stretched out her hands.

Wow! ! !

A large group of spirit coins suddenly appeared in his hand.

It exudes a fascinating and brilliant starlight, which is extremely gorgeous, and brightens the second layer.

And the quantity...

Such a huge mass costs tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, right? ! !




The players on the scene were paying attention to Su Bai, but after seeing them, they were all shocked.

Some players even swallowed their saliva, just lemon, so sour.

They have never seen or owned so many Protoss Coins!

If you can see it, you don't have to pick something on this second floor.

"sorry Sorry!"

The shopping guide returned to her senses and immediately apologized to Su Bai, and said hurriedly: "I didn't look down on you, I..."

Su Bai urged her: "Okay, it's not important, hurry up."


Hurry to lead the way and embark on the third floor.

There are fewer players in the third layer, and the huge field is scattered, and it is estimated that there will be about a hundred.

Well, it doesn't matter.

The things on this layer are really good, much better than those on the second layer.

Anyone who can improve can be improved by about a thousand points.

Moreover, the effects of each other are less conflicting.

What is conflict.

It means that when something is absorbed too much, resistance will develop.

And this third layer of things will always be the case, but there are fewer of the same species, and you can basically buy them with confidence, without worrying about the same or similar effects.

Under the guidance of the woman, Su Bai picked it up.

Bought a lot along the way.

Regardless of the amount of money, buy it if the effect is good.

"Silver Frost True Crystal, plus 1000 spirit points, 1050 star spirit coins."


"Blood Sea Secret Fruit, 3 pieces, each with 1100 points of intelligence, each with 1,400 stars spirit coins."


"Tianquan water, 100 drops, each with 20 points of intelligence, a total of 1,640 stars are sold."


"Buy, buy, buy!"

I thought it would be very expensive, but it turned out to be only a few hundred.

He has hundreds of billions of protoss coins!

Buy this [Tianwu Attic], it is estimated that there will be more.

So, he bought all the way and swept the past all the way.

As long as the effect is good and meets his needs, the price does not need to be heard, just buy it and you are done.

A few minutes passed.

In this third layer, everything used to improve attributes has basically been scanned by Su Bai!


"I'm going... Isn't this too generous?!"

"How much does he have?"

"Bought so much without blinking an eye..."

"So much, it cost hundreds of thousands, right? Is his home a spirit coin mine or how?!"

Players in this layer stopped their actions and watched.

Seeing Su Bai sweeping the purchase with such arrogance, it was really stunned.

"It's almost there, that's it." Su Bai stopped, basically buying enough things.


This shopping guide is still a little bit reluctant, go there to find such a generous and refreshing customer!

The two went downstairs.

On the way, the woman struggled to tease Su Bai, but Su Bai remained unmoved~

Oh, woman.

After leaving the shop, Su Bai found a quiet place and started using it.

Attribute hurricane!




Intelligence +1200

Intelligence +1000

Spirit +1000

Spirit +1300

Spirit +1200


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